Results by F1 GP rF2 ASR 1991 - Brasilien

Qualify 1 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1130)
Session Qualify
Class Braun Tyrrell Honda
Date 2022-10-02 18:29:18 (UTC)
Track F1 1988 Tracks, Jacarepagua 1988 (01-Jacarepagua, GP Brazil)
Length 4997m
Pole Force (01:20.2949)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 12
Host " S1 - F1 1991"
Mod O-GC_F1-91_2022
Allowed Vehicles 1991_ROUND01, 1991_ROUND02, 1991_ROUND03, 1991_ROUND04, 1991_ROUND05, 1991_ROUND06, 1991_ROUND07, 1991_ROUND08, 1991_ROUND09, 1991_ROUND10, 1991_ROUND11, 1991_ROUND12, 1991_ROUND13, 1991_ROUND14, 1991_ROUND15, 1991_ROUND16, ASR_OWC_91, ASR_OWC_Legend
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 1, DamageMult = 50, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 4 Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda 12 01:20.2949 - PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip, UnknownControl

Qualify 1 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: Force


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - - - - F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 95.3 - 93.3
98.8 - 98.4
45.1% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 (INVALID) #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - 25.1441 - - F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 89.4 - 87.8
97.6 - 97.3
43.9% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - 25.2725 36.4743 - F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
45.9% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - - - - F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
45.9% UnknownControl
5 (INVALID) #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - - - - F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 (INVALID) #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 92.5 - 95.3
98.8 - 98.4
2.4% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda 01:21.3478 24.1441 34.1075 23.0962 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 82.4 - 89.0
97.3 - 97.3
1.6% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 (INVALID) #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
9 (INVALID) #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 94.5 - 94.5
98.0 - 97.3
2.4% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
10 #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda 01:21.6660 24.5386 34.4311 22.6962 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 87.1 - 89.0
96.5 - 96.1
1.6% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
11 #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda 01:20.2949 23.7192 33.5872 22.9885 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 79.2 - 80.4
94.9 - 94.5
0.4% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
12 (INVALID) #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:22.1407 24.5637 34.6500 22.9270      
Best possible   01:20.0026 23.7192 33.5872 22.6962      

Qualify 1 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda 01:20.2949
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda 01:21.3478 1.0529
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda 01:21.6660 1.3711
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - -
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - -
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - -
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - -
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - -
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - -
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - -
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - -
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda 01:20.2949

Qualify 1 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
Force #04 Stefano Modena - Braun Tyrrell Honda 98.49% <> 1.212

Qualify 1 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
Force 23.7192 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
Force 33.5872 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
Force 22.6962 -

Qualify 1 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1619.96) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1121.02) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1377.54) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1240.28) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (2959.18) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1620.93) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (4086.03) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3685.97) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3422.27) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3368.24) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2996.98) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2448.77) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2427.97) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (1132.32) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (1073.32) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (2010.91) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1696.79) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1503.05) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1410.68) with Immovable

Qualify 2 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1130)
Session Qualify
Class Camel Benetton Ford
Date 2022-10-02 18:29:18 (UTC)
Track F1 1988 Tracks, Jacarepagua 1988 (01-Jacarepagua, GP Brazil)
Length 4997m
Pole tuwok (01:18.7467)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 10
Host " S1 - F1 1991"
Mod O-GC_F1-91_2022
Allowed Vehicles 1991_ROUND01, 1991_ROUND02, 1991_ROUND03, 1991_ROUND04, 1991_ROUND05, 1991_ROUND06, 1991_ROUND07, 1991_ROUND08, 1991_ROUND09, 1991_ROUND10, 1991_ROUND11, 1991_ROUND12, 1991_ROUND13, 1991_ROUND14, 1991_ROUND15, 1991_ROUND16, ASR_OWC_91, ASR_OWC_Legend
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 1, DamageMult = 50, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 19 tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford 10 01:18.7467 - PlayerControl, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip, UnknownControl

Qualify 2 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: tuwok


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 96.5 - 95.7
98.8 - 98.0
2% PlayerControl, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford 01:19.1447 23.3764 33.2247 22.5437 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 88.2 - 87.8
97.3 - 96.1
1.2% PlayerControl, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - 23.4371 33.5446 - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.1% PlayerControl, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.1% UnknownControl
5 (INVALID) #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 96.5 - 96.1
98.8 - 98.4
2% PlayerControl, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford 01:18.7467 23.3351 33.2033 22.2083 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 88.6 - 89.0
96.9 - 96.5
1.2% PlayerControl, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - 23.5916 33.4414 - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 80.4 - 78.8
94.9 - 94.1
% PlayerControl, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 (INVALID) #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 98.0 - 98.4
99.2 - 99.2
2.4% PlayerControl, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
9 #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford 01:18.9310 23.3564 33.1951 22.3795 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 89.8 - 89.4
97.3 - 97.3
1.2% PlayerControl, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
10 (INVALID) #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - 23.3575 - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.1% PlayerControl, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:19.1080 23.4090 33.3218 22.3772      
Best possible   01:18.7385 23.3351 33.1951 22.2083      

Qualify 2 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford 01:18.7467
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford 01:18.9310 0.1843
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford 01:19.1447 0.398
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - -
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - -
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - -
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - -
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - -
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - -
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford 01:18.7467

Qualify 2 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
tuwok #19 Michael Schumacher - Camel Benetton Ford 99.63% <> 0.2911

Qualify 2 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
tuwok 23.3351 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
tuwok 33.1951 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
tuwok 22.2083 -

Qualify 2 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1619.96) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1121.02) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1377.54) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1240.28) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (2959.18) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1620.93) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (4086.03) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3685.97) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3422.27) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3368.24) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2996.98) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2448.77) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2427.97) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (1132.32) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (1073.32) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (2010.91) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1696.79) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1503.05) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1410.68) with Immovable

Qualify 3 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1130)
Session Qualify
Class Honda Marlboro McLaren
Date 2022-10-02 18:29:18 (UTC)
Track F1 1988 Tracks, Jacarepagua 1988 (01-Jacarepagua, GP Brazil)
Length 4997m
Pole Obiwan (01:20.0701)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 12
Host " S1 - F1 1991"
Mod O-GC_F1-91_2022
Allowed Vehicles 1991_ROUND01, 1991_ROUND02, 1991_ROUND03, 1991_ROUND04, 1991_ROUND05, 1991_ROUND06, 1991_ROUND07, 1991_ROUND08, 1991_ROUND09, 1991_ROUND10, 1991_ROUND11, 1991_ROUND12, 1991_ROUND13, 1991_ROUND14, 1991_ROUND15, 1991_ROUND16, ASR_OWC_91, ASR_OWC_Legend
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 1, DamageMult = 50, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 1 Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren 12 01:20.0701 - PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip

Qualify 3 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: Obiwan


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 96.9 - 96.9
98.4 - 97.6
2.4% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren 01:20.4489 23.6649 34.2046 22.5794 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 91.8 - 90.6
96.5 - 95.7
1.6% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren 01:20.0737 23.6881 34.0385 22.3471 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 84.7 - 83.9
94.5 - 93.3
0.4% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 (INVALID) #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 95.7 - 95.3
98.0 - 97.3
2.4% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 (INVALID) #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - 23.5322 - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 95.7 - 96.5
98.0 - 97.6
2.4% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren 01:20.4089 23.6906 34.2720 22.4464 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 88.6 - 92.2
96.1 - 95.3
1.2% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
9 #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren 01:20.0701 23.5396 33.9091 22.6215 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 81.6 - 86.3
94.1 - 93.3
0.4% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
10 (INVALID) #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
11 (INVALID) #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 96.5 - 94.5
98.0 - 97.3
2% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
12 (INVALID) #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - 23.5706 34.0535 - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 91.0 - 89.0
96.5 - 94.9
0.8% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:20.2084 23.6143 34.0955 22.4986      
Best possible   01:19.7884 23.5322 33.9091 22.3471      

Qualify 3 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren 01:20.0701
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren 01:20.0737 0.0036
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren 01:20.4089 0.3388
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren 01:20.4489 0.3788
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - -
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - -
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - -
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - -
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - -
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - -
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - -
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren 01:20.0701

Qualify 3 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
Obiwan #01 Ayrton Senna - Honda Marlboro McLaren 99.70% <> 0.2404

Qualify 3 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
Obiwan 23.5322 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
Obiwan 33.9091 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
Obiwan 22.3471 -

Qualify 3 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1619.96) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1121.02) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1377.54) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1240.28) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (2959.18) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1620.93) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (4086.03) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3685.97) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3422.27) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3368.24) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2996.98) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2448.77) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2427.97) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (1132.32) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (1073.32) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (2010.91) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1696.79) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1503.05) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1410.68) with Immovable

Qualify 4 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1130)
Session Qualify
Class Minardi Team
Date 2022-10-02 18:29:18 (UTC)
Track F1 1988 Tracks, Jacarepagua 1988 (01-Jacarepagua, GP Brazil)
Length 4997m
Pole Tralli (01:27.2185)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 7
Host " S1 - F1 1991"
Mod O-GC_F1-91_2022
Allowed Vehicles 1991_ROUND01, 1991_ROUND02, 1991_ROUND03, 1991_ROUND04, 1991_ROUND05, 1991_ROUND06, 1991_ROUND07, 1991_ROUND08, 1991_ROUND09, 1991_ROUND10, 1991_ROUND11, 1991_ROUND12, 1991_ROUND13, 1991_ROUND14, 1991_ROUND15, 1991_ROUND16, ASR_OWC_91, ASR_OWC_Legend
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 1, DamageMult = 50, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 24 Tralli #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team 7 01:27.2185 - PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip, AutoShift=3

Qualify 4 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: Tralli


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team - - - - F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 99.2 - 99.2
99.6 - 99.6
7.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team 01:27.6861 26.2104 37.4941 23.9815 F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 97.6 - 97.6
99.2 - 99.2
6.3% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team - 25.4911 - - F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
8.2% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team - - - - F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 98.4 - 98.0
99.2 - 99.2
42.7% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team 01:29.2770 25.6021 39.1145 24.5604 F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 95.7 - 95.7
98.0 - 96.9
41.6% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team 01:27.2185 25.8218 36.8780 24.5187 F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 93.3 - 92.9
97.3 - 96.1
40.8% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team - - - - F:2,Soft - R:2,Soft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
43.9% PlayerControl, TC=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:27.9638 25.7814 37.8289 24.3535      
Best possible   01:26.3506 25.4911 36.8780 23.9815      

Qualify 4 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Tralli #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team 01:27.2185
Tralli #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team 01:27.6861 0.4676
Tralli #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team 01:29.2770 2.0585
Tralli #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team - -
Tralli #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team - -
Tralli #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team - -
Tralli #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Tralli #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team 01:27.2185

Qualify 4 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
Tralli #24 Gianni Morbidelli - Minardi Team 98.55% <> 1.263

Qualify 4 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
Tralli 25.4911 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
Tralli 36.8780 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
Tralli 23.9815 -

Qualify 4 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1619.96) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1121.02) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1377.54) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1240.28) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (2959.18) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1620.93) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (4086.03) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3685.97) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3422.27) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3368.24) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2996.98) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2448.77) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2427.97) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (1132.32) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (1073.32) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (2010.91) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1696.79) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1503.05) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1410.68) with Immovable

Qualify 5 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1130)
Session Qualify
Class Scuderia Ferrari SpA
Date 2022-10-02 18:29:18 (UTC)
Track F1 1988 Tracks, Jacarepagua 1988 (01-Jacarepagua, GP Brazil)
Length 4997m
Pole Cerusin (01:20.8063)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 13
Host " S1 - F1 1991"
Mod O-GC_F1-91_2022
Allowed Vehicles 1991_ROUND01, 1991_ROUND02, 1991_ROUND03, 1991_ROUND04, 1991_ROUND05, 1991_ROUND06, 1991_ROUND07, 1991_ROUND08, 1991_ROUND09, 1991_ROUND10, 1991_ROUND11, 1991_ROUND12, 1991_ROUND13, 1991_ROUND14, 1991_ROUND15, 1991_ROUND16, ASR_OWC_91, ASR_OWC_Legend
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 1, DamageMult = 50, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 27 Cerusin #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 7 01:20.8063 - PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip, UnknownControl
2 28 Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 13 01:22.3065 00:01.5002 PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip

Qualify 5 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: Cerusin - Struktor


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 97.3 - 94.9
98.8 - 98.8
2.4% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
2 #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:21.8393 24.4764 34.1497 23.2131 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 91.0 - 89.8
97.3 - 97.6
1.6% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - 24.8972 34.1908 - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.5% UnknownControl
5 (INVALID) #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 96.9 - 94.1
98.8 - 98.8
2.4% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
6 #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:20.8063 24.2220 33.6939 22.8904 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 90.2 - 87.8
97.6 - 97.6
1.6% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - 24.3156 34.0187 - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
Average   01:21.5429 24.4778 34.0133 23.0518      
Best possible   01:20.8063 24.2220 33.6939 22.8904      


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 94.1 - 94.1
98.4 - 98.8
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
2 #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:22.7319 24.4973 34.5771 23.6575 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 88.2 - 87.1
97.3 - 97.6
4.7% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - 25.2496 - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 93.7 - 92.9
98.4 - 98.4
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
5 #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:22.6720 24.2438 34.7634 23.6648 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 87.5 - 85.9
97.3 - 97.6
4.7% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
6 (INVALID) #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - 24.2502 - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
8 (INVALID) #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 94.1 - 93.7
98.8 - 98.8
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
9 #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:22.8711 24.3295 34.6519 23.8897 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 86.3 - 85.1
97.3 - 97.6
4.7% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
10 (INVALID) #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - 24.4625 - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
11 (INVALID) #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 96.9 - 96.9
98.8 - 98.8
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
12 #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:22.3065 24.4583 34.3170 23.5312 F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 91.0 - 92.2
97.6 - 98.0
4.7% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
13 (INVALID) #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - - - - F:1,Qualify - R:1,Qualify 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
Average   01:22.7619 24.4987 34.5774 23.6858      
Best possible   01:22.0920 24.2438 34.3170 23.5312      

Qualify 5 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Cerusin #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:20.8063
Cerusin #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:21.8393 1.033
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:22.3065 1.5002
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:22.6720 1.8657
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:22.7319 1.9256
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:22.8711 2.0648
Cerusin #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Cerusin #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Cerusin #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Cerusin #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Cerusin #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Cerusin #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:20.8063
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 01:22.3065 1.5002

Qualify 5 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
Struktor #28 Jean Alesi - Scuderia Ferrari SpA 99.45% <> 0.4518
Cerusin #27 Alain Prost - Scuderia Ferrari SpA -

Qualify 5 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
Cerusin 24.2220 -
Struktor 24.2438 0.0218
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
Cerusin 33.6939 -
Struktor 34.3170 0.6231
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
Cerusin 22.8904 -
Struktor 23.5312 0.6408

Qualify 5 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1619.96) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1121.02) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1377.54) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1240.28) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (2959.18) with Immovable
18:33:43 - e.t. 04:25 Struktor(10) reported contact (1620.93) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (4086.03) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3685.97) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3422.27) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (3368.24) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2996.98) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2448.77) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (2427.97) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (1132.32) with Immovable
18:37:57 - e.t. 08:39 Struktor(10) reported contact (1073.32) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (2010.91) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1696.79) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1503.05) with Immovable
18:42:07 - e.t. 12:49 Struktor(10) reported contact (1410.68) with Immovable


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