Qualify result

Game Assetto Corsa
Session Qualify
Track spa
Pole black_1489 (02:30.7940)
Lasted laps 7
Host Unknown
Pos Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap
1 black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 4 02:30.7940 -
2 RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 6 02:32.8780 00:02.0840
3 munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 3 02:35.6850 00:04.8910
4 Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 6 02:37.4020 00:06.6080
5 nagi mtgt_alfa_mito 3 02:41.0970 00:10.3030
6 NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 7 02:41.7280 00:10.9340

Qualify laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 04:05.5300 113.6390 80.2540 51.6370 F:H - R:H 0
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.8000 43.0610 68.6970 40.0420 F:H - R:H 0
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 03:26.8020 72.8720 72.4460 61.4840 F:H - R:H 0
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:30.7940 42.6870 68.2290 39.8780 F:H - R:H 0
Average   03:08.7316 68.0648 72.4065 48.2603    
Best possible   02:30.7940 42.6870 68.2290 39.8780  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
1 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 03:45.8430 114.0220 70.8030 41.0180 F:H - R:H 1
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.7100 44.0680 69.0800 40.5620 F:H - R:H 0
3 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 05:21.4290 211.9700 69.0400 40.4190 F:H - R:H 3
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.6650 43.7170 69.3490 40.5990 F:H - R:H 0
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.4260 43.9090 69.2680 40.2490 F:H - R:H 0
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.8780 43.6270 69.1330 40.1180 F:H - R:H 0
Average   03:13.4919 83.5522 69.4455 40.4942    
Best possible   02:32.7850 43.6270 69.0400 40.1180  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
1 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 11:43.9220 591.6520 71.0240 41.2460 F:H - R:H 3
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.6850 43.5350 70.7450 41.4050 F:H - R:H 0
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 03:29.7810 101.1240 68.4980 40.1590 F:H - R:H 0
Average   05:56.4627 245.4370 70.0890 40.9367    
Best possible   02:32.1920 43.5350 68.4980 40.1590  

Kuon H

Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
1 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 03:12.5470 79.3140 71.1850 42.0480 F:H - R:H 1
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:39.3730 45.6130 72.1890 41.5710 F:H - R:H 0
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.4020 44.8610 70.9160 41.6250 F:H - R:H 0
4 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.2130 45.5270 70.4350 41.2510 F:H - R:H 1
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:38.3600 45.4780 71.4190 41.4630 F:H - R:H 0
6 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 02:39.0010 44.3900 71.4920 43.1190 F:H - R:H 1
Average   02:43.9827 50.8638 71.2727 41.8462    
Best possible   02:36.0760 44.3900 70.4350 41.2510  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
1 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 07:48.4510 349.3900 74.5970 44.4640 F:H - R:H 4
2 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 03:31.5820 93.7450 73.3680 44.4690 F:H - R:H 1
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:41.0970 44.8890 73.9660 42.2420 F:H - R:H 0
Average   04:40.3767 162.6747 73.9770 43.7250    
Best possible   02:40.4990 44.8890 73.3680 42.2420  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
1 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 03:16.1600 81.5230 71.9680 42.6690 F:H - R:H 1
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:44.8310 52.8900 70.7850 41.1560 F:H - R:H 0
3 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.9460 43.5080 71.3030 41.1350 F:H - R:H 3
4 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.6810 44.1260 71.3480 41.2070 F:H - R:H 1
5 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.0900 44.0500 71.4280 41.6120 F:H - R:H 1
6 (INVALID) mtgt_alfa_mito 02:39.7280 43.9260 73.0970 42.7050 F:H - R:H 3
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:41.7280 44.7780 73.8490 43.1010 F:H - R:H 0
Average   02:44.5949 50.6859 71.9683 41.9407    
Best possible   02:35.4280 43.5080 70.7850 41.1350  

Qualify best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:30.7940
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.8000 1.006
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.8780 2.084
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.4260 2.632
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.6650 2.871
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.7100 2.916
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.6850 4.891
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.9460 5.152
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.6810 5.887
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.0900 6.296
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.2130 6.419
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.4020 6.608
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 02:38.3600 7.566
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 02:39.0010 8.207
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 02:39.3730 8.579
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 02:39.7280 8.934
nagi mtgt_alfa_mito 02:41.0970 10.303
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 02:41.7280 10.934
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 02:44.8310 14.037
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 03:12.5470 41.753
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:30.7940
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.8780 2.084
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.6850 4.891
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.4020 6.608
nagi mtgt_alfa_mito 02:41.0970 10.303
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 02:41.7280 10.934

Qualify consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 99.53% <> 0.7223
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 99.07% <> 1.4645
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito -
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito -
nagi mtgt_alfa_mito -
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito -

Qualify sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
black_1489 42.6870 -
NightCat 43.5080 0.8210
munyuturbo 43.5350 0.8480
RabbitMafia 43.6270 0.9400
Kuon H 44.3900 1.7030
nagi 44.8890 2.2020
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
black_1489 68.2290 -
munyuturbo 68.4980 0.2690
RabbitMafia 69.0400 0.8110
Kuon H 70.4350 2.2060
NightCat 70.7850 2.5560
nagi 73.3680 5.1390
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
black_1489 39.8780 -
RabbitMafia 40.1180 0.2400
munyuturbo 40.1590 0.2810
NightCat 41.1350 1.2570
Kuon H 41.2510 1.3730
nagi 42.2420 2.3640

Qualify incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
Kuon H reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.995799

Qualify cuts

Overall in order
Date Lap e.t. Lap Driver Cut time Time skipped
00:00 1 RabbitMafia
00:00 3 RabbitMafia
00:00 3 RabbitMafia
00:00 3 RabbitMafia
00:00 1 munyuturbo
00:00 1 munyuturbo
00:00 1 munyuturbo
00:00 1 Kuon H
00:00 4 Kuon H
00:00 6 Kuon H
00:00 1 nagi
00:00 1 nagi
00:00 1 nagi
00:00 1 nagi
00:00 2 nagi
00:00 1 NightCat
00:00 3 NightCat
00:00 3 NightCat
00:00 3 NightCat
00:00 4 NightCat
00:00 5 NightCat
00:00 6 NightCat
00:00 6 NightCat
00:00 6 NightCat
Per driver
Date Lap e.t. Lap Driver Cut time Time skipped
00:00 1 RabbitMafia
00:00 3 RabbitMafia
00:00 3 RabbitMafia
00:00 3 RabbitMafia
00:00 1 munyuturbo
00:00 1 munyuturbo
00:00 1 munyuturbo
Kuon H
00:00 1 Kuon H
00:00 4 Kuon H
00:00 6 Kuon H
00:00 1 nagi
00:00 1 nagi
00:00 1 nagi
00:00 1 nagi
00:00 2 nagi
00:00 1 NightCat
00:00 3 NightCat
00:00 3 NightCat
00:00 3 NightCat
00:00 4 NightCat
00:00 5 NightCat
00:00 6 NightCat
00:00 6 NightCat
00:00 6 NightCat

Race 1 result

Game Assetto Corsa
Session Race
Track spa
Winner black_1489
Led most laps black_1489
Best lap black_1489 (02:31.4920)
Lasted laps 8
Host Unknown
Pos Driver Vehicle Laps Time/Retired Best lap Consistency Led
1 black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 8   20:18.2670 02:31.4920 99.59% 8
2 RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 8 +00:22.2550 02:32.9990 98.85% 0
3 munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 8 +00:25.1150 02:33.1300 98.61% 0
4 nagi mtgt_alfa_mito 7 +1 lap 02:37.5000 98.55% 0
5 Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 7 +1 lap 02:37.4390 98.12% 0
6 NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 7 +1 lap 02:36.8460 96.69% 0

Race 1 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.1130 45.8510 68.2740 39.9880 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.8840 42.7050 68.6690 40.5100 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.4920 42.7230 68.4130 40.3560 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.8630 42.9350 68.9950 39.9330 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.7760 43.0780 68.6560 40.0420 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.1040 43.2620 68.9090 39.9330 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.5460 42.8280 69.1920 40.5260 F:H - R:H
8 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.4670 43.0500 68.9620 40.4550 F:H - R:H
Average   02:32.2807 43.3040 68.7588 40.2179  
Best possible   02:30.9120 42.7050 68.2740 39.9330  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:39.0060 47.9550 70.3570 40.6940 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.9990 43.8610 68.8180 40.3200 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.2220 43.8410 69.5800 40.8010 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.8390 46.0230 70.0020 40.8140 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.5740 44.1300 69.0300 40.4140 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.2300 43.6690 69.3940 41.1670 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.8790 43.6490 70.9290 41.3010 F:H - R:H
8 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.7680 44.1070 69.5160 40.1450 F:H - R:H
Average   02:35.0647 44.6544 69.7033 40.7070  
Best possible   02:32.6120 43.6490 68.8180 40.1450  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:38.6850 48.0120 69.8530 40.8200 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.1300 43.5370 69.2730 40.3200 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.8820 43.7900 69.9480 41.1440 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.9820 43.7050 69.8400 40.4370 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.7420 44.0430 70.0460 40.6530 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.0190 43.7780 70.3720 40.8690 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.9970 43.7760 71.1710 41.0500 F:H - R:H
8 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.9370 43.8650 70.7810 42.2910 F:H - R:H
Average   02:35.4218 44.3133 70.1605 40.9480  
Best possible   02:33.1300 43.5370 69.2730 40.3200  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:45.4120 48.1830 72.9940 44.2350 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:42.4290 44.1280 75.1360 43.1650 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:38.0040 43.5140 71.4340 43.0560 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.5000 43.4780 71.0280 42.9940 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:38.0220 43.5240 71.9550 42.5430 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:41.8190 43.7660 72.5770 45.4760 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:38.6590 44.1030 71.5850 42.9710 F:H - R:H
Average   02:40.2635 44.3851 72.3870 43.4914  
Best possible   02:37.0490 43.4780 71.0280 42.5430  

Kuon H

Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:45.8560 48.3880 74.5960 42.8720 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:40.0070 44.2940 73.2420 42.4710 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.4390 44.4760 71.4910 41.4720 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:38.4430 45.0250 71.6350 41.7830 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:43.4280 44.5960 74.7490 44.0830 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:41.2700 45.9490 73.4710 41.8500 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:38.8210 44.8810 72.5090 41.4310 F:H - R:H
Average   02:40.7520 45.3727 73.0990 42.2803  
Best possible   02:37.2160 44.2940 71.4910 41.4310  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:43.2740 49.1680 72.7650 41.3410 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.8460 44.7240 70.9100 41.2120 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:42.5440 44.1710 72.5490 45.8240 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:41.0560 44.1050 72.0680 44.8830 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:46.4690 43.9610 73.3140 49.1940 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:40.8010 46.2810 72.6210 41.8990 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:39.2830 44.5110 72.2740 42.4980 F:H - R:H
Average   02:41.4676 45.2744 72.3573 43.8359  
Best possible   02:36.0830 43.9610 70.9100 41.2120  

Race 1 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.4920
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.7760 0.284
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.8630 0.371
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.8840 0.392
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.1040 0.612
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.4670 0.975
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.5460 1.054
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.9990 1.507
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.1300 1.638
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.5740 2.082
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.7680 2.276
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.9820 2.49
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.1130 2.621
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.2220 2.73
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.2300 2.738
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.7420 3.25
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.8820 3.39
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.0190 3.527
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.8790 4.387
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.9970 4.505
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.4920
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.9990 1.507
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.1300 1.638
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.8460 5.354
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.4390 5.947
nagi mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.5000 6.008

Race 1 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 99.59% <> 0.6147
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 98.85% <> 1.753
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 98.61% <> 2.1298
nagi mtgt_alfa_mito 98.55% <> 2.2866
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 98.12% <> 2.9548
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 96.69% <> 5.1846

Race 1 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
black_1489 42.7050 -
nagi 43.4780 0.7730
munyuturbo 43.5370 0.8320
RabbitMafia 43.6490 0.9440
NightCat 43.9610 1.2560
Kuon H 44.2940 1.5890
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
black_1489 68.2740 -
RabbitMafia 68.8180 0.5440
munyuturbo 69.2730 0.9990
NightCat 70.9100 2.6360
nagi 71.0280 2.7540
Kuon H 71.4910 3.2170
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
black_1489 39.9330 -
RabbitMafia 40.1450 0.2120
munyuturbo 40.3200 0.3870
NightCat 41.2120 1.2790
Kuon H 41.4310 1.4980
nagi 42.5430 2.6100

Race 1 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
RabbitMafia reported contact with another vehicle munyuturbo. Impact speed: 12.325147
munyuturbo reported contact with another vehicle RabbitMafia. Impact speed: 1.5738249
Kuon H reported contact with another vehicle NightCat. Impact speed: 10.667244
NightCat reported contact with another vehicle Kuon H. Impact speed: 1.98772
Kuon H reported contact with another vehicle nagi. Impact speed: 10.736022
nagi reported contact with another vehicle Kuon H. Impact speed: 18.736443

Race 1 positions


Use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom and click to drag.

Race 1 gaps

The leader is the top baseline.


Use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom and click to drag.

Race 1 gaps v2

Average lap time of the winner is the top baseline.


Use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom and click to drag.

Race 2 result

Game Assetto Corsa
Session Race
Track spa
Winner black_1489
Led most laps black_1489
Best lap black_1489 (02:31.4780)
Lasted laps 8
Host Unknown
Pos Driver Vehicle Laps Time/Retired Best lap Consistency Led
1 black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 8   20:22.7870 02:31.4780 99.39% 7
2 munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 8 +00:14.7030 02:32.8770 98.81% 0
3 RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 8 +00:17.8440 02:33.1020 98.62% 1
4 nagi mtgt_alfa_mito 8 +00:52.8230 02:35.5300 97.79% 0
5 NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 8 +00:56.4810 02:36.5740 97.74% 0
6 Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 8 +00:58.4090 02:36.6800 98.00% 0

Race 2 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.8900 47.5500 68.5300 40.8100 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.1740 43.4140 69.9340 39.8260 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.4780 42.9290 68.8230 39.7260 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.5180 42.6940 69.0030 39.8210 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.6230 42.9560 68.5670 40.1000 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.9370 42.9070 68.8280 40.2020 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.5660 43.1940 69.1110 40.2610 F:H - R:H
8 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.5770 42.8990 70.2190 40.4590 F:H - R:H
Average   02:32.8454 43.5679 69.1269 40.1506  
Best possible   02:30.9500 42.6940 68.5300 39.7260  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.4740 46.6240 69.0520 40.7980 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.1420 43.7850 69.8440 40.5130 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.8770 43.5630 69.3670 39.9470 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.1370 44.5450 69.9030 40.6890 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.8420 43.2190 70.4970 40.1260 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.5560 43.0400 70.1100 40.4060 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.3570 45.3560 70.0840 41.9170 F:H - R:H
8 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.1030 43.5300 69.9660 40.6070 F:H - R:H
Average   02:34.6861 44.2078 69.8529 40.6254  
Best possible   02:32.0390 43.0400 69.0520 39.9470  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.1840 46.7850 69.0160 40.3830 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:42.1680 46.2300 75.5050 40.4330 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.3280 43.5050 69.0980 40.7250 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.7250 43.8220 69.4570 40.4460 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.1020 43.4900 69.5350 40.0770 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.4310 43.5240 70.1810 40.7260 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.9720 43.5730 69.5750 40.8240 F:H - R:H
8 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.7100 43.3880 69.7140 40.6080 F:H - R:H
Average   02:35.0775 44.2896 70.2601 40.5278  
Best possible   02:32.4810 43.3880 69.0160 40.0770  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:46.3260 47.4490 74.2640 44.6130 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.8280 44.8460 71.9730 41.0090 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.5300 43.6110 71.3110 40.6080 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.5950 44.3800 71.3470 41.8680 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.7820 43.6340 71.0470 42.1010 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.3760 44.1790 72.2610 40.9360 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.4710 43.8420 72.1980 41.4310 F:H - R:H
8 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:46.7080 43.5480 73.0170 50.1430 F:H - R:H
Average   02:39.4520 44.4361 72.1773 42.8386  
Best possible   02:35.2030 43.5480 71.0470 40.6080  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:42.0200 48.7470 71.9950 41.2780 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:39.3250 44.5520 71.8200 42.9530 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.5740 43.9880 71.0330 41.5530 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:40.4620 44.0880 72.9090 43.4650 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:39.3420 44.7040 71.9600 42.6780 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:38.8500 44.6440 72.5810 41.6250 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:44.7090 43.7660 76.4650 44.4780 F:H - R:H
8 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.9540 44.1490 71.9550 41.8500 F:H - R:H
Average   02:39.9046 44.8298 72.5898 42.4850  
Best possible   02:36.0770 43.7660 71.0330 41.2780  

Kuon H

Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:45.6760 48.7520 73.2970 43.6270 F:H - R:H
2 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:40.6110 45.3570 72.3280 42.9260 F:H - R:H
3 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.6800 44.2480 71.3340 41.0980 F:H - R:H
4 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:38.0780 44.2830 72.2250 41.5700 F:H - R:H
5 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:37.0750 44.5930 71.2480 41.2340 F:H - R:H
6 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:39.1570 44.5420 72.8870 41.7280 F:H - R:H
7 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:45.6950 43.8810 73.8360 47.9780 F:H - R:H
8 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:38.2310 44.4490 71.5720 42.2100 F:H - R:H
Average   02:40.1504 45.0131 72.3409 42.7964  
Best possible   02:36.2270 43.8810 71.2480 41.0980  

Race 2 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.4780
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.5180 0.04
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.6230 0.145
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.9370 0.459
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.5660 1.088
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.8770 1.399
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.1020 1.624
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.1740 1.696
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.3280 1.85
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.5560 2.078
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.5770 2.099
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.7100 2.232
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.7250 2.247
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.8420 2.364
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.9720 2.494
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.1030 2.625
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.1420 2.664
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:34.4310 2.953
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.1370 3.659
nagi mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.5300 4.052
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 02:31.4780
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 02:32.8770 1.399
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 02:33.1020 1.624
nagi mtgt_alfa_mito 02:35.5300 4.052
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.5740 5.096
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 02:36.6800 5.202

Race 2 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
black_1489 mtgt_alfa_mito 99.39% <> 0.9212
munyuturbo mtgt_alfa_mito 98.81% <> 1.8125
RabbitMafia mtgt_alfa_mito 98.62% <> 2.1203
Kuon H mtgt_alfa_mito 98.00% <> 3.1278
nagi mtgt_alfa_mito 97.79% <> 3.43
NightCat mtgt_alfa_mito 97.74% <> 3.533

Race 2 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
black_1489 42.6940 -
munyuturbo 43.0400 0.3460
RabbitMafia 43.3880 0.6940
nagi 43.5480 0.8540
NightCat 43.7660 1.0720
Kuon H 43.8810 1.1870
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
black_1489 68.5300 -
RabbitMafia 69.0160 0.4860
munyuturbo 69.0520 0.5220
NightCat 71.0330 2.5030
nagi 71.0470 2.5170
Kuon H 71.2480 2.7180
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
black_1489 39.7260 -
munyuturbo 39.9470 0.2210
RabbitMafia 40.0770 0.3510
nagi 40.6080 0.8820
Kuon H 41.0980 1.3720
NightCat 41.2780 1.5520

Race 2 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
nagi reported contact with another vehicle NightCat. Impact speed: 17.43222
NightCat reported contact with another vehicle nagi. Impact speed: 12.37621
nagi reported contact with another vehicle NightCat. Impact speed: 16.282326
NightCat reported contact with another vehicle nagi. Impact speed: 19.653856
RabbitMafia reported contact with another vehicle munyuturbo. Impact speed: 4.92858
Kuon H reported contact with another vehicle nagi. Impact speed: 7.8931966
nagi reported contact with another vehicle Kuon H. Impact speed: 10.378436
Kuon H reported contact with another vehicle nagi. Impact speed: 15.434247
black_1489 reported contact with another vehicle munyuturbo. Impact speed: 8.242281
munyuturbo reported contact with another vehicle black_1489. Impact speed: 5.5389667
RabbitMafia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.7876403
Kuon H reported contact with another vehicle NightCat. Impact speed: 4.43077
NightCat reported contact with another vehicle Kuon H. Impact speed: 8.656614
Kuon H reported contact with another vehicle NightCat. Impact speed: 16.270498
NightCat reported contact with another vehicle Kuon H. Impact speed: 11.129913
munyuturbo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.5952
RabbitMafia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.79097
munyuturbo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.340942

Race 2 positions


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Race 2 gaps

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Race 2 gaps v2

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