Results by Großer Preis von Monaco

Qualify 1 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team
Date 2018-11-18 19:04:59 (UTC)
Track RaceRfactor Monaco 2013 (G.P. de Monaco)
Length 3286.1m
Pole Force (01:11.0034)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 12
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 9 Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 11 01:11.0034 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip, UnknownControl
2 16 katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 12 01:11.9467 00:00.9433 PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip

Qualify 1 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: Force - katsch 69


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 95.7 - 97.3
97.3 - 97.3
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:12.1561 19.5667 36.3462 16.2432 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 90.6 - 94.5
94.5 - 94.5
2.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - 19.3428 - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 94.9 - 97.3
96.5 - 96.5
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:29.6677 19.3829 51.7675 18.5173 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 90.2 - 94.1
93.7 - 93.7
2.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:11.0279 19.3393 35.6680 16.0206 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 85.1 - 91.0
91.0 - 91.0
1.2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - 19.2587 35.8544 - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 (INVALID) Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% UnknownControl
9 (INVALID) Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 92.9 - 95.7
95.3 - 95.3
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
10 Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:11.0034 19.1490 35.8793 15.9750 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 86.7 - 91.4
91.4 - 91.8
2.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
11 (INVALID) Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:15.1320 19.3399 39.1031 16.6890      
Best possible   01:10.7920 19.1490 35.6680 15.9750      

katsch 69

Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
19.2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 (INVALID) Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 97.6 - 97.6
93.7 - 94.1
17.6% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:14.0289 19.7122 37.3171 16.9996 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 93.3 - 93.7
89.8 - 90.2
16.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:49.0500 20.2522 66.9066 21.8912 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 90.2 - 90.6
86.3 - 87.1
14.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:14.8451 20.4308 37.4487 16.9655 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 86.3 - 87.8
82.4 - 83.9
13.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:25.4072 20.0386 47.1190 18.2496 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 81.2 - 85.1
75.3 - 77.6
12.2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:13.5660 19.9565 37.0690 16.5405 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 77.3 - 82.7
71.8 - 74.9
11% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 (INVALID) Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - 19.5798 40.6672 - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
99.2 - 99.2
9.4% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
9 (INVALID) Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 97.3 - 98.0
96.1 - 96.1
7.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
10 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:12.6089 19.5993 36.9985 16.0111 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 92.2 - 94.5
91.8 - 92.9
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
11 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:11.9467 19.5131 36.2978 16.1359 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 87.5 - 91.4
88.2 - 89.8
5.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
12 (INVALID) Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
19.2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:19.9052 19.8853 42.4780 17.5419      
Best possible   01:11.8220 19.5131 36.2978 16.0111      

Qualify 1 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:11.0034
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:11.0279 0.0245
katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:11.9467 0.9433
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:12.1561 1.1527
katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:12.6089 1.6055
katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:13.5660 2.5626
katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:14.0289 3.0255
katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:14.8451 3.8417
katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:25.4072 14.4038
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:29.6677 18.6643
katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:49.0500 38.0466
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:11.0034
katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:11.9467 0.9433

Qualify 1 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
katsch 69 Charles Leclerc #16 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 94.24% <> 4.1445
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 90.69% <> 6.6138

Qualify 1 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
Force 19.1490 -
katsch 69 19.5131 0.3641
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
Force 35.6680 -
katsch 69 36.2978 0.6298
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
Force 15.9750 -
katsch 69 16.0111 0.0361

Qualify 1 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.90) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 tralli(77) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:49 - e.t. 03:50 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:12:00 - e.t. 07:01 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.94) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:19:22 - e.t. 14:23 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:20:16 - e.t. 15:17 Force(80) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable

Qualify 1 penalties

Date Penalty
19:06:05 - e.t. 01:06 tralli received Stop/Go penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Stop/Go,10s
19:07:32 - e.t. 02:33 tralli served 1st Stop/Go penalty, result: penalties=0, 1st=Stop/Go,10s

Qualify 2 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class Aston Martin Red Bull Racing
Date 2018-11-18 19:04:59 (UTC)
Track RaceRfactor Monaco 2013 (G.P. de Monaco)
Length 3286.1m
Pole Obiwan (01:11.0555)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 13
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 3 Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 13 01:11.0555 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip, UnknownControl

Qualify 2 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: Obiwan


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 98.4 - 98.4
98.0 - 98.0
3.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
4.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 97.3 - 98.0
96.9 - 97.3
3.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:11.7767 19.7305 35.7601 16.2862 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 93.3 - 96.1
94.1 - 94.5
2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:11.7920 19.5897 35.9833 16.2190 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 87.5 - 92.2
89.0 - 90.6
0.4% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
4.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 97.6 - 98.0
97.3 - 96.9
4.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - 19.3297 - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
9 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 96.5 - 94.9
96.5 - 95.3
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
10 Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:12.3693 19.6704 36.0080 16.6909 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 92.2 - 92.5
92.5 - 92.5
3.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
11 Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:11.0555 19.1799 35.5906 16.2850 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 87.5 - 89.4
88.6 - 89.0
1.6% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
12 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - 19.1370 35.4688 - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
13 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% UnknownControl
Average   01:11.5720 19.4395 35.7622 16.3703      
Best possible   01:10.8248 19.1370 35.4688 16.2190      

Qualify 2 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:11.0555
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:11.7767 0.7212
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:11.7920 0.7365
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:12.3693 1.3138
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:11.0555

Qualify 2 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 98.70% <> 0.9238

Qualify 2 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
Obiwan 19.1370 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
Obiwan 35.4688 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
Obiwan 16.2190 -

Qualify 2 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.90) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 tralli(77) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:49 - e.t. 03:50 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:12:00 - e.t. 07:01 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.94) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:19:22 - e.t. 14:23 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:20:16 - e.t. 15:17 Force(80) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable

Qualify 2 penalties

Date Penalty
19:06:05 - e.t. 01:06 tralli received Stop/Go penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Stop/Go,10s
19:07:32 - e.t. 02:33 tralli served 1st Stop/Go penalty, result: penalties=0, 1st=Stop/Go,10s

Qualify 3 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class McLaren F1 Team
Date 2018-11-18 19:04:59 (UTC)
Track RaceRfactor Monaco 2013 (G.P. de Monaco)
Length 3286.1m
Pole TheTexasTerror (01:22.4111)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 11
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 14 TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 11 01:22.4111 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip

Qualify 3 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: TheTexasTerror


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 97.3 - 98.0
97.3 - 97.6
98% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:27.6337 22.8883 44.0039 20.7415 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 94.1 - 94.9
94.9 - 94.9
96.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:23.5523 22.3322 41.9485 19.2716 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 91.4 - 92.9
92.5 - 92.9
94.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:24.0458 22.6546 42.6821 18.7091 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 88.2 - 90.2
90.2 - 91.0
92.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:22.5400 22.5967 42.2009 17.7424 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 85.9 - 88.2
87.8 - 89.0
91.4% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:22.5604 22.6371 41.5929 18.3304 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 83.1 - 85.9
85.5 - 86.7
89.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:23.8053 22.3317 42.6000 18.8737 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 80.4 - 83.5
83.1 - 84.3
88.2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:22.4111 23.6205 40.8079 17.9827 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 76.5 - 80.8
80.4 - 82.0
86.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
9 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:22.6010 22.2484 41.9579 18.3947 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 73.7 - 78.4
78.0 - 80.0
84.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
10 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:24.1408 22.5851 42.7919 18.7637 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 71.0 - 76.1
75.7 - 77.6
83.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
11 (INVALID) Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
100% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:23.6989 22.6550 42.2873 18.7566      
Best possible   01:20.7987 22.2484 40.8079 17.7424      

Qualify 3 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:22.4111
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:22.5400 0.1289
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:22.5604 0.1493
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:22.6010 0.1899
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:23.5523 1.1412
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:23.8053 1.3942
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:24.0458 1.6347
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:24.1408 1.7297
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:27.6337 5.2226
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - -
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:22.4111

Qualify 3 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 98.24% <> 1.4488

Qualify 3 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
TheTexasTerror 22.2484 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
TheTexasTerror 40.8079 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
TheTexasTerror 17.7424 -

Qualify 3 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.90) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 tralli(77) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:49 - e.t. 03:50 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:12:00 - e.t. 07:01 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.94) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:19:22 - e.t. 14:23 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:20:16 - e.t. 15:17 Force(80) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable

Qualify 3 penalties

Date Penalty
19:06:05 - e.t. 01:06 tralli received Stop/Go penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Stop/Go,10s
19:07:32 - e.t. 02:33 tralli served 1st Stop/Go penalty, result: penalties=0, 1st=Stop/Go,10s

Qualify 4 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor
Date 2018-11-18 19:04:59 (UTC)
Track RaceRfactor Monaco 2013 (G.P. de Monaco)
Length 3286.1m
Pole cerusin (01:13.7244)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 11
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 44 cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor 11 01:13.7244 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip

Qualify 4 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: cerusin


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 97.3 - 94.9
97.3 - 97.6
3.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 (INVALID) Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - 22.7844 - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
4.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 97.6 - 98.0
97.3 - 97.3
3.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor 01:14.5369 20.3306 37.2491 16.9572 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 93.7 - 96.1
94.1 - 95.3
1.6% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor 01:14.3129 19.8033 37.5673 16.9424 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 88.2 - 92.9
90.6 - 92.5
0.4% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 (INVALID) Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
4.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 98.0 - 98.4
97.6 - 97.6
2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor 01:13.7244 19.9510 36.8840 16.8894 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 92.9 - 95.7
94.5 - 95.3
0.4% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
9 (INVALID) Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
10 (INVALID) Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 96.1 - 98.0
96.9 - 97.3
2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
11 (INVALID) Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - 19.9615 37.0388 - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
3.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:14.6807 20.5662 37.1848 16.9297      
Best possible   01:13.5767 19.8033 36.8840 16.8894      

Qualify 4 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor 01:13.7244
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor 01:14.3129 0.5885
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor 01:14.5369 0.8125
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - -
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - -
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - -
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - -
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - -
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - -
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - -
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor 01:13.7244

Qualify 4 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
cerusin Lewis Hamilton #44 - Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorspor 99.05% <> 0.7005

Qualify 4 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
cerusin 19.8033 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
cerusin 36.8840 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
cerusin 16.8894 -

Qualify 4 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.90) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 tralli(77) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:49 - e.t. 03:50 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:12:00 - e.t. 07:01 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.94) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:19:22 - e.t. 14:23 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:20:16 - e.t. 15:17 Force(80) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable

Qualify 4 penalties

Date Penalty
19:06:05 - e.t. 01:06 tralli received Stop/Go penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Stop/Go,10s
19:07:32 - e.t. 02:33 tralli served 1st Stop/Go penalty, result: penalties=0, 1st=Stop/Go,10s

Qualify 5 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class Sahara Force India F1 Team
Date 2018-11-18 19:04:59 (UTC)
Track RaceRfactor Monaco 2013 (G.P. de Monaco)
Length 3286.1m
Pole tralli (01:15.1188)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 7
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 31 tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team 7 01:15.1188 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip

Qualify 5 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: tralli


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - - - - F:4,SuperSoft - R:4,SuperSoft 99.2 - 99.2
98.4 - 98.8
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 (INVALID) Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - - - - F:4,SuperSoft - R:4,SuperSoft 96.9 - 98.0
95.7 - 96.1
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team 01:18.3947 20.5906 40.3580 17.4461 F:4,SuperSoft - R:4,SuperSoft 93.7 - 95.3
91.4 - 92.2
3.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - - - - F:4,SuperSoft - R:4,SuperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
7.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 (INVALID) Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - - - - F:4,SuperSoft - R:4,SuperSoft 96.5 - 97.3
96.9 - 96.9
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team 01:15.1188 20.2328 37.7944 17.0917 F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 92.9 - 94.5
93.7 - 94.1
5.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - 20.7050 37.9320 - F:2,HyperSoft - R:2,HyperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
7.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:16.4732 20.5095 38.6948 17.2689      
Best possible   01:15.1189 20.2328 37.7944 17.0917      

Qualify 5 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team 01:15.1188
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team 01:18.3947 3.2759
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - -
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - -
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - -
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - -
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team 01:15.1188

Qualify 5 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team -

Qualify 5 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
tralli 20.2328 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
tralli 37.7944 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
tralli 17.0917 -

Qualify 5 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.90) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 tralli(77) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:49 - e.t. 03:50 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:12:00 - e.t. 07:01 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.94) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:19:22 - e.t. 14:23 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:20:16 - e.t. 15:17 Force(80) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable

Qualify 5 penalties

Date Penalty
19:06:05 - e.t. 01:06 tralli received Stop/Go penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Stop/Go,10s
19:07:32 - e.t. 02:33 tralli served 1st Stop/Go penalty, result: penalties=0, 1st=Stop/Go,10s

Qualify 6 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class Scuderia Ferrari
Date 2018-11-18 19:04:59 (UTC)
Track RaceRfactor Monaco 2013 (G.P. de Monaco)
Length 3286.1m
Pole JohannBlack (01:10.2767)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 15
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 7 JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 15 01:10.2767 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip, UnknownControl

Qualify 6 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: JohannBlack


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 97.6 - 98.4
97.6 - 98.0
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:11.0288 19.1943 35.9447 15.8898 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 94.1 - 95.7
94.9 - 95.7
2.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - 19.0308 36.0009 - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% UnknownControl
5 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 98.0 - 98.4
98.4 - 98.4
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - 19.4777 - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 97.6 - 98.4
98.0 - 98.4
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:11.1516 19.5042 35.7754 15.8719 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 93.3 - 95.7
94.9 - 95.7
2.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
9 Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:11.2747 18.9454 35.7361 16.5931 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 89.0 - 92.9
91.8 - 92.9
1.2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
10 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
11 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 98.0 - 98.4
98.0 - 98.0
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
12 Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:10.2767 18.9994 35.4615 15.8157 F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 94.1 - 96.1
95.3 - 95.7
2.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
13 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - 19.2300 35.2183 - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
14 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 97.6 - 98.0
98.4 - 98.4
89% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
15 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:3,UltraSoft - R:3,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
90.6% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:10.9295 19.1974 35.6895 16.0426      
Best possible   01:09.9794 18.9454 35.2183 15.8157      

Qualify 6 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:10.2767
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:11.0288 0.7521
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:11.1516 0.8749
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:11.2747 0.998
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:10.2767

Qualify 6 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 98.75% <> 0.875

Qualify 6 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
JohannBlack 18.9454 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
JohannBlack 35.2183 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
JohannBlack 15.8157 -

Qualify 6 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:18 - e.t. 01:19 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:06:45 - e.t. 01:46 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:12 - e.t. 02:13 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 Force(80) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:07:43 - e.t. 02:44 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.90) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 tralli(77) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 Force(80) reported contact (0.97) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
19:07:44 - e.t. 02:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:03 - e.t. 03:04 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:11 - e.t. 03:12 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:08:41 - e.t. 03:42 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:08:49 - e.t. 03:50 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
19:10:10 - e.t. 05:11 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:11:41 - e.t. 06:42 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:12:00 - e.t. 07:01 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:14:38 - e.t. 09:39 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.94) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 JohannBlack(74) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 katsch 69(75) reported contact (0.71) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.52) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.61) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 TheTexasTerror(78) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 tralli(77) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
19:14:39 - e.t. 09:40 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
19:14:40 - e.t. 09:41 Obiwan(79) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:17:44 - e.t. 12:45 cerusin(76) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
19:19:22 - e.t. 14:23 Force(80) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
19:20:16 - e.t. 15:17 Force(80) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable

Qualify 6 penalties

Date Penalty
19:06:05 - e.t. 01:06 tralli received Stop/Go penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Stop/Go,10s
19:07:32 - e.t. 02:33 tralli served 1st Stop/Go penalty, result: penalties=0, 1st=Stop/Go,10s


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ClubSport Pedals V3