Results by Großer Preis von Aserbaidschan

Qualify 1 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team
Date 2018-10-14 18:03:12 (UTC)
Track GP of Azerbaidjan, Baku Street Circuit
Length 5983.1m
Pole Force (01:40.0386)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 5
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 9 Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 5 01:40.0386 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip

Qualify 1 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: Force


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 97.6 - 98.8
97.6 - 98.0
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 (INVALID) Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 98.4 - 98.8
98.0 - 98.0
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:40.0386 44.1851 30.8325 25.0211 F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 96.5 - 96.5
95.3 - 94.9
2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 (INVALID) Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:40.0387 44.1851 30.8325 25.0211      
Best possible   01:40.0387 44.1851 30.8325 25.0211      

Qualify 1 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:40.0386
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team 01:40.0386

Qualify 1 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
Force Marcus Ericsson #09 - Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team -

Qualify 1 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
Force 44.1851 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
Force 30.8325 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
Force 25.0211 -

Qualify 1 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:06:17 - e.t. 03:05 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:24 - e.t. 09:12 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:16:43 - e.t. 13:31 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.68) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.87) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.58) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing

Qualify 1 penalties

Date Penalty
18:17:09 - e.t. 13:57 tuwok received Drive Thru penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,10s

Qualify 2 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class Aston Martin Red Bull Racing
Date 2018-10-14 18:03:12 (UTC)
Track GP of Azerbaidjan, Baku Street Circuit
Length 5983.1m
Pole tuwok (01:39.8321)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 12
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 33 tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 12 01:39.8321 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
2 3 Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 9 01:42.8929 00:03.0608 PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip

Qualify 2 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: tuwok - Obiwan


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 98.8 - 98.8
98.4 - 98.0
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
2 Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:40.4802 45.0649 30.1118 25.3035 F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 96.5 - 96.5
95.3 - 94.9
1.6% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 98.8 - 98.8
97.6 - 97.6
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
5 Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:39.8321 44.5930 30.0989 25.1402 F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 96.5 - 96.9
94.5 - 94.9
1.6% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
6 (INVALID) Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 99.2 - 98.8
98.4 - 98.4
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
8 (INVALID) Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
9 (INVALID) Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 98.4 - 98.0
97.6 - 97.3
4.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
10 (INVALID) Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - 44.3489 - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
11 (INVALID) Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 98.4 - 98.4
96.5 - 96.1
3.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
12 (INVALID) Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
6.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
Average   01:39.9962 44.6689 30.1054 25.2219      
Best possible   01:39.5880 44.3489 30.0989 25.1402      


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 98.8 - 98.4
98.8 - 98.8
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:44.5525 46.6622 31.4796 26.4106 F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 97.6 - 96.9
96.9 - 96.5
3.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
7.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 98.8 - 98.8
98.4 - 98.4
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:44.2368 46.4730 31.5616 26.2021 F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 97.6 - 97.3
96.9 - 96.5
3.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:42.8929 45.8499 30.9951 26.0480 F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 95.7 - 95.3
94.5 - 94.1
0.4% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
7.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 98.4 - 98.4
97.3 - 97.3
3.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
9 (INVALID) Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:43.8940 46.3284 31.3454 26.2202      
Best possible   01:42.8930 45.8499 30.9951 26.0480      

Qualify 2 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:39.8321
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:40.4802 0.6481
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:42.8929 3.0608
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:44.2368 4.4047
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:44.5525 4.7204
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:39.8321
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 01:42.8929 3.0608

Qualify 2 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
Obiwan Daniel Ricciardo #03 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing 98.54% <> 1.5018
tuwok Max Verstappen #33 - Aston Martin Red Bull Racing -

Qualify 2 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
tuwok 44.3489 -
Obiwan 45.8499 1.5010
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
tuwok 30.0989 -
Obiwan 30.9951 0.8962
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
tuwok 25.1402 -
Obiwan 26.0480 0.9078

Qualify 2 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:06:17 - e.t. 03:05 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:24 - e.t. 09:12 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:16:43 - e.t. 13:31 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.68) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.87) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.58) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing

Qualify 2 penalties

Date Penalty
18:17:09 - e.t. 13:57 tuwok received Drive Thru penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,10s

Qualify 3 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class McLaren F1 Team
Date 2018-10-14 18:03:12 (UTC)
Track GP of Azerbaidjan, Baku Street Circuit
Length 5983.1m
Pole TheTexasTerror (01:52.1731)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 9
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 14 TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 9 01:52.1731 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip

Qualify 3 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: TheTexasTerror


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 97.6 - 96.1
97.3 - 95.7
97.3% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:54.9359 50.2329 35.2175 29.4854 F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 96.1 - 93.7
95.3 - 93.3
94.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:54.1870 49.6707 36.1777 28.3385 F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 94.5 - 92.2
93.3 - 91.4
92.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:56.8626 52.8198 36.1224 27.9205 F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 91.4 - 88.2
89.8 - 86.7
89.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 (INVALID) Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
100% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 (INVALID) Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
100% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 98.4 - 98.0
98.0 - 98.0
97.6% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:52.1731 49.7435 33.9549 28.4747 F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 96.5 - 96.1
95.7 - 95.7
94.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
9 (INVALID) Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - - - - F:3,SuperSoft - R:3,SuperSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
100% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:54.5396 50.6167 35.3681 28.5548      
Best possible   01:51.5461 49.6707 33.9549 27.9205      

Qualify 3 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:52.1731
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:54.1870 2.0139
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:54.9359 2.7628
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:56.8626 4.6895
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - -
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - -
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - -
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - -
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 01:52.1731

Qualify 3 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
TheTexasTerror Fernando Alonso #14 - McLaren F1 Team 97.19% <> 3.1554

Qualify 3 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
TheTexasTerror 49.6707 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
TheTexasTerror 33.9549 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
TheTexasTerror 27.9205 -

Qualify 3 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:06:17 - e.t. 03:05 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:24 - e.t. 09:12 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:16:43 - e.t. 13:31 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.68) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.87) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.58) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing

Qualify 3 penalties

Date Penalty
18:17:09 - e.t. 13:57 tuwok received Drive Thru penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,10s

Qualify 4 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class Renault Sport F1 Team
Date 2018-10-14 18:03:12 (UTC)
Track GP of Azerbaidjan, Baku Street Circuit
Length 5983.1m
Pole UlrichBlanke (01:43.9005)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 5
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 55 UlrichBlanke Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team 5 01:43.9005 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip

Qualify 4 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: UlrichBlanke


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 99.2 - 99.2
98.8 - 98.8
21.2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
2 Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team 01:44.6597 46.2342 31.3156 27.1099 F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 97.6 - 96.9
96.9 - 96.9
18.4% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
3 Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team 01:44.2071 45.6748 31.5258 27.0065 F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 96.1 - 94.1
94.9 - 94.9
16.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
4 Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team 01:43.9005 45.6072 31.2702 27.0231 F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 93.7 - 91.4
92.2 - 92.5
13.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
5 (INVALID) Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team - 46.7103 32.1284 - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 92.5 - 89.4
91.0 - 91.0
11.4% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
Average   01:44.6631 46.0566 31.5600 27.0465      
Best possible   01:43.8839 45.6072 31.2702 27.0065      

Qualify 4 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
UlrichBlanke Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team 01:43.9005
UlrichBlanke Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team 01:44.2071 0.3066
UlrichBlanke Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team 01:44.6597 0.7592
UlrichBlanke Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team - -
UlrichBlanke Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
UlrichBlanke Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team 01:43.9005

Qualify 4 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
UlrichBlanke Carlos Sainz #55 - Renault Sport F1 Team 99.49% <> 0.5329

Qualify 4 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
UlrichBlanke 45.6072 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
UlrichBlanke 31.2702 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
UlrichBlanke 27.0065 -

Qualify 4 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:06:17 - e.t. 03:05 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:24 - e.t. 09:12 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:16:43 - e.t. 13:31 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.68) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.87) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.58) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing

Qualify 4 penalties

Date Penalty
18:17:09 - e.t. 13:57 tuwok received Drive Thru penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,10s

Qualify 5 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class Sahara Force India F1 Team
Date 2018-10-14 18:03:12 (UTC)
Track GP of Azerbaidjan, Baku Street Circuit
Length 5983.1m
Pole tralli (01:43.8900)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 3
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 31 tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team 3 01:43.8900 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip

Qualify 5 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: tralli


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 99.2 - 98.8
98.0 - 98.0
8.2% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team 01:43.8900 45.9246 31.6138 26.3515 F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 97.6 - 97.3
95.7 - 95.7
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - 46.3781 38.9722 - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
10.6% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=3, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:47.7959 46.1514 35.2930 26.3515      
Best possible   01:43.8899 45.9246 31.6138 26.3515      

Qualify 5 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team 01:43.8900
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - -
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team 01:43.8900

Qualify 5 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
tralli Esteban Ocon #31 - Sahara Force India F1 Team -

Qualify 5 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
tralli 45.9246 -
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
tralli 31.6138 -
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
tralli 26.3515 -

Qualify 5 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:06:17 - e.t. 03:05 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:24 - e.t. 09:12 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:16:43 - e.t. 13:31 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.68) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.87) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.58) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing

Qualify 5 penalties

Date Penalty
18:17:09 - e.t. 13:57 tuwok received Drive Thru penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,10s

Qualify 6 result

Game rFactor 2 (1.1111)
Session Qualify
Class Scuderia Ferrari
Date 2018-10-14 18:03:12 (UTC)
Track GP of Azerbaidjan, Baku Street Circuit
Length 5983.1m
Pole Mario Soellner (01:39.3801)
Max minutes 15
Lasted laps 12
Host " S2 Members Only"
Allowed Vehicles ASR_F1_2018
Fixed setup No
Other settings MechFailRate = 2, DamageMult = 20, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 1
Pos No Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap Aids
1 5 Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari 12 01:39.3801 - PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
2 7 JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 9 01:39.6082 00:00.2281 PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip

Qualify 6 laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap

Mario Soellner

Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 99.2 - 98.8
99.2 - 99.2
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
2 (INVALID) Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
7.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 99.2 - 98.8
98.8 - 98.8
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
4 Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.5146 43.8684 30.0837 25.5625 F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 97.3 - 96.5
97.3 - 96.9
3.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
5 (INVALID) Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
7.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
6 (INVALID) Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 98.8 - 98.4
98.4 - 98.4
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
7 Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.3801 43.6067 30.3297 25.4437 F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 96.9 - 95.7
96.5 - 95.3
3.1% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
8 (INVALID) Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
7.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
9 (INVALID) Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 99.2 - 99.2
98.8 - 98.8
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
10 (INVALID) Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
7.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
11 (INVALID) Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 98.4 - 98.4
97.6 - 97.6
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
12 (INVALID) Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
7.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, Clutch, AutoBlip
Average   01:39.4474 43.7376 30.2067 25.5031      
Best possible   01:39.1341 43.6067 30.0837 25.4437      


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Wear (%) Fuel Aids
1 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 98.8 - 98.8
98.8 - 98.8
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
2 Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.7155 44.1570 29.9364 25.6221 F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 96.9 - 96.1
96.9 - 96.1
2.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
3 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - 44.4822 30.6532 - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 94.5 - 92.5
93.7 - 93.3
0.4% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
4 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 98.8 - 98.4
98.4 - 98.4
3.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
5 Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.6082 44.3290 29.7777 25.5015 F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 96.5 - 94.5
95.7 - 95.3
0.8% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
6 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 100.0 - 100.0
100.0 - 100.0
5.9% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
7 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - - - - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 98.4 - 98.4
97.6 - 98.0
5.5% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
8 Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.9035 44.3706 29.9478 25.5851 F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 95.7 - 94.5
95.3 - 94.9
2.7% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
9 (INVALID) Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - 44.2915 30.7137 - F:2,UltraSoft - R:2,UltraSoft 92.9 - 91.4
92.5 - 92.2
0.4% PlayerControl, TC=2, ABS=1, AutoShift=1, Clutch, AutoLift, AutoBlip
Average   01:40.1015 44.3261 30.2058 25.5696      
Best possible   01:39.4362 44.1570 29.7777 25.5015      

Qualify 6 best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.3801
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.5146 0.1345
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.6082 0.2281
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.7155 0.3354
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.9035 0.5234
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari - -
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.3801
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 01:39.6082 0.2281

Qualify 6 consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
JohannBlack Kimi Räikkönen #07 - Scuderia Ferrari 99.80% <> 0.2013
Mario Soellner Sebastian Vettel #05 - Scuderia Ferrari -

Qualify 6 sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
Mario Soellner 43.6067 -
JohannBlack 44.1570 0.5503
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
JohannBlack 29.7777 -
Mario Soellner 30.0837 0.3060
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
Mario Soellner 25.4437 -
JohannBlack 25.5015 0.0578

Qualify 6 incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:05:36 - e.t. 02:24 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:06:09 - e.t. 02:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:06:17 - e.t. 03:05 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:06:25 - e.t. 03:13 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:07:57 - e.t. 04:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:08:05 - e.t. 04:53 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:08:43 - e.t. 05:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:11:09 - e.t. 07:57 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:03 - e.t. 08:51 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:04 - e.t. 08:52 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:23 - e.t. 09:11 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:12:24 - e.t. 09:12 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:12:40 - e.t. 09:28 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:12:44 - e.t. 09:32 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable
18:13:39 - e.t. 10:27 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:13:40 - e.t. 10:28 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:14:57 - e.t. 11:45 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:15:24 - e.t. 12:12 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:16:43 - e.t. 13:31 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:21 - e.t. 15:09 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.13) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.68) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.81) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.55) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.74) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tuwok(42) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Force(43) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.87) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.84) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 UlrichBlanke(40) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.48) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 Mario Soellner(41) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 tralli(32) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 TheTexasTerror(44) reported contact (0.65) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:41 - e.t. 15:29 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.77) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.00) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.19) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.45) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.39) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.42) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 Obiwan(37) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:42 - e.t. 15:30 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.29) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.58) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.32) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.23) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.03) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.13) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.26) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.16) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.35) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.06) with Wing
18:18:43 - e.t. 15:31 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (0.10) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing
18:18:44 - e.t. 15:32 JohannBlack(36) reported contact (1.00) with Wing

Qualify 6 penalties

Date Penalty
18:17:09 - e.t. 13:57 tuwok received Drive Thru penalty, 10s, 0laps for "Speeding In Pitlane". Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,10s


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ClubSport Pedals V3