Game | Automobilista (2.000) |
Session | Qualify |
Date | 2016-10-16 20:31:10 (UTC) |
Track | Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Circuito No 15 |
Length | 6197m |
Pole | nota (01:57.6002) |
Max minutes | 10 |
Lasted laps | 6 |
Server MOTD | bonita marmota... |
Mod | REIZA01.srs |
Allowed Vehicles | StockV8 |
Fixed setup | No |
Other settings | MechFailRate = 1, DamageMult = 50, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 4 |
Pos | Driver | Vehicle | Laps | Best lap | Gap | Aids |
1 | nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 5 | 01:57.6002 | - | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 6 | 01:58.5928 | 00:00.9926 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 6 | 01:58.7992 | 00:01.1990 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 5 | 01:58.8098 | 00:01.2096 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 6 | 01:59.1173 | 00:01.5171 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 4 | 01:59.3241 | 00:01.7239 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 4 | 01:59.4795 | 00:01.8793 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | Alexdemayo | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 3 | 01:59.5154 | 00:01.9152 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 4 | 02:00.2999 | 00:02.6997 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | MiGueLiN | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 4 | 02:00.3587 | 00:02.7585 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | Oscar | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 4 | 02:00.4280 | 00:02.8278 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | BanditSenna | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 5 | 02:00.8003 | 00:03.2001 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | praxtonio | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 5 | 02:01.0645 | 00:03.4643 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | xizuk | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 6 | 02:01.1151 | 00:03.5149 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | Ralfocus | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 5 | 02:01.1682 | 00:03.5680 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
16 | Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 5 | 02:01.2422 | 00:03.6420 | PlayerControl |
17 | LAE | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | 3 | 02:01.4106 | 00:03.8104 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
18 | xiqui | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 4 | 02:01.5138 | 00:03.9136 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
19 | Javier R | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 4 | 02:01.7420 | 00:04.1418 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
20 | Jesus G | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 4 | 02:02.1034 | 00:04.5032 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
21 | King_of_sertao | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 3 | 02:02.3197 | 00:04.7195 | PlayerControl |
22 | Chug | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 5 | 02:02.5990 | 00:04.9988 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
23 | cloudXXI | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 4 | 02:02.8412 | 00:05.2410 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
24 | yippssy | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 5 | 02:03.6230 | 00:06.0228 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
25 | super | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 5 | 02:03.9421 | 00:06.3419 | PlayerControl |
26 | Taelon | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 4 | 02:04.9365 | 00:07.3363 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
27 | Platon | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 4 | 02:12.4857 | 00:14.8855 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
28 | Victor V | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 4 | 02:18.0799 | 00:20.4797 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
29 | Mankiewwicz | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 4 | 02:20.1290 | 00:22.5288 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 12.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:57.6002 | 24.1760 | 69.1352 | 24.2890 | 7.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | - | 25.2506 | 72.2326 | - | 3.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 5.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | - | 24.1796 | 96.8621 | - | 2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:08.2344 | 24.5354 | 79.4100 | 24.2890 | |||
Best possible | 01:57.6002 | 24.1760 | 69.1352 | 24.2890 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 9.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:59.1566 | 24.1069 | 70.3655 | 24.6843 | 5.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | - | 27.3585 | 74.1959 | - | 1.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 13.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:58.5928 | 24.0772 | 69.7959 | 24.7197 | 8.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | - | 37.8573 | - | - | 8.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:04.5044 | 28.3500 | 71.4524 | 24.7020 | |||
Best possible | 01:58.5574 | 24.0772 | 69.7959 | 24.6843 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 16.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:01.8621 | 24.3921 | 72.6331 | 24.8369 | 11.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | - | 26.8669 | 74.4446 | - | 7.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 10.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 01:58.7992 | 24.2725 | 69.8802 | 24.6464 | 5.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 50.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:02.2382 | 25.1772 | 72.3193 | 24.7417 | |||
Best possible | 01:58.7991 | 24.2725 | 69.8802 | 24.6464 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 20.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 01:58.8098 | 24.2809 | 69.7741 | 24.7548 | 15.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | - | 28.8863 | 75.0784 | - | 12.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 12.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | - | 24.4958 | 71.9746 | - | 8.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:02.9182 | 25.8877 | 72.2757 | 24.7548 | |||
Best possible | 01:58.8098 | 24.2809 | 69.7741 | 24.7548 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 11.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | - | 24.4717 | 96.2249 | - | 7.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 17.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.1173 | 24.2554 | 70.3044 | 24.5576 | 12.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.9134 | 24.6026 | 70.6094 | 24.7014 | 7.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 50.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:08.1189 | 24.4432 | 79.0462 | 24.6295 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.1174 | 24.2554 | 70.3044 | 24.5576 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 25.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 01:59.3241 | 24.1409 | 70.4645 | 24.7187 | 20% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:05.0438 | 24.6950 | 75.2347 | 25.1140 | 15.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | - | 24.4311 | 71.8144 | - | 11.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:01.8432 | 24.4223 | 72.5045 | 24.9164 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.3241 | 24.1409 | 70.4645 | 24.7187 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 20% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 01:59.4795 | 24.4777 | 70.1646 | 24.8372 | 15.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 01:59.9019 | 24.4687 | 70.1574 | 25.2758 | 10.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | - | 24.9340 | 73.1185 | - | 6.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:00.8301 | 24.6268 | 71.1468 | 25.0565 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.4633 | 24.4687 | 70.1574 | 24.8372 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 10.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 01:59.5154 | 24.3476 | 70.0177 | 25.1502 | 5.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | - | 26.2414 | 76.5271 | - | 2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:03.7171 | 25.2945 | 73.2724 | 25.1502 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.5155 | 24.3476 | 70.0177 | 25.1502 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 25.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:00.2999 | 24.3245 | 70.8041 | 25.1712 | 20.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:00.8798 | 24.4883 | 71.2562 | 25.1353 | 15.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | - | 24.5389 | - | - | 14.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:00.6341 | 24.4506 | 71.0302 | 25.1533 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.2639 | 24.3245 | 70.8041 | 25.1353 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 23.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:00.3587 | 24.7519 | 70.6003 | 25.0066 | 19.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:32.0773 | 24.8959 | 98.8258 | 28.3556 | 14.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | - | 24.7740 | - | - | 13.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:16.2015 | 24.8073 | 84.7131 | 26.6811 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.3588 | 24.7519 | 70.6003 | 25.0066 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 13.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.0200 | 24.4394 | 71.6185 | 24.9620 | 8.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:00.4280 | 24.5932 | 70.5726 | 25.2622 | 3.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | - | 29.8733 | 90.8788 | - | 0.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:09.1041 | 26.3020 | 77.6900 | 25.1121 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.9740 | 24.4394 | 70.5726 | 24.9620 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 32.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:00.8003 | 24.6722 | 71.0311 | 25.0971 | 28.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:22.6603 | 24.4167 | 75.2224 | 43.0213 | 23.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:02.0982 | 24.9317 | 72.0401 | 25.1263 | 18.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:08.6896 | 25.2798 | 74.7115 | 28.6982 | 13.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:08.5621 | 24.8251 | 73.2513 | 30.4857 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.5449 | 24.4167 | 71.0311 | 25.0971 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 25.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:01.0645 | 24.8034 | 71.3164 | 24.9447 | 21.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:02.4022 | 25.9678 | 71.0897 | 25.3447 | 16.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:28.0057 | 42.7773 | 79.1692 | 26.0591 | 11.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | - | 24.7219 | - | - | 10.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:08.8755 | 29.5676 | 73.8584 | 25.4495 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.7563 | 24.7219 | 71.0897 | 24.9447 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 35.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1151 | 24.9464 | 71.1626 | 25.0062 | 31% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | - | 24.4653 | 83.0601 | - | 27.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 31.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:03.0245 | 24.4609 | 72.4609 | 26.1026 | 27.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 50.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:05.7398 | 24.6242 | 75.5612 | 25.5544 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.6297 | 24.4609 | 71.1626 | 25.0062 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 12.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1682 | 24.4499 | 71.2394 | 25.4790 | 8.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | - | 24.4981 | 75.0178 | - | 4.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 11% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1423 | 24.7217 | 71.7259 | 25.6948 | 6.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:02.8045 | 24.5566 | 72.6610 | 25.5869 | |||
Best possible | 02:01.1683 | 24.4499 | 71.2394 | 25.4790 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 14.9% | PlayerControl |
2 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:18.0760 | 24.3060 | 75.5409 | 38.2292 | 9.8% | PlayerControl |
3 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:15.0019 | 25.3008 | 84.4734 | 25.2277 | 4.7% | PlayerControl |
4 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:01.2422 | 24.7002 | 71.2059 | 25.3361 | % | PlayerControl |
5 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:01.3831 | 24.8412 | 71.6482 | 24.8937 | 14.9% | PlayerControl |
Average | 02:08.9259 | 24.7871 | 75.7171 | 28.4217 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.4056 | 24.3060 | 71.2059 | 24.8937 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 22% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4106 | 24.5189 | 71.7767 | 25.1150 | 17.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | - | 160.4364 | - | - | 13.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 03:09.3694 | 92.4777 | 71.7767 | 25.1150 | |||
Best possible | 02:01.4106 | 24.5189 | 71.7767 | 25.1150 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 25.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5138 | 25.0647 | 71.1657 | 25.2834 | 20.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | - | 25.2199 | 131.9860 | - | 16.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 20% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:32.0016 | 25.1423 | 101.5759 | 25.2834 | |||
Best possible | 02:01.5138 | 25.0647 | 71.1657 | 25.2834 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 11.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:16.7564 | 24.1748 | 69.9375 | 42.6441 | 7.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.7420 | 23.9666 | 72.3313 | 25.4442 | 2.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 50.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:09.2493 | 24.0707 | 71.1344 | 34.0442 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.3483 | 23.9666 | 69.9375 | 25.4442 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 16.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1034 | 24.8020 | 71.9034 | 25.3980 | 11.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:03.1525 | 24.6403 | 72.4378 | 26.0744 | 6.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 50.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:02.6280 | 24.7212 | 72.1706 | 25.7362 | |||
Best possible | 02:01.9417 | 24.6403 | 71.9034 | 25.3980 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 19.2% | PlayerControl |
2 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:06.5754 | 25.3718 | 75.6916 | 25.5119 | 14.1% | PlayerControl |
3 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:02.3197 | 24.7060 | 72.1027 | 25.5110 | 9.4% | PlayerControl |
Average | 02:04.4476 | 25.0389 | 73.8972 | 25.5115 | |||
Best possible | 02:02.3197 | 24.7060 | 72.1027 | 25.5110 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 23.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:02.5990 | 24.7642 | 72.0464 | 25.7884 | 18% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:02.9588 | 24.7375 | 72.7212 | 25.5000 | 12.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:03.0558 | 25.2899 | 72.4675 | 25.2984 | 7.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | - | 25.4052 | 73.7262 | - | 3.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:03.3184 | 25.0492 | 72.7403 | 25.5289 | |||
Best possible | 02:02.0823 | 24.7375 | 72.0464 | 25.2984 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 21.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:08.4019 | 25.4380 | 76.0184 | 26.9455 | 16.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:02.8412 | 24.7276 | 72.4105 | 25.7031 | 11.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:02.9203 | 24.9835 | 72.5652 | 25.3716 | 10.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:04.7211 | 25.0497 | 73.6647 | 26.0067 | |||
Best possible | 02:02.5097 | 24.7276 | 72.4105 | 25.3716 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 14.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | - | 24.8443 | - | - | 9.8% | PlayerControl |
3 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:03.6230 | 25.4415 | 72.1368 | 26.0446 | 4.7% | PlayerControl |
4 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:04.7240 | 26.2771 | 72.6612 | 25.7857 | % | PlayerControl |
5 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 50.2% | PlayerControl |
Average | 02:03.8352 | 25.5210 | 72.3990 | 25.9152 | |||
Best possible | 02:02.7668 | 24.8443 | 72.1368 | 25.7857 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 45.1% | PlayerControl |
2 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:04.9214 | 25.1985 | 73.8669 | 25.8559 | 40.4% | PlayerControl |
3 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:03.9421 | 25.5750 | 72.8164 | 25.5508 | 35.3% | PlayerControl |
4 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:05.1039 | 25.4148 | 73.2087 | 26.4804 | 30.6% | PlayerControl |
5 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | - | 25.5429 | 81.2953 | - | 26.7% | PlayerControl |
Average | 02:06.6920 | 25.4328 | 75.2968 | 25.9624 | |||
Best possible | 02:03.5657 | 25.1985 | 72.8164 | 25.5508 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 13.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:04.9365 | 25.7993 | 73.4153 | 25.7218 | 9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:30.8930 | 28.3968 | 93.1069 | 29.3893 | 3.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 50.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:17.9148 | 27.0981 | 83.2611 | 27.5556 | |||
Best possible | 02:04.9364 | 25.7993 | 73.4153 | 25.7218 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 9.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | - | 24.7755 | - | - | 4.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:12.4857 | 24.9457 | 72.4541 | 35.0860 | % | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 50.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:12.4007 | 24.8606 | 72.4541 | 35.0860 | |||
Best possible | 02:12.3156 | 24.7755 | 72.4541 | 35.0860 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 45.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:18.0799 | 26.7523 | 78.3658 | 32.9617 | 40% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | - | 26.4385 | 102.6862 | - | 36.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | - | - | - | - | 59.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:30.0831 | 26.5954 | 90.5260 | 32.9617 | |||
Best possible | 02:17.7660 | 26.4385 | 78.3658 | 32.9617 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 19.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:29.9488 | 25.6569 | 98.4829 | 25.8091 | 14.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:20.1290 | 24.8376 | 88.8809 | 26.4105 | 10.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | - | 25.0768 | 112.8224 | - | 6.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:31.3623 | 25.1904 | 100.0621 | 26.1098 | |||
Best possible | 02:19.5276 | 24.8376 | 88.8809 | 25.8091 |
Overall top (20) | |||
Driver | Vehicle | Time | Gap |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:57.6002 | |
SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:58.5928 | 0.9926 |
Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 01:58.7992 | 1.199 |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 01:58.8098 | 1.2096 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.1173 | 1.5171 |
SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:59.1566 | 1.5564 |
Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 01:59.3241 | 1.7239 |
Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 01:59.4795 | 1.8793 |
Alexdemayo | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 01:59.5154 | 1.9152 |
Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 01:59.9019 | 2.3017 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.9134 | 2.3132 |
Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:00.2999 | 2.6997 |
MiGueLiN | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:00.3587 | 2.7585 |
Oscar | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:00.4280 | 2.8278 |
BanditSenna | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:00.8003 | 3.2001 |
Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:00.8798 | 3.2796 |
Oscar | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.0200 | 3.4198 |
praxtonio | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:01.0645 | 3.4643 |
xizuk | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1151 | 3.5149 |
Ralfocus | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1682 | 3.568 |
Per driver | |||
Driver | Vehicle | Time | Gap |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:57.6002 | |
SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:58.5928 | 0.9926 |
Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 01:58.7992 | 1.199 |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 01:58.8098 | 1.2096 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.1173 | 1.5171 |
Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 01:59.3241 | 1.7239 |
Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 01:59.4795 | 1.8793 |
Alexdemayo | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 01:59.5154 | 1.9152 |
Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:00.2999 | 2.6997 |
MiGueLiN | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:00.3587 | 2.7585 |
Oscar | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:00.4280 | 2.8278 |
BanditSenna | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:00.8003 | 3.2001 |
praxtonio | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:01.0645 | 3.4643 |
xizuk | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1151 | 3.5149 |
Ralfocus | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1682 | 3.568 |
Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:01.2422 | 3.642 |
LAE | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4106 | 3.8104 |
xiqui | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5138 | 3.9136 |
Javier R | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.7420 | 4.1418 |
Jesus G | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1034 | 4.5032 |
King_of_sertao | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:02.3197 | 4.7195 |
Chug | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:02.5990 | 4.9988 |
cloudXXI | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:02.8412 | 5.241 |
yippssy | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:03.6230 | 6.0228 |
super | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:03.9421 | 6.3419 |
Taelon | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:04.9365 | 7.3363 |
Platon | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:12.4857 | 14.8855 |
Victor V | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:18.0799 | 20.4797 |
Mankiewwicz | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:20.1290 | 22.5288 |
Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.
Driver | Vehicle | Consistency |
Chug | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 99.67% <> 0.4083 |
super | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 99.14% <> 1.0706 |
cloudXXI | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 97.70% <> 2.8199 |
BanditSenna | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 96.20% <> 4.5936 |
Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 91.55% <> 10.2448 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | - |
SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | - |
Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | - |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | - |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | - |
Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | - |
Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | - |
Alexdemayo | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | - |
Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | - |
MiGueLiN | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | - |
Oscar | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | - |
praxtonio | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | - |
xizuk | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | - |
Ralfocus | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | - |
LAE | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | - |
xiqui | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | - |
Javier R | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | - |
Jesus G | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | - |
King_of_sertao | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | - |
yippssy | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | - |
Taelon | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | - |
Platon | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | - |
Victor V | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | - |
Mankiewwicz | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | - |
Sector 1 | ||
Driver | Time | Gap |
Javier R | 23.9666 | - |
SGKiboyuka | 24.0772 | 0.1106 |
Nackersum | 24.1409 | 0.1743 |
nota | 24.1760 | 0.2094 |
elkrack2 | 24.2554 | 0.2888 |
Golden | 24.2725 | 0.3059 |
IValero | 24.2809 | 0.3143 |
Javier S | 24.3060 | 0.3394 |
Manuel P | 24.3245 | 0.3579 |
Alexdemayo | 24.3476 | 0.3810 |
BanditSenna | 24.4167 | 0.4501 |
Oscar | 24.4394 | 0.4728 |
Ralfocus | 24.4499 | 0.4833 |
xizuk | 24.4609 | 0.4943 |
Antonio M | 24.4687 | 0.5021 |
LAE | 24.5189 | 0.5523 |
Jesus G | 24.6403 | 0.6737 |
King_of_sertao | 24.7060 | 0.7394 |
praxtonio | 24.7219 | 0.7553 |
cloudXXI | 24.7276 | 0.7610 |
Chug | 24.7375 | 0.7709 |
MiGueLiN | 24.7519 | 0.7853 |
Platon | 24.7755 | 0.8089 |
Mankiewwicz | 24.8376 | 0.8710 |
yippssy | 24.8443 | 0.8777 |
xiqui | 25.0647 | 1.0981 |
super | 25.1985 | 1.2319 |
Taelon | 25.7993 | 1.8327 |
Victor V | 26.4385 | 2.4719 |
Sector 2 | ||
Driver | Time | Gap |
nota | 69.1352 | - |
IValero | 69.7741 | 0.6389 |
SGKiboyuka | 69.7959 | 0.6607 |
Golden | 69.8802 | 0.7450 |
Javier R | 69.9375 | 0.8023 |
Alexdemayo | 70.0177 | 0.8825 |
Antonio M | 70.1574 | 1.0222 |
elkrack2 | 70.3044 | 1.1692 |
Nackersum | 70.4645 | 1.3293 |
Oscar | 70.5726 | 1.4374 |
MiGueLiN | 70.6003 | 1.4651 |
Manuel P | 70.8041 | 1.6689 |
BanditSenna | 71.0311 | 1.8959 |
praxtonio | 71.0897 | 1.9545 |
xizuk | 71.1626 | 2.0274 |
xiqui | 71.1657 | 2.0305 |
Javier S | 71.2059 | 2.0707 |
Ralfocus | 71.2394 | 2.1042 |
LAE | 71.7767 | 2.6415 |
Jesus G | 71.9034 | 2.7682 |
Chug | 72.0464 | 2.9112 |
King_of_sertao | 72.1027 | 2.9675 |
yippssy | 72.1368 | 3.0016 |
cloudXXI | 72.4105 | 3.2753 |
Platon | 72.4541 | 3.3189 |
super | 72.8164 | 3.6812 |
Taelon | 73.4153 | 4.2801 |
Victor V | 78.3658 | 9.2306 |
Mankiewwicz | 88.8809 | 19.7457 |
Sector 3 | ||
Driver | Time | Gap |
nota | 24.2890 | - |
elkrack2 | 24.5576 | 0.2686 |
Golden | 24.6464 | 0.3574 |
SGKiboyuka | 24.6843 | 0.3953 |
Nackersum | 24.7187 | 0.4297 |
IValero | 24.7548 | 0.4658 |
Antonio M | 24.8372 | 0.5482 |
Javier S | 24.8937 | 0.6047 |
praxtonio | 24.9447 | 0.6557 |
Oscar | 24.9620 | 0.6730 |
xizuk | 25.0062 | 0.7172 |
MiGueLiN | 25.0066 | 0.7176 |
BanditSenna | 25.0971 | 0.8081 |
LAE | 25.1150 | 0.8260 |
Manuel P | 25.1353 | 0.8463 |
Alexdemayo | 25.1502 | 0.8612 |
xiqui | 25.2834 | 0.9944 |
Chug | 25.2984 | 1.0094 |
cloudXXI | 25.3716 | 1.0826 |
Jesus G | 25.3980 | 1.1090 |
Javier R | 25.4442 | 1.1552 |
Ralfocus | 25.4790 | 1.1900 |
King_of_sertao | 25.5110 | 1.2220 |
super | 25.5508 | 1.2618 |
Taelon | 25.7218 | 1.4328 |
yippssy | 25.7857 | 1.4967 |
Mankiewwicz | 25.8091 | 1.5201 |
Victor V | 32.9617 | 8.6727 |
Platon | 35.0860 | 10.7970 |
Date | Incident |
20:33:39 - e.t. 02:29 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
20:33:39 - e.t. 02:29 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:33:40 - e.t. 02:30 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
20:33:41 - e.t. 02:31 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
20:34:30 - e.t. 03:20 | elkrack2(29) reported contact (0.16) with another vehicle Victor V(38) |
20:34:30 - e.t. 03:20 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.16) with another vehicle elkrack2(29) |
20:34:30 - e.t. 03:20 | elkrack2(29) reported contact (0.58) with Part |
20:34:36 - e.t. 03:26 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:34:36 - e.t. 03:26 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:35:23 - e.t. 04:13 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
20:35:23 - e.t. 04:13 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:35:24 - e.t. 04:14 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:35:24 - e.t. 04:14 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:35:35 - e.t. 04:25 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.32) with Sign |
20:35:35 - e.t. 04:25 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.32) with Sign |
20:35:35 - e.t. 04:25 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.13) with Sign |
20:35:35 - e.t. 04:25 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.55) with Sign |
20:35:39 - e.t. 04:29 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.19) with Cone |
20:35:40 - e.t. 04:30 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:36:13 - e.t. 05:03 | super(42) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:36:13 - e.t. 05:03 | super(42) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:36:13 - e.t. 05:03 | super(42) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:36:13 - e.t. 05:03 | super(42) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:36:19 - e.t. 05:09 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.23) with another vehicle Victor V(38) |
20:36:19 - e.t. 05:09 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
20:36:19 - e.t. 05:09 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
20:36:19 - e.t. 05:09 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.13) with another vehicle Victor V(38) |
20:36:41 - e.t. 05:31 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.06) with Cone |
20:36:45 - e.t. 05:35 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:36:45 - e.t. 05:35 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:36:45 - e.t. 05:35 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:36:46 - e.t. 05:36 | Victor V(38) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:36:46 - e.t. 05:36 | Victor V(38) reported contact (1.00) with Wing |
20:36:47 - e.t. 05:37 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.29) with Wing |
20:36:47 - e.t. 05:37 | Victor V(38) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:36:47 - e.t. 05:37 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.65) with Immovable |
20:36:47 - e.t. 05:37 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable |
20:36:47 - e.t. 05:37 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.26) with Immovable |
20:36:48 - e.t. 05:38 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable |
20:36:48 - e.t. 05:38 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable |
20:36:49 - e.t. 05:39 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.81) with Immovable |
20:36:49 - e.t. 05:39 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable |
20:36:49 - e.t. 05:39 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable |
20:36:53 - e.t. 05:43 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.45) with Part |
20:36:53 - e.t. 05:43 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.45) with Part |
20:36:53 - e.t. 05:43 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:36:53 - e.t. 05:43 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.48) with Part |
20:37:02 - e.t. 05:52 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.29) with Sign |
20:37:02 - e.t. 05:52 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.23) with Sign |
20:37:02 - e.t. 05:52 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.13) with Sign |
20:37:02 - e.t. 05:52 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.10) with Sign |
20:37:02 - e.t. 05:52 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.03) with Sign |
20:37:03 - e.t. 05:53 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:37:06 - e.t. 05:56 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable |
20:37:12 - e.t. 06:02 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:37:23 - e.t. 06:13 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:37:39 - e.t. 06:29 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.19) with Cone |
20:37:39 - e.t. 06:29 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.13) with Cone |
20:38:11 - e.t. 07:01 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.45) with Part |
20:38:12 - e.t. 07:02 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:38:12 - e.t. 07:02 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:38:12 - e.t. 07:02 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:38:12 - e.t. 07:02 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:38:15 - e.t. 07:05 | Oscar(22) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:38:15 - e.t. 07:05 | Oscar(22) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
20:38:22 - e.t. 07:12 | xizuk(4) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:38:24 - e.t. 07:14 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.03) with Sign |
20:38:24 - e.t. 07:14 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.06) with Sign |
20:38:24 - e.t. 07:14 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.13) with Sign |
20:38:24 - e.t. 07:14 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.19) with Sign |
20:38:24 - e.t. 07:14 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.03) with Sign |
20:38:24 - e.t. 07:14 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.23) with Sign |
20:38:27 - e.t. 07:17 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.32) with Sign |
20:38:27 - e.t. 07:17 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.10) with Sign |
20:38:27 - e.t. 07:17 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.06) with Sign |
20:38:30 - e.t. 07:20 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.77) with Sign |
20:38:30 - e.t. 07:20 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.81) with Sign |
20:38:30 - e.t. 07:20 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.13) with Sign |
20:38:30 - e.t. 07:20 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.10) with Sign |
20:39:01 - e.t. 07:51 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:39:10 - e.t. 08:00 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.45) with Cone |
20:39:10 - e.t. 08:00 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
20:39:10 - e.t. 08:00 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.26) with Cone |
20:39:10 - e.t. 08:00 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
20:39:10 - e.t. 08:00 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.19) with Cone |
20:39:23 - e.t. 08:13 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
20:39:26 - e.t. 08:16 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.74) with Immovable |
20:39:26 - e.t. 08:16 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
20:39:27 - e.t. 08:17 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:39:34 - e.t. 08:24 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
20:39:47 - e.t. 08:37 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.71) with Part |
20:39:48 - e.t. 08:38 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:39:48 - e.t. 08:38 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.45) with Part |
20:39:51 - e.t. 08:41 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:39:51 - e.t. 08:41 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:39:51 - e.t. 08:41 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.87) with Immovable |
20:39:52 - e.t. 08:42 | King_of_sertao(13) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:39:52 - e.t. 08:42 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.13) with Track |
20:39:52 - e.t. 08:42 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.06) with Track |
20:39:52 - e.t. 08:42 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.35) with Track |
20:39:53 - e.t. 08:43 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.13) with Track |
20:39:53 - e.t. 08:43 | King_of_sertao(13) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
20:39:53 - e.t. 08:43 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.61) with Track |
20:40:12 - e.t. 09:02 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
20:40:12 - e.t. 09:02 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
20:40:12 - e.t. 09:02 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
20:40:12 - e.t. 09:02 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:40:12 - e.t. 09:02 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
20:40:29 - e.t. 09:19 | Taelon(45) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:40:29 - e.t. 09:19 | Taelon(45) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:40:35 - e.t. 09:25 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.35) with another vehicle Antonio M(21) |
20:40:35 - e.t. 09:25 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.29) with another vehicle Javier R(11) |
20:40:35 - e.t. 09:25 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.39) with Part |
20:40:35 - e.t. 09:25 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.10) with another vehicle Antonio M(21) |
20:40:35 - e.t. 09:25 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
20:40:37 - e.t. 09:27 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.45) with Part |
20:40:37 - e.t. 09:27 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:40:37 - e.t. 09:27 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
20:40:40 - e.t. 09:30 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
20:40:45 - e.t. 09:35 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:40:47 - e.t. 09:37 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.10) with Cone |
20:40:47 - e.t. 09:37 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
20:41:20 - e.t. 10:10 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.39) with another vehicle xiqui(28) |
20:41:20 - e.t. 10:10 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.52) with another vehicle xiqui(28) |
20:41:20 - e.t. 10:10 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.06) with another vehicle xiqui(28) |
20:41:21 - e.t. 10:11 | xiqui(28) reported contact (1.00) with another vehicle cloudXXI(44) |
20:41:21 - e.t. 10:11 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.29) with another vehicle xiqui(28) |
20:41:21 - e.t. 10:11 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.48) with Part |
20:41:24 - e.t. 10:14 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
20:41:24 - e.t. 10:14 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:41:39 - e.t. 10:29 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
20:41:39 - e.t. 10:29 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.03) with Cone |
20:41:57 - e.t. 10:47 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.45) with Immovable |
20:41:57 - e.t. 10:47 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:41:58 - e.t. 10:48 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:41:58 - e.t. 10:48 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable |
20:42:54 - e.t. 11:44 | King_of_sertao(13) reported contact (0.29) with Part |
20:43:26 - e.t. 12:16 | super(42) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
Date | Message |
20:31:17 - e.t. 00:07 | super has entered the game. |
20:31:39 - e.t. 00:29 | Javier Selles has entered the game. |
20:32:35 - e.t. 01:25 | super: t |
20:33:35 - e.t. 02:25 | cloudXXI has entered the game. |
20:33:36 - e.t. 02:26 | Taelon has entered the game. |
20:42:26 - e.t. 11:16 | xiqui: PERDONA HE PERDIDO LA REFERENCIA DE FRENADO |
20:44:05 - e.t. 12:55 | cloudXXI: pero, para que sales a pista faltando menos de dosminutos? |
Game | Automobilista (2.000) |
Session | Race |
Date | 2016-10-16 20:49:27 (UTC) |
Track | Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Circuito No 15 |
Length | 6197m |
Winner | nota |
Led most laps | nota |
Best lap | nota (01:59.2201) |
Max minutes | 30 |
Lasted laps | 15 |
Server MOTD | bonita marmota... |
Mod | REIZA01.srs |
Allowed Vehicles | StockV8 |
Fixed setup | No |
Other settings | MechFailRate = 1, DamageMult = 50, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 4 |
Pos | Up | Driver | Vehicle | Laps | Time/Retired | Best lap | Consistency | Led | Pits | Aids |
1 | ▸ 0 | nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 15 | 30:44.8755 | 01:59.2201 | 98.74% | 13 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | ▴ 11 | praxtonio | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 15 | +00:24.3537 | 02:00.3075 | 97.61% | 1 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | ▴ 1 | IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 15 | +00:25.8555 | 01:59.5724 | 98.19% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | ▴ 4 | Alexdemayo | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 15 | +00:39.1514 | 02:00.9751 | 98.45% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | ▾ 2 | Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 15 | +00:39.2327 | 01:59.2670 | 97.53% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | ▴ 13 | Javier R | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 15 | +00:43.3625 | 02:01.0271 | 98.34% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | ▾ 2 | elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 15 | +00:46.4192 | 01:59.8714 | 97.89% | 1 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | ▾ 1 | Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 15 | +00:46.6382 | 02:00.3953 | 96.62% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | ▾ 7 | SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 15 | +00:48.6958 | 01:59.8123 | 97.32% | 0 | 2 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | ▴ 1 | Oscar | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 15 | +00:51.4387 | 02:00.7256 | 98.44% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | ▴ 16 | Platon | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 15 | +01:11.4006 | 02:01.6072 | 96.51% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | ▾ 2 | MiGueLiN | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 15 | +01:11.7112 | 02:02.4339 | 98.20% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | ▴ 10 | cloudXXI | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 15 | +01:19.1743 | 02:00.9133 | 96.88% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | ▴ 4 | xiqui | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 15 | +01:29.8862 | 02:01.0161 | 96.05% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | ▴ 7 | Chug | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 15 | +01:35.3266 | 02:02.9379 | 97.50% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
16 | ▾ 4 | BanditSenna | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 15 | +01:46.6404 | 02:00.6157 | 95.55% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
17 | ▴ 3 | Jesus G | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 15 | +02:01.2414 | 02:01.7087 | 95.73% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
18 | ▾ 4 | xizuk | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 15 | +02:11.1277 | 02:00.7944 | 96.18% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
19 | ▾ 13 | Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 14 | +1 lap | 02:00.5236 | 98.20% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
20 | ▾ 4 | Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 14 | +1 lap | 02:01.0864 | 97.16% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl |
21 | ▸ 0 | King_of_sertao | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 14 | +1 lap | 02:04.3795 | 97.04% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl |
22 | ▴ 7 | Mankiewwicz | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 14 | +1 lap | 02:03.7860 | 97.31% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
23 | ▴ 2 | super | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 13 | +2 laps | 02:01.9153 | 94.10% | 0 | 2 | PlayerControl |
24 | ▸ 0 | yippssy | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 12 | DNF | 02:02.4006 | 98.14% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl |
25 | ▴ 3 | Victor V | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 10 | DNF | 02:09.4627 | 98.79% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
26 | ▾ 9 | LAE | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | 3 | DNF | 02:03.7630 | - | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
27 | ▾ 18 | Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 2 | Suspension | 02:01.6152 | - | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
28 | ▾ 13 | Ralfocus | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 1 | Suspension | 02:41.6251 | - | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
29 | ▾ 3 | Taelon | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 0 | DNF | - | - | 0 | 0 | - |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:07.5004 | 31.3767 | 70.6942 | 25.4295 | 71% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.4514 | 24.5771 | 71.3333 | 24.5411 | 66.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.3902 | 24.2130 | 70.2031 | 24.9742 | 61.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.3496 | 24.6380 | 70.2778 | 24.4338 | 56.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.6889 | 24.3846 | 70.4940 | 24.8103 | 51.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.2378 | 24.7943 | 70.6230 | 24.8205 | 47.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.3639 | 24.3850 | 71.0386 | 24.9403 | 42.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.8019 | 24.5093 | 70.7561 | 24.5365 | 37.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.7698 | 24.3444 | 70.6344 | 24.7910 | 32.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:01.1083 | 24.5913 | 71.1006 | 25.4164 | 27.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 (P: 35.155) | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:29.5248 | 24.4618 | 71.2838 | 53.7792 | 23.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:07.3037 | 31.1978 | 70.9296 | 25.1764 | 18.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.2201 | 24.1411 | 70.4690 | 24.6100 | 13.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.2327 | 24.6670 | 70.6952 | 24.8705 | 9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.9320 | 24.3074 | 71.8580 | 24.7666 | 4.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:02.9917 | 25.3726 | 70.8260 | 26.7931 | |||
Best possible | 01:58.7780 | 24.1411 | 70.2031 | 24.4338 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:12.4282 | 34.1507 | 72.8129 | 25.4647 | 72.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:00.3075 | 24.2075 | 70.6439 | 25.4561 | 67.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:01.2543 | 24.3925 | 71.7903 | 25.0715 | 62.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:01.0636 | 24.6741 | 71.0562 | 25.3333 | 57.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:01.7872 | 24.7167 | 71.6215 | 25.4491 | 52.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:03.5342 | 24.7037 | 73.4946 | 25.3360 | 48.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:01.3821 | 24.6957 | 71.5755 | 25.1108 | 43.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:00.8857 | 24.5073 | 70.8528 | 25.5256 | 38.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:02.3739 | 24.5313 | 72.4562 | 25.3865 | 33.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:02.0195 | 24.8452 | 71.3682 | 25.8062 | 28.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:01.4736 | 24.5870 | 71.3861 | 25.5005 | 23.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 (P: 22.2845) | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:18.2280 | 24.7100 | 72.2385 | 41.2795 | 19.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:12.2467 | 31.8948 | 74.6625 | 25.6895 | 14.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:04.6184 | 25.0690 | 73.3406 | 26.2089 | 9.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:05.6261 | 25.0515 | 74.2985 | 26.2761 | 5.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:04.6154 | 25.7825 | 72.2399 | 26.5930 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.9229 | 24.2075 | 70.6439 | 25.0715 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:08.0320 | 31.8731 | 70.8392 | 25.3197 | 76.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:02.2549 | 24.0949 | 72.5656 | 25.5944 | 72.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:00.6141 | 24.5131 | 71.0286 | 25.0723 | 67.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 01:59.5724 | 24.2300 | 70.1459 | 25.1965 | 62.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1370 | 24.7343 | 72.1121 | 25.2906 | 57.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:03.7671 | 24.9886 | 72.6799 | 26.0986 | 52.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4692 | 24.9296 | 71.2928 | 25.2468 | 48.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0620 | 24.3522 | 71.7111 | 24.9988 | 43.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 (P: 47.2137) | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:42.3146 | 24.7444 | 71.7863 | 65.7839 | 39.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:06.3615 | 31.7198 | 69.7805 | 24.8611 | 34.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 01:59.8140 | 24.5972 | 70.2853 | 24.9315 | 29.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:00.7881 | 24.5868 | 70.8652 | 25.3361 | 24.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1012 | 24.5588 | 71.3737 | 25.1687 | 19.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:00.9868 | 24.8330 | 71.4446 | 24.7092 | 14.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:00.4562 | 24.3378 | 71.2561 | 24.8623 | 10.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:04.7154 | 25.5396 | 71.2778 | 27.8980 | |||
Best possible | 01:58.5846 | 24.0949 | 69.7805 | 24.7092 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:09.9553 | 32.2391 | 71.7290 | 25.9872 | 69.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:01.8302 | 24.4346 | 71.8273 | 25.5683 | 64.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:01.3586 | 24.9837 | 71.3286 | 25.0463 | 60% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:02.3813 | 24.8625 | 72.1129 | 25.4059 | 55.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | - | 24.8541 | - | - | 50.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:02.7308 | 24.4238 | 72.8445 | 25.4624 | 45.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0206 | 24.8120 | 70.9213 | 25.2872 | 40.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0679 | 24.3849 | 71.1091 | 25.5739 | 36.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:01.6221 | 24.6833 | 71.1351 | 25.8036 | 31.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 (P: 43.928) | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:39.9396 | 24.9017 | 71.9026 | 63.1353 | 27.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:09.1549 | 31.8424 | 72.0148 | 25.2977 | 26.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:03.2668 | 25.3346 | 71.5251 | 26.4071 | 21.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:00.9751 | 25.0688 | 70.8602 | 25.0460 | 16.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:04.8120 | 24.9604 | 72.5612 | 27.2904 | 11.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1084 | 25.0264 | 71.2263 | 25.8557 | 6.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:05.8065 | 25.7875 | 71.6499 | 28.3691 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.2911 | 24.3849 | 70.8602 | 25.0460 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:09.5878 | 32.8704 | 71.6522 | 25.0652 | 72.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:01.3490 | 24.1478 | 71.9041 | 25.2971 | 67.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:01.1357 | 25.0736 | 71.3420 | 24.7200 | 62.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:01.1503 | 24.4188 | 71.1093 | 25.6223 | 58% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:00.6849 | 24.9277 | 70.5605 | 25.1967 | 53.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:02.3867 | 25.2116 | 71.7533 | 25.4218 | 48.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:01.0280 | 24.8738 | 70.8121 | 25.3422 | 43.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:09.5314 | 24.8765 | 79.4968 | 25.1581 | 38.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 (P: 48.5817) | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:48.7333 | 24.6600 | 77.2120 | 66.8612 | 34.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:06.9720 | 32.1786 | 70.0021 | 24.7914 | 29.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 01:59.2670 | 24.4288 | 70.0900 | 24.7482 | 24.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 01:59.6140 | 24.4375 | 70.2706 | 24.9059 | 19.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:00.1898 | 24.5220 | 70.8685 | 24.7993 | 14.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:00.4857 | 24.5621 | 70.0272 | 25.8964 | 10.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:01.9924 | 25.0575 | 71.5543 | 25.3806 | 5.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:05.6072 | 25.7498 | 71.9103 | 27.9471 | |||
Best possible | 01:58.8699 | 24.1478 | 70.0021 | 24.7200 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:17.4445 | 35.7906 | 74.4719 | 27.1820 | 32.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4034 | 24.5255 | 71.0374 | 25.8404 | 27.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:05.3177 | 24.1483 | 75.5903 | 25.5791 | 23.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.3826 | 24.5214 | 71.6467 | 25.2145 | 18.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.3923 | 24.6612 | 71.6547 | 25.0764 | 13.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:02.9991 | 24.3428 | 72.8941 | 25.7623 | 9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:02.4659 | 24.8385 | 72.3408 | 25.2866 | 4.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 (P: 37.4321) | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:33.3450 | 24.5231 | 72.2605 | 56.5614 | 0.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:09.5273 | 31.8201 | 72.6727 | 25.0345 | 34.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1755 | 24.6321 | 71.3119 | 25.2316 | 30.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:02.2589 | 24.6221 | 72.3634 | 25.2734 | 25.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0271 | 24.4419 | 71.4857 | 25.0995 | 20.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4081 | 24.4662 | 71.9780 | 24.9639 | 16.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4988 | 24.4636 | 71.6274 | 25.4077 | 11.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:05.5918 | 25.9408 | 73.2296 | 26.4214 | 7.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:05.8825 | 25.8492 | 72.4377 | 27.5956 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.1496 | 24.1483 | 71.0374 | 24.9639 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:07.0659 | 31.7119 | 70.2481 | 25.1059 | 71.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:03.3221 | 25.0726 | 73.0540 | 25.1955 | 67.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.8714 | 24.5842 | 70.2933 | 24.9940 | 62.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.9157 | 24.7385 | 71.0840 | 25.0932 | 57.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:01.8724 | 24.6404 | 72.0209 | 25.2110 | 52.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 (P: 42.0978) | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:55.5160 | 24.6999 | 90.1769 | 60.6392 | 48.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:09.3273 | 32.0839 | 71.0211 | 26.2223 | 43.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:01.5687 | 24.9514 | 71.7587 | 24.8586 | 38.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.6427 | 24.9823 | 70.6572 | 25.0032 | 33.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:01.1261 | 24.8187 | 71.1337 | 25.1737 | 28.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.3400 | 24.8152 | 70.5883 | 24.9365 | 23.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:01.3864 | 24.7281 | 71.2465 | 25.4117 | 18.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.5939 | 24.8250 | 70.7147 | 25.0542 | 13.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:02.1069 | 24.8275 | 71.8959 | 25.3835 | 9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:05.6393 | 24.9506 | 73.9255 | 26.7632 | 4.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:06.0863 | 25.7620 | 72.6546 | 27.6697 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.6909 | 24.5842 | 70.2481 | 24.8586 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:12.7302 | 33.5041 | 73.0874 | 26.1387 | 72.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:00.3953 | 24.8522 | 70.6531 | 24.8900 | 67.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:01.9741 | 24.8723 | 71.6870 | 25.4149 | 63.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:02.2360 | 25.5255 | 71.5590 | 25.1516 | 58% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:02.3968 | 24.9525 | 71.8818 | 25.5625 | 53.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:03.4072 | 25.1827 | 73.1038 | 25.1206 | 49% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:02.4755 | 24.8909 | 72.3806 | 25.2040 | 44.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:02.6793 | 25.2493 | 72.2803 | 25.1498 | 39.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:03.6211 | 25.6075 | 72.5474 | 25.4662 | 34.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:03.1304 | 25.2175 | 72.2794 | 25.6334 | 29.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:02.6321 | 24.9856 | 72.4103 | 25.2362 | 25.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 (P: 27.3793) | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:24.7448 | 25.3702 | 73.8148 | 45.5597 | 21.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:12.1337 | 33.4045 | 72.9872 | 25.7419 | 16.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:07.7806 | 26.1565 | 73.7871 | 27.8370 | 11.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:09.1768 | 26.1046 | 75.9015 | 27.1707 | 7.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:06.1009 | 26.3917 | 72.6907 | 27.0185 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.3953 | 24.8522 | 70.6531 | 24.8900 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:07.8644 | 31.5144 | 71.0357 | 25.3142 | 71.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:01.8175 | 24.3355 | 72.2829 | 25.1992 | 66.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5811 | 24.6574 | 71.7374 | 25.1863 | 62% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:01.8245 | 24.6497 | 71.3673 | 25.8074 | 57.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:01.7582 | 24.8212 | 71.8319 | 25.1051 | 52.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:04.1294 | 25.2278 | 73.8011 | 25.1005 | 47.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5153 | 24.8643 | 71.4167 | 25.2343 | 43.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 (P: 46.8123) | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:41.1147 | 24.7169 | 70.8287 | 65.5691 | 38.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:07.4672 | 31.6722 | 70.8108 | 24.9841 | 33.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 (P: 18.7106) | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:11.4813 | 24.5356 | 69.6765 | 37.2692 | 29.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:07.1947 | 31.8704 | 70.3193 | 25.0050 | 24.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:00.8933 | 24.8915 | 70.9390 | 25.0629 | 19.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:59.8123 | 24.4744 | 70.2709 | 25.0670 | 14.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:00.7443 | 24.7273 | 71.1625 | 24.8545 | 9.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:04.3730 | 24.3959 | 74.1332 | 25.8440 | 5.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:06.2381 | 26.0903 | 71.4409 | 28.7069 | |||
Best possible | 01:58.8665 | 24.3355 | 69.6765 | 24.8545 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:15.0055 | 34.8205 | 73.3404 | 26.8446 | 72.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.6408 | 24.8968 | 71.6645 | 25.0795 | 67.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.8373 | 24.5930 | 71.3878 | 25.8565 | 62.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:02.2388 | 25.1849 | 71.6631 | 25.3909 | 57.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:02.1301 | 25.0935 | 71.7135 | 25.3231 | 52.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:02.4108 | 24.8895 | 72.1493 | 25.3720 | 47.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:02.6318 | 25.0815 | 72.0925 | 25.4578 | 42.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:03.6948 | 25.4561 | 72.4902 | 25.7485 | 38% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 (P: 51.8603) | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:49.3234 | 25.5397 | 72.7543 | 71.0294 | 33.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:08.0532 | 32.0226 | 70.8309 | 25.1997 | 28.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:00.7256 | 25.1365 | 70.4646 | 25.1245 | 23.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.1094 | 24.6422 | 71.1572 | 25.3099 | 18.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.1597 | 24.8312 | 71.0259 | 25.3026 | 13.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.5759 | 24.7815 | 71.4744 | 25.3201 | 8.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:02.7771 | 24.8411 | 72.3691 | 25.5669 | 3.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:06.4209 | 26.1207 | 71.7718 | 28.5284 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.1371 | 24.5930 | 70.4646 | 25.0795 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:28.6935 | 36.4467 | 86.8342 | 25.4126 | 71.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:06.7195 | 25.4949 | 74.4133 | 26.8112 | 66.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:03.3124 | 25.9582 | 72.0785 | 25.2757 | 61.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:02.3515 | 24.8682 | 72.1606 | 25.3226 | 56.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:01.6072 | 24.8867 | 71.1429 | 25.5776 | 51.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:07.6199 | 25.4384 | 76.5464 | 25.6351 | 46.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:02.7402 | 25.5387 | 71.6409 | 25.5607 | 41.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:05.1760 | 24.8872 | 74.5780 | 25.7108 | 36.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:04.0426 | 24.5658 | 73.3683 | 26.1085 | 31.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:04.5974 | 25.4159 | 73.3218 | 25.8597 | 26.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | - | 25.6198 | - | - | 22% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 (P: 19.0119) | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:17.2362 | 25.1852 | 73.0762 | 38.9749 | 17.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:11.2983 | 32.1117 | 73.3533 | 25.8334 | 12.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:06.6904 | 25.5547 | 74.5933 | 26.5425 | 7.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:09.7799 | 26.4034 | 76.1580 | 27.2185 | 3.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:07.9234 | 26.5584 | 74.5190 | 26.8460 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.9844 | 24.5658 | 71.1429 | 25.2757 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:13.3139 | 33.9391 | 73.5576 | 25.8173 | 76.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:02.4339 | 24.8471 | 72.1585 | 25.4283 | 71.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:03.0313 | 24.9626 | 71.5488 | 26.5198 | 67.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:02.7946 | 25.2207 | 72.0088 | 25.5651 | 62.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:02.9740 | 24.9099 | 72.7128 | 25.3513 | 58% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:05.3374 | 25.0276 | 74.1013 | 26.2084 | 53.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:04.1253 | 25.7982 | 72.7299 | 25.5972 | 48.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:03.7184 | 24.9712 | 73.1541 | 25.5931 | 43.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:03.4313 | 25.1790 | 72.7253 | 25.5270 | 39.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:03.8583 | 25.1537 | 73.4086 | 25.2960 | 34.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:07.2207 | 26.1763 | 75.4163 | 25.6282 | 29.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 (P: 25.6718) | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:23.4172 | 25.5416 | 72.7627 | 45.1129 | 26.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:10.3715 | 32.2179 | 72.1794 | 25.9741 | 49.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:04.1226 | 25.3754 | 73.0228 | 25.7244 | 45.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:26.4364 | 25.0419 | 94.5432 | 26.8513 | 40.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:07.7724 | 26.2908 | 74.4020 | 27.0796 | |||
Best possible | 02:01.6919 | 24.8471 | 71.5488 | 25.2960 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:18.5984 | 36.6262 | 75.3955 | 26.5768 | 65.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:12.7476 | 25.6245 | 81.4012 | 25.7218 | 60.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:04.1744 | 24.9726 | 73.3999 | 25.8019 | 56.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:03.4582 | 25.2169 | 72.2281 | 26.0131 | 51.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:03.3177 | 25.1183 | 72.6702 | 25.5292 | 46.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:06.0756 | 27.1192 | 73.4431 | 25.5133 | 42% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 (P: 50.6995) | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:48.3515 | 24.5901 | 73.0431 | 70.7183 | 38% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:09.1406 | 31.6632 | 71.9240 | 25.5535 | 40.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:01.7311 | 24.7599 | 71.6299 | 25.3413 | 36.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:02.1432 | 24.4807 | 72.0789 | 25.5836 | 31.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:03.3030 | 26.2144 | 71.7761 | 25.3125 | 26.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:02.5494 | 24.6144 | 72.3065 | 25.6285 | 22.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:00.9133 | 24.3461 | 71.5110 | 25.0563 | 17.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:03.3062 | 24.6813 | 72.8643 | 25.7606 | 12.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:04.2395 | 26.5200 | 72.4492 | 25.2703 | 8.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:08.2700 | 26.4365 | 73.2081 | 28.6254 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.9134 | 24.3461 | 71.5110 | 25.0563 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:16.0484 | 35.0377 | 74.4491 | 26.5616 | 66.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:01.9472 | 24.9972 | 71.4852 | 25.4648 | 61.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:02.9857 | 24.8996 | 72.3436 | 25.7425 | 57.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:05.7910 | 25.2164 | 74.7070 | 25.8677 | 52.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:11.9705 | 26.1734 | 77.6400 | 28.1571 | 47.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:07.6676 | 26.4240 | 73.2840 | 27.9597 | 43.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:05.1686 | 25.3926 | 73.4042 | 26.3718 | 38.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 (P: 48.4132) | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:48.2118 | 25.9779 | 73.2604 | 68.9735 | 34.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:08.8364 | 31.8081 | 71.5396 | 25.4888 | 29.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0161 | 24.7174 | 71.3362 | 24.9625 | 24.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:02.5118 | 25.5714 | 71.5281 | 25.4124 | 19.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:01.9528 | 24.8038 | 71.2380 | 25.9109 | 14.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5420 | 25.0502 | 71.3165 | 25.1753 | 10.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:13.9993 | 25.2469 | 79.6372 | 29.1151 | 5.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:05.1125 | 25.7168 | 73.6528 | 25.7429 | 0.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:08.9841 | 26.4689 | 73.3881 | 29.1271 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.9179 | 24.7174 | 71.2380 | 24.9625 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:43.3911 | 64.4485 | 73.2962 | 25.6464 | 84.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:16.2769 | 26.4119 | 84.2175 | 25.6476 | 78.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:03.1071 | 25.1107 | 72.2668 | 25.7296 | 73.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:02.9379 | 25.2104 | 72.3958 | 25.3317 | 67.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:04.6028 | 25.7468 | 72.8763 | 25.9797 | 62.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:08.2100 | 26.2624 | 76.2339 | 25.7137 | 57.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:03.8137 | 25.0322 | 73.2727 | 25.5088 | 51.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:03.1001 | 24.9976 | 72.5857 | 25.5168 | 46.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:03.9088 | 24.9818 | 73.1160 | 25.8110 | 41.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:03.1254 | 25.1134 | 72.4995 | 25.5125 | 36.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:05.5696 | 24.9183 | 75.1420 | 25.5093 | 30.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:04.7389 | 25.2019 | 72.7271 | 26.8099 | 25.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 (P: 19.6281) | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:21.7091 | 25.5784 | 74.6895 | 41.4413 | 20% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:10.9664 | 32.0825 | 73.1350 | 25.7489 | 14.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:04.7444 | 25.2568 | 73.6846 | 25.8030 | 9.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:09.3469 | 28.4236 | 74.1426 | 26.7807 | |||
Best possible | 02:02.5168 | 24.9183 | 72.2668 | 25.3317 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:13.5789 | 34.5128 | 73.1893 | 25.8768 | 71% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:00.9803 | 24.5413 | 71.1862 | 25.2528 | 65.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:09.1253 | 24.7222 | 79.0218 | 25.3813 | 61.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:03.7659 | 25.1591 | 72.9617 | 25.6450 | 56.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:21.5019 | 29.2189 | 86.4135 | 25.8696 | 51.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 (P: 50.6405) | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 03:05.5533 | 25.6920 | 90.9327 | 68.9287 | 47.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:09.8436 | 33.5836 | 71.3767 | 24.8833 | 42.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:00.6157 | 24.5559 | 70.9269 | 25.1329 | 37.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:02.8193 | 24.7885 | 71.6429 | 26.3879 | 32.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:05.8838 | 24.7904 | 72.6014 | 28.4919 | 28.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:04.3557 | 26.0533 | 72.7170 | 25.5853 | 23.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:05.5708 | 27.7841 | 72.0916 | 25.6952 | 18.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:02.6493 | 24.9946 | 72.6117 | 25.0430 | 13.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:02.2449 | 24.8813 | 72.1064 | 25.2571 | 9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:03.0271 | 24.8818 | 73.0186 | 25.1267 | 4.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:10.1010 | 26.6773 | 74.8532 | 28.5705 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.3515 | 24.5413 | 70.9269 | 24.8833 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:25.4270 | 37.9407 | 80.2952 | 27.1911 | 32.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:18.0322 | 27.2100 | 83.1570 | 27.6652 | 27.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:04.8066 | 25.2621 | 73.6653 | 25.8793 | 22.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:08.4697 | 25.1298 | 75.5359 | 27.8041 | 17.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:06.0391 | 26.1999 | 73.8997 | 25.9395 | 12.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:06.7169 | 26.7701 | 74.3524 | 25.5944 | 7.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 (P: 56.8227) | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:56.1782 | 25.6241 | 73.3146 | 77.2395 | 3.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:08.9698 | 32.1655 | 71.4702 | 25.3341 | 40.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:01.7087 | 24.8851 | 71.7930 | 25.0306 | 35.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:03.5419 | 25.0459 | 72.9425 | 25.5535 | 31% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:05.7206 | 24.9128 | 74.8409 | 25.9668 | 25.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:05.7617 | 25.0475 | 74.1035 | 26.6107 | 21.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:03.9193 | 24.9440 | 73.2866 | 25.6887 | 16.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:04.5776 | 25.2152 | 73.3370 | 26.0254 | 11% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:06.2476 | 25.7332 | 74.5664 | 25.9480 | 6.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:11.0744 | 26.8057 | 74.7040 | 29.5647 | |||
Best possible | 02:01.3859 | 24.8851 | 71.4702 | 25.0306 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:18.0176 | 36.3951 | 74.5652 | 27.0574 | 71.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | - | 40.3668 | - | - | 66.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:04.8755 | 25.5537 | 72.4057 | 26.9161 | 62% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:03.4411 | 25.4641 | 72.6260 | 25.3510 | 57.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:02.7922 | 25.1411 | 72.2721 | 25.3790 | 52.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:22.7392 | 24.7711 | 92.2454 | 25.7227 | 47.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 (P: 61.1325) | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:59.1322 | 25.5242 | 72.6378 | 80.9702 | 44.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:09.8936 | 32.8878 | 71.3754 | 25.6304 | 67.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:00.7944 | 24.4783 | 71.3080 | 25.0082 | 63.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:01.9291 | 24.9496 | 71.7146 | 25.2649 | 58% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:04.4384 | 25.1599 | 73.8883 | 25.3901 | 53.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:02.5220 | 24.9099 | 72.3475 | 25.2645 | 48.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:08.6970 | 24.8525 | 78.1942 | 25.6503 | 43.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:03.6007 | 25.1885 | 72.7198 | 25.6924 | 39.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:11.9363 | 25.0601 | 80.5996 | 26.2766 | 34.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:11.9854 | 27.3802 | 74.9214 | 29.6838 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.7945 | 24.4783 | 71.3080 | 25.0082 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:28.2705 | 32.0003 | 71.5367 | 44.7335 | 69.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 (P: 53.1261) | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 03:15.7920 | 31.0828 | 87.9871 | 76.7220 | 67.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:09.3925 | 31.6057 | 72.5825 | 25.2043 | 62% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.5236 | 24.4387 | 71.1511 | 24.9338 | 56.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.9553 | 24.8148 | 70.9629 | 25.1776 | 52.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:02.0298 | 24.9474 | 71.6653 | 25.4171 | 47.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:01.2795 | 24.7128 | 71.2249 | 25.3419 | 42% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.7823 | 24.7594 | 70.9272 | 25.0957 | 37.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:02.3016 | 24.9381 | 71.8361 | 25.5275 | 32.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:33.4377 | 55.6500 | 72.1714 | 25.6163 | 27.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:03.2465 | 25.3038 | 72.2405 | 25.7021 | 22.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:01.7622 | 24.8693 | 71.6414 | 25.2516 | 17.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:02.5149 | 24.9110 | 72.2130 | 25.3909 | 12.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | - | 24.8505 | 85.6003 | - | 7.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:13.1084 | 28.4918 | 73.8386 | 30.7780 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.2997 | 24.4387 | 70.9272 | 24.9338 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:41.8351 | 36.3206 | 74.1231 | 51.3913 | 72.2% | PlayerControl |
2 (P: 85.3559) | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 03:21.0140 | 27.3739 | 74.1267 | 99.5133 | 68.6% | PlayerControl |
3 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:15.9200 | 40.1002 | 70.8765 | 24.9433 | 67.8% | PlayerControl |
4 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0864 | 24.7672 | 71.0045 | 25.3147 | 62.7% | PlayerControl |
5 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5676 | 25.0897 | 70.9550 | 25.5229 | 58% | PlayerControl |
6 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:02.2010 | 24.6051 | 72.2562 | 25.3397 | 52.9% | PlayerControl |
7 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:02.3481 | 24.8395 | 72.1713 | 25.3374 | 48.2% | PlayerControl |
8 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:02.2916 | 25.0425 | 72.0875 | 25.1616 | 43.1% | PlayerControl |
9 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:02.4042 | 25.1429 | 72.2079 | 25.0533 | 38% | PlayerControl |
10 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:08.5121 | 25.0443 | 71.2875 | 32.1803 | 33.3% | PlayerControl |
11 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:04.4585 | 25.0328 | 72.8531 | 26.5725 | 28.6% | PlayerControl |
12 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 23.1% | PlayerControl |
13 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:03.3325 | 25.4508 | 72.7804 | 25.1013 | 18.4% | PlayerControl |
14 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:02.2141 | 25.0509 | 71.7513 | 25.4119 | 13.3% | PlayerControl |
Average | 02:13.0141 | 27.2200 | 72.1908 | 33.6033 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.4249 | 24.6051 | 70.8765 | 24.9433 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:20.8294 | 37.7638 | 76.2666 | 26.7990 | 63.1% | PlayerControl |
2 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:34.8585 | 26.2785 | 74.1381 | 54.4420 | 58% | PlayerControl |
3 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:11.3268 | 25.4216 | 79.0840 | 26.8212 | 53.3% | PlayerControl |
4 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:06.1578 | 25.3991 | 74.5339 | 26.2248 | 48.6% | PlayerControl |
5 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:04.7971 | 25.3698 | 73.7422 | 25.6851 | 44.3% | PlayerControl |
6 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:04.3798 | 25.3956 | 73.1116 | 25.8726 | 39.6% | PlayerControl |
7 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:09.5387 | 25.2169 | 76.9087 | 27.4131 | 34.9% | PlayerControl |
8 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:07.5349 | 25.9862 | 75.1411 | 26.4076 | 30.6% | PlayerControl |
9 (P: 56.0395) | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:58.6715 | 25.2000 | 74.9614 | 78.5101 | 26.3% | PlayerControl |
10 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:12.8142 | 32.9730 | 74.2169 | 25.6243 | 21.6% | PlayerControl |
11 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:04.3795 | 25.3662 | 72.2997 | 26.7136 | 16.9% | PlayerControl |
12 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:06.5066 | 25.1388 | 74.7562 | 26.6116 | 12.2% | PlayerControl |
13 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:12.1205 | 25.2157 | 74.7645 | 32.1403 | 7.5% | PlayerControl |
14 | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:05.4280 | 25.9578 | 73.1685 | 26.3018 | 2.7% | PlayerControl |
Average | 02:14.2388 | 26.9059 | 74.7924 | 32.5405 | |||
Best possible | 02:03.0628 | 25.1388 | 72.2997 | 25.6243 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:26.2717 | 39.8923 | 79.7839 | 26.5955 | 34.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:06.4865 | 26.2306 | 74.3701 | 25.8858 | 29.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:24.8803 | 45.6284 | 73.5832 | 25.6687 | 25.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:05.0335 | 25.2650 | 73.8157 | 25.9528 | 20.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:06.8241 | 25.2067 | 74.4838 | 27.1335 | 15.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:11.5745 | 26.2240 | 79.2448 | 26.1057 | 11% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:04.4263 | 25.3025 | 73.5646 | 25.5592 | 5.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 (P: 60.6241) | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 03:15.9427 | 24.8042 | 89.0366 | 82.1019 | 2.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:11.7343 | 32.6987 | 73.4749 | 25.5607 | 34.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:05.3445 | 26.6071 | 73.3616 | 25.3759 | 30.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:03.7860 | 24.8105 | 73.2797 | 25.6958 | 25.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:04.0487 | 25.4083 | 73.5354 | 25.1050 | 20.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:07.1919 | 24.8856 | 73.5057 | 28.8005 | 15.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:08.5360 | 25.0148 | 77.9463 | 25.5750 | 11% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:14.4344 | 28.4271 | 75.9276 | 30.0797 | |||
Best possible | 02:03.1889 | 24.8042 | 73.2797 | 25.1050 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:18.1261 | 36.5534 | 75.1110 | 26.4616 | 71.4% | PlayerControl |
2 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:09.2200 | 25.9532 | 76.5542 | 26.7126 | 66.3% | PlayerControl |
3 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:02.9402 | 24.9955 | 72.6674 | 25.2773 | 61.6% | PlayerControl |
4 (P: 60.4544) | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 03:36.7427 | 53.4966 | 79.9914 | 83.2546 | 57.3% | PlayerControl |
5 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:13.5844 | 33.3682 | 74.9713 | 25.2449 | 52.5% | PlayerControl |
6 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:01.9153 | 24.8728 | 71.8298 | 25.2128 | 47.8% | PlayerControl |
7 (P: 78.7468) | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 03:40.8827 | 33.8342 | 84.5299 | 102.5186 | 43.9% | PlayerControl |
8 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:10.7518 | 32.3966 | 73.1660 | 25.1892 | 39.2% | PlayerControl |
9 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:02.5992 | 25.1841 | 71.9233 | 25.4918 | 34.1% | PlayerControl |
10 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:17.5474 | 25.1909 | 80.2831 | 32.0734 | 29.8% | PlayerControl |
11 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:02.5687 | 25.2985 | 71.7063 | 25.5640 | 25.1% | PlayerControl |
12 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:06.4578 | 25.2423 | 73.4835 | 27.7319 | 20.4% | PlayerControl |
13 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:16.3126 | 26.1392 | 84.0414 | 26.1321 | 15.7% | PlayerControl |
Average | 02:23.0499 | 30.1943 | 76.1737 | 36.6819 | |||
Best possible | 02:01.7683 | 24.8728 | 71.7063 | 25.1892 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:43.5894 | 65.1108 | 73.4631 | 25.0155 | 74.5% | PlayerControl |
2 (P: 31.2381) | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 03:02.0321 | 25.9926 | 102.2629 | 53.7766 | 70.2% | PlayerControl |
3 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:10.2137 | 31.8516 | 72.7606 | 25.6016 | 64.7% | PlayerControl |
4 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:03.6325 | 24.9662 | 72.9276 | 25.7387 | 60% | PlayerControl |
5 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:03.5598 | 25.1255 | 72.6089 | 25.8254 | 54.9% | PlayerControl |
6 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:04.5570 | 25.1628 | 72.9732 | 26.4210 | 49.8% | PlayerControl |
7 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:02.4006 | 25.2113 | 71.8005 | 25.3888 | 44.7% | PlayerControl |
8 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:03.0936 | 25.3044 | 72.3496 | 25.4396 | 40% | PlayerControl |
9 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:02.6492 | 25.0538 | 72.0006 | 25.5947 | 34.9% | PlayerControl |
10 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:06.9187 | 25.0968 | 75.8812 | 25.9407 | 29.8% | PlayerControl |
11 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:04.1327 | 24.7097 | 74.1996 | 25.2234 | 25.1% | PlayerControl |
12 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:03.3259 | 25.0853 | 72.9578 | 25.2828 | 20% | PlayerControl |
Average | 02:12.5088 | 29.0559 | 75.5155 | 27.9374 | |||
Best possible | 02:01.5257 | 24.7097 | 71.8005 | 25.0155 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:25.1427 | 39.1876 | 78.2799 | 27.6752 | 49% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:09.7349 | 27.2774 | 75.9595 | 26.4980 | 44.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:11.2666 | 26.4378 | 75.5737 | 29.2551 | 39.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:09.4627 | 26.3120 | 76.1875 | 26.9632 | 34.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:13.7049 | 26.9133 | 79.5593 | 27.2322 | 29.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:12.0433 | 26.1609 | 78.6042 | 27.2781 | 25.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:09.7803 | 26.0750 | 76.6464 | 27.0590 | 20% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:09.6086 | 26.1509 | 76.7933 | 26.6644 | 15.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:31.6228 | 25.5995 | 93.6873 | 32.3361 | 10.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:11.0914 | 27.9591 | 76.2244 | 26.9080 | 5.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:14.3459 | 27.8074 | 78.7516 | 27.7869 | |||
Best possible | 02:07.6712 | 25.5995 | 75.5737 | 26.4980 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | 02:19.3686 | 36.5090 | 74.8120 | 28.0476 | 69% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | 02:13.0637 | 25.2223 | 81.9290 | 25.9124 | 64.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | 02:03.7630 | 25.1729 | 72.6119 | 25.9782 | 59.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:12.0652 | 28.9681 | 76.4510 | 26.6461 | |||
Best possible | 02:03.6972 | 25.1729 | 72.6119 | 25.9124 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | - | 33.9411 | - | - | 72.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:01.6152 | 24.2901 | 71.8669 | 25.4582 | 67.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:06.4407 | 29.1156 | 71.8669 | 25.4582 | |||
Best possible | 02:01.6152 | 24.2901 | 71.8669 | 25.4582 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:41.6251 | 35.0271 | 74.6540 | 51.9440 | 72.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:41.6251 | 35.0271 | 74.6540 | 51.9440 | |||
Best possible | 02:41.6251 | 35.0271 | 74.6540 | 51.9440 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No laps for this driver |
Overall top (20) | |||
Driver | Vehicle | Time | Gap |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.2201 | |
Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 01:59.2670 | 0.0469 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.3496 | 0.1295 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.3902 | 0.1701 |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 01:59.5724 | 0.3523 |
Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 01:59.6140 | 0.3939 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.6889 | 0.4688 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.7698 | 0.5497 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.8019 | 0.5818 |
SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:59.8123 | 0.5922 |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 01:59.8140 | 0.5939 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.8714 | 0.6513 |
Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:00.1898 | 0.9697 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.2327 | 1.0126 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.2378 | 1.0177 |
praxtonio | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:00.3075 | 1.0874 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.3400 | 1.1199 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.3639 | 1.1438 |
Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:00.3953 | 1.1752 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.4514 | 1.2313 |
Per driver | |||
Driver | Vehicle | Time | Gap |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.2201 | |
Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 01:59.2670 | 0.0469 |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 01:59.5724 | 0.3523 |
SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:59.8123 | 0.5922 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.8714 | 0.6513 |
praxtonio | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:00.3075 | 1.0874 |
Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:00.3953 | 1.1752 |
Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.5236 | 1.3035 |
BanditSenna | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:00.6157 | 1.3956 |
Oscar | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:00.7256 | 1.5055 |
xizuk | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:00.7944 | 1.5743 |
cloudXXI | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:00.9133 | 1.6932 |
Alexdemayo | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:00.9751 | 1.755 |
xiqui | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0161 | 1.796 |
Javier R | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0271 | 1.807 |
Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0864 | 1.8663 |
Platon | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:01.6072 | 2.3871 |
Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:01.6152 | 2.3951 |
Jesus G | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:01.7087 | 2.4886 |
super | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:01.9153 | 2.6952 |
yippssy | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:02.4006 | 3.1805 |
MiGueLiN | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:02.4339 | 3.2138 |
Chug | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:02.9379 | 3.7178 |
LAE | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | 02:03.7630 | 4.5429 |
Mankiewwicz | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:03.7860 | 4.5659 |
King_of_sertao | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 02:04.3795 | 5.1594 |
Victor V | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:09.4627 | 10.2426 |
Ralfocus | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:41.6251 | 42.405 |
Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.
Driver | Vehicle | Consistency |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 98.74% <> 1.4991 |
Victor V | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 98.79% <> 1.5702 |
Alexdemayo | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 98.45% <> 1.8752 |
Oscar | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 98.44% <> 1.8794 |
Javier R | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 98.34% <> 2.008 |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 98.19% <> 2.1619 |
Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 98.20% <> 2.1725 |
MiGueLiN | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 98.20% <> 2.2011 |
yippssy | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 98.14% <> 2.2753 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 97.89% <> 2.5321 |
praxtonio | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 97.61% <> 2.8813 |
Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 97.53% <> 2.943 |
Chug | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 97.50% <> 3.0758 |
SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 97.32% <> 3.2148 |
Mankiewwicz | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 97.31% <> 3.334 |
Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 97.16% <> 3.4386 |
King_of_sertao | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 97.04% <> 3.6809 |
cloudXXI | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 96.88% <> 3.7689 |
Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 96.62% <> 4.075 |
Platon | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 96.51% <> 4.2408 |
xizuk | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 96.18% <> 4.6182 |
xiqui | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 96.05% <> 4.7743 |
Jesus G | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 95.73% <> 5.1915 |
BanditSenna | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 95.55% <> 5.365 |
super | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 94.10% <> 7.1938 |
LAE | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | - |
Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | - |
Ralfocus | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | - |
Taelon | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | - |
Sector 1 | ||
Driver | Time | Gap |
IValero | 24.0949 | - |
nota | 24.1411 | 0.0462 |
Golden | 24.1478 | 0.0529 |
Javier R | 24.1483 | 0.0534 |
praxtonio | 24.2075 | 0.1126 |
Manuel P | 24.2901 | 0.1952 |
SGKiboyuka | 24.3355 | 0.2406 |
cloudXXI | 24.3461 | 0.2512 |
Alexdemayo | 24.3849 | 0.2900 |
Nackersum | 24.4387 | 0.3438 |
xizuk | 24.4783 | 0.3834 |
BanditSenna | 24.5413 | 0.4464 |
Platon | 24.5658 | 0.4709 |
elkrack2 | 24.5842 | 0.4893 |
Oscar | 24.5930 | 0.4981 |
Javier S | 24.6051 | 0.5102 |
yippssy | 24.7097 | 0.6148 |
xiqui | 24.7174 | 0.6225 |
Mankiewwicz | 24.8042 | 0.7093 |
MiGueLiN | 24.8471 | 0.7522 |
Antonio M | 24.8522 | 0.7573 |
super | 24.8728 | 0.7779 |
Jesus G | 24.8851 | 0.7902 |
Chug | 24.9183 | 0.8234 |
King_of_sertao | 25.1388 | 1.0439 |
LAE | 25.1729 | 1.0780 |
Victor V | 25.5995 | 1.5046 |
Ralfocus | 35.0271 | 10.9322 |
Sector 2 | ||
Driver | Time | Gap |
SGKiboyuka | 69.6765 | - |
IValero | 69.7805 | 0.1040 |
Golden | 70.0021 | 0.3256 |
nota | 70.2031 | 0.5266 |
elkrack2 | 70.2481 | 0.5716 |
Oscar | 70.4646 | 0.7881 |
praxtonio | 70.6439 | 0.9674 |
Antonio M | 70.6531 | 0.9766 |
Alexdemayo | 70.8602 | 1.1837 |
Javier S | 70.8765 | 1.2000 |
BanditSenna | 70.9269 | 1.2504 |
Nackersum | 70.9272 | 1.2507 |
Javier R | 71.0374 | 1.3609 |
Platon | 71.1429 | 1.4664 |
xiqui | 71.2380 | 1.5615 |
xizuk | 71.3080 | 1.6315 |
Jesus G | 71.4702 | 1.7937 |
cloudXXI | 71.5110 | 1.8345 |
MiGueLiN | 71.5488 | 1.8723 |
super | 71.7063 | 2.0298 |
yippssy | 71.8005 | 2.1240 |
Manuel P | 71.8669 | 2.1904 |
Chug | 72.2668 | 2.5903 |
King_of_sertao | 72.2997 | 2.6232 |
LAE | 72.6119 | 2.9354 |
Mankiewwicz | 73.2797 | 3.6032 |
Ralfocus | 74.6540 | 4.9775 |
Victor V | 75.5737 | 5.8972 |
Sector 3 | ||
Driver | Time | Gap |
nota | 24.4338 | - |
IValero | 24.7092 | 0.2754 |
Golden | 24.7200 | 0.2862 |
SGKiboyuka | 24.8545 | 0.4207 |
elkrack2 | 24.8586 | 0.4248 |
BanditSenna | 24.8833 | 0.4495 |
Antonio M | 24.8900 | 0.4562 |
Nackersum | 24.9338 | 0.5000 |
Javier S | 24.9433 | 0.5095 |
xiqui | 24.9625 | 0.5287 |
Javier R | 24.9639 | 0.5301 |
xizuk | 25.0082 | 0.5744 |
yippssy | 25.0155 | 0.5817 |
Jesus G | 25.0306 | 0.5968 |
Alexdemayo | 25.0460 | 0.6122 |
cloudXXI | 25.0563 | 0.6225 |
praxtonio | 25.0715 | 0.6377 |
Oscar | 25.0795 | 0.6457 |
Mankiewwicz | 25.1050 | 0.6712 |
super | 25.1892 | 0.7554 |
Platon | 25.2757 | 0.8419 |
MiGueLiN | 25.2960 | 0.8622 |
Chug | 25.3317 | 0.8979 |
Manuel P | 25.4582 | 1.0244 |
King_of_sertao | 25.6243 | 1.1905 |
LAE | 25.9124 | 1.4786 |
Victor V | 26.4980 | 2.0642 |
Ralfocus | 51.9440 | 27.5102 |
Date | Incident |
20:54:05 - e.t. 04:38 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.68) with Part |
20:54:05 - e.t. 04:38 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.65) with Part |
20:54:13 - e.t. 04:46 | King_of_sertao(13) reported contact (0.29) with another vehicle Jesus G(27) |
20:54:13 - e.t. 04:46 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.06) with another vehicle King_of_sertao(13) |
20:54:13 - e.t. 04:46 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
20:54:13 - e.t. 04:46 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.29) with Part |
20:54:13 - e.t. 04:46 | King_of_sertao(13) reported contact (0.03) with another vehicle Jesus G(27) |
20:54:16 - e.t. 04:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:54:16 - e.t. 04:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
20:54:16 - e.t. 04:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
20:54:16 - e.t. 04:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.52) with Part |
20:54:19 - e.t. 04:52 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.03) with another vehicle yippssy(39) |
20:54:47 - e.t. 05:20 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.87) with another vehicle Jesus G(27) |
20:54:47 - e.t. 05:20 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
20:54:47 - e.t. 05:20 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
20:54:47 - e.t. 05:20 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.16) with another vehicle Jesus G(27) |
20:54:47 - e.t. 05:20 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (1.00) with another vehicle Platon(8) |
20:54:47 - e.t. 05:20 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.97) with another vehicle Platon(8) |
20:54:47 - e.t. 05:20 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.19) with another vehicle Jesus G(27) |
20:54:47 - e.t. 05:20 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.26) with another vehicle Platon(8) |
20:54:47 - e.t. 05:20 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.42) with another vehicle Jesus G(27) |
20:54:50 - e.t. 05:23 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:54:50 - e.t. 05:23 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
20:55:02 - e.t. 05:35 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.48) with Part |
20:55:08 - e.t. 05:41 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
20:55:08 - e.t. 05:41 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.39) with Part |
20:55:09 - e.t. 05:42 | xizuk(4) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:09 - e.t. 05:42 | xizuk(4) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
20:55:09 - e.t. 05:42 | xizuk(4) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:55:30 - e.t. 06:03 | Chug(30) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:30 - e.t. 06:03 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:30 - e.t. 06:03 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:55:33 - e.t. 06:06 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.23) with another vehicle Alexdemayo(41) |
20:55:33 - e.t. 06:06 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.10) with another vehicle Alexdemayo(41) |
20:55:33 - e.t. 06:06 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.19) with another vehicle Nackersum(31) |
20:55:33 - e.t. 06:06 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:33 - e.t. 06:06 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:33 - e.t. 06:06 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:33 - e.t. 06:06 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
20:55:33 - e.t. 06:06 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
20:55:33 - e.t. 06:06 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
20:55:34 - e.t. 06:07 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:34 - e.t. 06:07 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:34 - e.t. 06:07 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:34 - e.t. 06:07 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:36 - e.t. 06:09 | Chug(30) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:36 - e.t. 06:09 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.77) with Part |
20:55:36 - e.t. 06:09 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:55:37 - e.t. 06:10 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:55:38 - e.t. 06:11 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:55:39 - e.t. 06:12 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:55:40 - e.t. 06:13 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:40 - e.t. 06:13 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.58) with Part |
20:55:40 - e.t. 06:13 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:40 - e.t. 06:13 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.39) with Part |
20:55:40 - e.t. 06:13 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
20:55:41 - e.t. 06:14 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:55:42 - e.t. 06:15 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (1.00) with another vehicle Ralfocus(18) |
20:55:42 - e.t. 06:15 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.48) with another vehicle Nackersum(31) |
20:55:42 - e.t. 06:15 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (1.00) with another vehicle Nackersum(31) |
20:55:42 - e.t. 06:15 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.77) with another vehicle Nackersum(31) |
20:55:42 - e.t. 06:15 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (1.00) with another vehicle Ralfocus(18) |
20:55:42 - e.t. 06:15 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.42) with Part |
20:55:42 - e.t. 06:15 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
20:55:42 - e.t. 06:15 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.06) with another vehicle Nackersum(31) |
20:55:42 - e.t. 06:15 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:55:42 - e.t. 06:15 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
20:55:43 - e.t. 06:16 | Javier R(11) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:43 - e.t. 06:16 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.48) with Part |
20:55:43 - e.t. 06:16 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:55:43 - e.t. 06:16 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:55:43 - e.t. 06:16 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (1.00) with another vehicle Javier S(43) |
20:55:43 - e.t. 06:16 | Javier S(43) reported contact (1.00) with another vehicle Nackersum(31) |
20:55:43 - e.t. 06:16 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.97) with Wing |
20:55:43 - e.t. 06:16 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.32) with Wing |
20:55:43 - e.t. 06:16 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.23) with Wing |
20:55:43 - e.t. 06:16 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.55) with Wing |
20:55:44 - e.t. 06:17 | LAE(5) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:44 - e.t. 06:17 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:55:44 - e.t. 06:17 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.26) with another vehicle Javier S(43) |
20:55:44 - e.t. 06:17 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.77) with another vehicle LAE(5) |
20:55:44 - e.t. 06:17 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.39) with Part |
20:55:44 - e.t. 06:17 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.23) with Wing |
20:55:45 - e.t. 06:18 | Javier S(43) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:55:45 - e.t. 06:18 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:55:45 - e.t. 06:18 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:55:45 - e.t. 06:18 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.71) with Immovable |
20:55:46 - e.t. 06:19 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
20:55:46 - e.t. 06:19 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
20:55:46 - e.t. 06:19 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:55:47 - e.t. 06:20 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:55:47 - e.t. 06:20 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable |
20:55:47 - e.t. 06:20 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable |
20:55:51 - e.t. 06:24 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.29) with Part |
20:55:53 - e.t. 06:26 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:53 - e.t. 06:26 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.29) with Part |
20:55:54 - e.t. 06:27 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:55:54 - e.t. 06:27 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:55:57 - e.t. 06:30 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.03) with Wing |
20:55:57 - e.t. 06:30 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.03) with Wing |
20:55:59 - e.t. 06:32 | Platon(8) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:55:59 - e.t. 06:32 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.58) with Part |
20:55:59 - e.t. 06:32 | Javier S(43) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:55:59 - e.t. 06:32 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable |
20:55:59 - e.t. 06:32 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable |
20:56:03 - e.t. 06:36 | xizuk(4) reported contact (0.48) with Part |
20:56:03 - e.t. 06:36 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.10) with another vehicle xizuk(4) |
20:56:03 - e.t. 06:36 | LAE(5) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:56:03 - e.t. 06:36 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
20:56:05 - e.t. 06:38 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable |
20:56:05 - e.t. 06:38 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable |
20:56:07 - e.t. 06:40 | xizuk(4) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable |
20:56:07 - e.t. 06:40 | xizuk(4) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable |
20:56:07 - e.t. 06:40 | xizuk(4) reported contact (0.81) with Immovable |
20:56:07 - e.t. 06:40 | xizuk(4) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:56:07 - e.t. 06:40 | xizuk(4) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable |
20:56:07 - e.t. 06:40 | xizuk(4) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable |
20:56:12 - e.t. 06:45 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.52) with Part |
20:56:22 - e.t. 06:55 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.58) with another vehicle Chug(30) |
20:56:22 - e.t. 06:55 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:56:22 - e.t. 06:55 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:56:22 - e.t. 06:55 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.16) with another vehicle yippssy(39) |
20:56:22 - e.t. 06:55 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.06) with another vehicle yippssy(39) |
20:56:23 - e.t. 06:56 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:56:23 - e.t. 06:56 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
20:56:23 - e.t. 06:56 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:56:23 - e.t. 06:56 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:56:26 - e.t. 06:59 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.39) with another vehicle Mankiewwicz(15) |
20:56:26 - e.t. 06:59 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.39) with another vehicle Victor V(38) |
20:56:26 - e.t. 06:59 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.13) with another vehicle Mankiewwicz(15) |
20:56:35 - e.t. 07:08 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.39) with Immovable |
20:56:35 - e.t. 07:08 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.81) with Immovable |
20:56:35 - e.t. 07:08 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable |
20:56:35 - e.t. 07:08 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.06) with Immovable |
20:56:35 - e.t. 07:08 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.55) with Immovable |
20:56:47 - e.t. 07:20 | nota(25) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
20:56:47 - e.t. 07:20 | nota(25) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
20:56:47 - e.t. 07:20 | nota(25) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
20:56:47 - e.t. 07:20 | IValero(26) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:56:47 - e.t. 07:20 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.52) with Part |
20:56:47 - e.t. 07:20 | elkrack2(29) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:56:47 - e.t. 07:20 | elkrack2(29) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:56:48 - e.t. 07:21 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:56:48 - e.t. 07:21 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.03) with another vehicle Javier S(43) |
20:56:48 - e.t. 07:21 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.45) with Part |
20:56:48 - e.t. 07:21 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.61) with Part |
20:56:49 - e.t. 07:22 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.71) with Part |
20:56:51 - e.t. 07:24 | super(42) reported contact (0.42) with Part |
20:56:51 - e.t. 07:24 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.06) with another vehicle super(42) |
20:56:56 - e.t. 07:29 | super(42) reported contact (0.65) with another vehicle LAE(5) |
20:56:56 - e.t. 07:29 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.87) with another vehicle super(42) |
20:56:56 - e.t. 07:29 | super(42) reported contact (0.13) with another vehicle LAE(5) |
20:56:56 - e.t. 07:29 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:56:56 - e.t. 07:29 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:56:56 - e.t. 07:29 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:56:56 - e.t. 07:29 | super(42) reported contact (0.00) with another vehicle LAE(5) |
20:56:56 - e.t. 07:29 | super(42) reported contact (0.03) with another vehicle LAE(5) |
20:56:56 - e.t. 07:29 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
20:56:56 - e.t. 07:29 | LAE(5) reported contact (0.32) with another vehicle super(42) |
20:57:00 - e.t. 07:33 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.29) with another vehicle yippssy(39) |
20:57:00 - e.t. 07:33 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.26) with another vehicle Chug(30) |
20:57:00 - e.t. 07:33 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.84) with Sign |
20:57:00 - e.t. 07:33 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
20:57:01 - e.t. 07:34 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:57:01 - e.t. 07:34 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.61) with Part |
20:57:01 - e.t. 07:34 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.32) with Sign |
20:57:01 - e.t. 07:34 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:57:01 - e.t. 07:34 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.06) with Sign |
20:57:01 - e.t. 07:34 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.61) with Sign |
20:57:05 - e.t. 07:38 | yippssy(39) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:57:07 - e.t. 07:40 | Victor V(38) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:57:07 - e.t. 07:40 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:57:07 - e.t. 07:40 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:57:28 - e.t. 08:01 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.03) with another vehicle SGKiboyuka(0) |
20:57:28 - e.t. 08:01 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:57:28 - e.t. 08:01 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
20:57:30 - e.t. 08:03 | Golden(14) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:57:30 - e.t. 08:03 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:57:30 - e.t. 08:03 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.81) with Part |
20:58:15 - e.t. 08:48 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.71) with Cone |
20:58:15 - e.t. 08:48 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.97) with Cone |
20:58:15 - e.t. 08:48 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.68) with Cone |
20:58:15 - e.t. 08:48 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.87) with Cone |
20:58:15 - e.t. 08:48 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.71) with Cone |
20:58:15 - e.t. 08:48 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.68) with Cone |
20:58:15 - e.t. 08:48 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.13) with Cone |
20:58:15 - e.t. 08:48 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.48) with Cone |
20:58:15 - e.t. 08:48 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.26) with Cone |
20:58:15 - e.t. 08:48 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.68) with Cone |
20:58:15 - e.t. 08:48 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.52) with Cone |
20:58:16 - e.t. 08:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.29) with Cone |
20:58:16 - e.t. 08:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.65) with Cone |
20:58:16 - e.t. 08:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.42) with Cone |
20:58:16 - e.t. 08:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.23) with Cone |
20:58:16 - e.t. 08:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.39) with Cone |
20:58:16 - e.t. 08:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
20:58:16 - e.t. 08:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.42) with Cone |
20:58:16 - e.t. 08:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.65) with Cone |
20:58:16 - e.t. 08:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.42) with Cone |
20:58:19 - e.t. 08:52 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.42) with Part |
20:58:20 - e.t. 08:53 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.45) with Cone |
20:58:20 - e.t. 08:53 | Platon(8) reported contact (1.00) with Cone |
20:58:20 - e.t. 08:53 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.74) with Cone |
20:58:20 - e.t. 08:53 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.06) with Cone |
20:58:31 - e.t. 09:04 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:58:31 - e.t. 09:04 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
20:58:31 - e.t. 09:04 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
20:58:40 - e.t. 09:13 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.03) with another vehicle IValero(26) |
20:58:40 - e.t. 09:13 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
20:58:40 - e.t. 09:13 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:58:40 - e.t. 09:13 | King_of_sertao(13) reported contact (1.00) with Cone |
20:58:40 - e.t. 09:13 | King_of_sertao(13) reported contact (0.13) with Cone |
20:58:40 - e.t. 09:13 | King_of_sertao(13) reported contact (0.03) with Cone |
20:58:42 - e.t. 09:15 | Golden(14) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:58:42 - e.t. 09:15 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.58) with Part |
20:58:42 - e.t. 09:15 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:58:45 - e.t. 09:18 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:58:45 - e.t. 09:18 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.29) with Part |
20:58:45 - e.t. 09:18 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
20:58:49 - e.t. 09:22 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
20:59:27 - e.t. 10:00 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
20:59:27 - e.t. 10:00 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
20:59:27 - e.t. 10:00 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
20:59:27 - e.t. 10:00 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
20:59:29 - e.t. 10:02 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
20:59:29 - e.t. 10:02 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.32) with Immovable |
20:59:29 - e.t. 10:02 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable |
20:59:29 - e.t. 10:02 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
20:59:33 - e.t. 10:06 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.58) with Sign |
21:00:21 - e.t. 10:54 | super(42) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
21:00:21 - e.t. 10:54 | super(42) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable |
21:00:22 - e.t. 10:55 | super(42) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable |
21:01:11 - e.t. 11:44 | Platon(8) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:01:11 - e.t. 11:44 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.42) with Part |
21:01:11 - e.t. 11:44 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
21:01:12 - e.t. 11:45 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:01:12 - e.t. 11:45 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:02:13 - e.t. 12:46 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.52) with Part |
21:02:53 - e.t. 13:26 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.06) with Track |
21:03:36 - e.t. 14:09 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.16) with Track |
21:03:53 - e.t. 14:26 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:03:53 - e.t. 14:26 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
21:04:28 - e.t. 15:01 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:04:28 - e.t. 15:01 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:04:44 - e.t. 15:17 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
21:04:44 - e.t. 15:17 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:04:47 - e.t. 15:20 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.19) with another vehicle super(42) |
21:04:47 - e.t. 15:20 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.10) with another vehicle super(42) |
21:04:48 - e.t. 15:21 | Golden(14) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:04:48 - e.t. 15:21 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.87) with Part |
21:04:48 - e.t. 15:21 | Golden(14) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:04:48 - e.t. 15:21 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:04:48 - e.t. 15:21 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:05:21 - e.t. 15:54 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.13) with another vehicle xizuk(4) |
21:05:21 - e.t. 15:54 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.29) with another vehicle xizuk(4) |
21:05:21 - e.t. 15:54 | xizuk(4) reported contact (0.16) with another vehicle BanditSenna(24) |
21:05:21 - e.t. 15:54 | xizuk(4) reported contact (0.23) with another vehicle BanditSenna(24) |
21:05:21 - e.t. 15:54 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.16) with another vehicle xizuk(4) |
21:07:56 - e.t. 18:29 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.03) with another vehicle King_of_sertao(13) |
21:07:56 - e.t. 18:29 | King_of_sertao(13) reported contact (0.39) with Part |
21:08:10 - e.t. 18:43 | super(42) reported contact (0.26) with Sign |
21:08:10 - e.t. 18:43 | super(42) reported contact (0.10) with Sign |
21:08:12 - e.t. 18:45 | super(42) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
21:08:12 - e.t. 18:45 | super(42) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:08:12 - e.t. 18:45 | super(42) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:08:12 - e.t. 18:45 | super(42) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
21:08:12 - e.t. 18:45 | super(42) reported contact (0.77) with Immovable |
21:08:12 - e.t. 18:45 | super(42) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable |
21:08:12 - e.t. 18:45 | super(42) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable |
21:08:12 - e.t. 18:45 | super(42) reported contact (0.39) with Immovable |
21:08:29 - e.t. 19:02 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
21:08:35 - e.t. 19:08 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:08:35 - e.t. 19:08 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
21:10:02 - e.t. 20:35 | super(42) reported contact (0.26) with Sign |
21:10:58 - e.t. 21:31 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
21:10:58 - e.t. 21:31 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
21:11:06 - e.t. 21:39 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.06) with Cone |
21:14:45 - e.t. 25:18 | nota(25) reported contact (0.10) with Track |
21:16:39 - e.t. 27:12 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
21:16:39 - e.t. 27:12 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
21:16:39 - e.t. 27:12 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:16:39 - e.t. 27:12 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:16:43 - e.t. 27:16 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.35) with Sign |
21:16:46 - e.t. 27:19 | Victor V(38) reported contact (0.23) with Sign |
21:17:53 - e.t. 28:26 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.84) with Sign |
21:18:34 - e.t. 29:07 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
21:19:50 - e.t. 30:23 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:21:29 - e.t. 32:02 | yippssy(39) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
21:21:29 - e.t. 32:02 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.84) with Immovable |
21:21:29 - e.t. 32:02 | yippssy(39) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
21:21:29 - e.t. 32:02 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.26) with Immovable |
21:21:30 - e.t. 32:03 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.26) with Immovable |
21:21:55 - e.t. 32:28 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.06) with Track |
21:21:59 - e.t. 32:32 | super(42) reported contact (0.26) with Sign |
21:22:41 - e.t. 33:14 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
21:22:42 - e.t. 33:15 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.77) with Part |
21:22:42 - e.t. 33:15 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
21:22:42 - e.t. 33:15 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:23:03 - e.t. 33:36 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:23:03 - e.t. 33:36 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:23:40 - e.t. 34:13 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.29) with another vehicle super(42) |
21:23:41 - e.t. 34:14 | super(42) reported contact (0.19) with another vehicle Nackersum(31) |
21:25:18 - e.t. 35:51 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.10) with another vehicle Golden(14) |
21:25:18 - e.t. 35:51 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.06) with another vehicle Alexdemayo(41) |
21:25:22 - e.t. 35:55 | super(42) reported contact (0.48) with another vehicle Antonio M(21) |
Date | Penalty |
21:10:38 - e.t. 21:11 | SGKiboyuka received Drive Thru penalty, 10s, 0laps. Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,10s |
21:14:57 - e.t. 25:30 | SGKiboyuka served 1st Drive Thru penalty, result: penalties=0, 1st=Drive Thru,10s |
Date | Message |
21:26:05 - e.t. 36:38 | IValero: praxtonia as parado en box?? |
21:26:12 - e.t. 36:45 | IValero: praxtonio |
Average lap time of the winner is the top baseline.
FullscreenUse your mouse scroll wheel to zoom and click to drag.
Game | Automobilista (2.000) |
Session | Race |
Date | 2016-10-16 21:41:09 (UTC) |
Track | Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Circuito No 15 |
Length | 6197m |
Winner | elkrack2 |
Led most laps | elkrack2 |
Best lap | SGKiboyuka (01:59.4341) |
Max minutes | 25 |
Lasted laps | 13 |
Server MOTD | bonita marmota... |
Mod | REIZA01.srs |
Allowed Vehicles | StockV8 |
Fixed setup | No |
Other settings | MechFailRate = 1, DamageMult = 50, FuelMult = 1, TireMult = 2 |
Pos | Up | Driver | Vehicle | Laps | Time/Retired | Best lap | Consistency | Led | Pits | Aids |
1 | ▴ 5 | elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 13 | 26:21.3298 | 01:59.6970 | 98.86% | 9 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | ▴ 5 | Javier R | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 13 | +00:05.6868 | 02:00.8556 | 99.57% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | ▸ 0 | Oscar | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 13 | +00:06.7178 | 02:00.7296 | 99.19% | 4 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | ▴ 16 | Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 13 | +00:15.5884 | 02:00.0845 | 98.44% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl |
5 | ▴ 4 | Alexdemayo | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 13 | +00:16.9749 | 02:00.6340 | 98.64% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | ▴ 6 | nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 13 | +00:17.6309 | 01:59.5541 | 97.54% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | ▴ 12 | Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 13 | +00:18.2312 | 02:00.0186 | 98.31% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | ▾ 3 | Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 13 | +00:23.8714 | 02:01.0097 | 98.20% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | ▾ 1 | Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 13 | +00:26.1148 | 02:00.6034 | 97.82% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | ▾ 6 | SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 13 | +00:28.5078 | 01:59.4341 | 97.22% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | ▾ 9 | Platon | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 13 | +00:31.2276 | 02:01.4500 | 98.10% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | ▴ 3 | Chug | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 13 | +00:37.2349 | 02:01.5210 | 98.05% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | ▴ 14 | Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 13 | +00:37.3577 | 02:00.2192 | 97.21% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
14 | ▾ 3 | praxtonio | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 13 | +00:40.1023 | 02:01.8073 | 98.03% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
15 | ▴ 8 | Ralfocus | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 13 | +00:41.6231 | 02:01.4924 | 97.90% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
16 | ▴ 1 | Jesus G | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 13 | +00:54.8272 | 02:02.5182 | 97.83% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
17 | ▴ 1 | xizuk | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 13 | +00:56.3599 | 02:02.1759 | 97.23% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
18 | ▴ 6 | yippssy | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 13 | +01:12.5679 | 02:00.8167 | 98.51% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl |
19 | ▴ 6 | Taelon | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 13 | +01:28.3431 | 02:04.2828 | 97.98% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
20 | ▾ 19 | MiGueLiN | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 13 | +01:49.6465 | 02:01.3636 | 98.80% | 0 | 2 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
21 | ▾ 7 | xiqui | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 12 | +1 lap | 02:04.1195 | 94.83% | 0 | 3 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
22 | ▾ 6 | BanditSenna | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 9 | Suspension | 02:00.7691 | 98.19% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
23 | ▾ 13 | IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 7 | DNF | 01:59.6168 | 98.61% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
24 | ▴ 4 | super | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 6 | Suspension | 02:00.7898 | 92.36% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl |
25 | ▾ 12 | cloudXXI | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 6 | Suspension | 02:02.0373 | 98.54% | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
26 | ▾ 4 | Mankiewwicz | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 5 | Suspension | 02:03.5018 | 97.63% | 0 | 1 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
27 | ▾ 1 | LAE | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | 1 | DNF | - | - | 0 | 0 | PlayerControl, Clutch |
28 | ▾ 7 | King_of_sertao | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | 0 | DNF | - | - | 0 | 0 | - |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:03.2325 | 24.6447 | 71.8314 | 26.7564 | 62.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:02.6071 | 24.5593 | 72.3562 | 25.6916 | 58% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.7233 | 24.8318 | 69.8168 | 25.0746 | 53.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.2993 | 24.3511 | 70.7291 | 25.2191 | 48.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.6970 | 24.4095 | 70.2729 | 25.0146 | 43.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.7896 | 24.5586 | 71.1457 | 25.0853 | 38.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.7305 | 24.9282 | 70.6092 | 25.1931 | 34.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:01.5867 | 25.0953 | 71.4122 | 25.0791 | 29% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.5863 | 24.9279 | 70.6652 | 24.9933 | 24.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:01.0608 | 24.6935 | 71.1967 | 25.1707 | 19.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:01.5076 | 25.0580 | 71.2568 | 25.1927 | 14.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.9722 | 24.7706 | 71.0220 | 25.1796 | 9.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:01.7704 | 25.0134 | 71.4585 | 25.2985 | 5.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:01.1202 | 24.7571 | 71.0594 | 25.3037 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.1612 | 24.3511 | 69.8168 | 24.9933 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:03.9974 | 24.9413 | 72.4465 | 26.6096 | 65.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1226 | 24.2838 | 72.0853 | 25.7535 | 61.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1725 | 24.9612 | 71.0487 | 25.1625 | 56.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0671 | 24.4288 | 71.4143 | 25.2240 | 52.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1865 | 24.5542 | 71.6855 | 24.9468 | 47.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:00.9662 | 24.5193 | 71.2134 | 25.2335 | 42.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1384 | 24.4340 | 71.4122 | 25.2922 | 38% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5674 | 24.2974 | 72.0686 | 25.2014 | 33.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:00.8556 | 24.6237 | 71.1213 | 25.1106 | 28.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5728 | 24.7201 | 71.2076 | 25.6450 | 23.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0979 | 24.3184 | 71.3846 | 25.3949 | 19.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.3420 | 24.6862 | 71.4272 | 25.2286 | 14.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:01.9596 | 24.6664 | 71.9325 | 25.3607 | 9.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:01.5420 | 24.5719 | 71.5729 | 25.3972 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.2793 | 24.2838 | 71.0487 | 24.9468 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:03.4175 | 25.2382 | 72.0150 | 26.1644 | 72.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.2706 | 24.9763 | 71.0473 | 25.2470 | 67.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.8243 | 25.0670 | 71.3313 | 25.4260 | 62.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:00.7296 | 24.6853 | 70.7003 | 25.3439 | 57.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:00.8628 | 24.7739 | 70.9712 | 25.1177 | 52.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:00.8157 | 24.5840 | 70.9445 | 25.2872 | 47.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:02.5472 | 24.6706 | 72.5912 | 25.2854 | 42.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.7625 | 24.9650 | 71.5054 | 25.2921 | 37.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.7838 | 25.1188 | 71.5530 | 25.1121 | 32.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.8981 | 24.8374 | 71.6068 | 25.4539 | 27.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:02.7050 | 24.8319 | 72.0560 | 25.8170 | 22.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.6171 | 24.6407 | 71.7147 | 25.2616 | 18% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:01.6812 | 24.7208 | 71.3610 | 25.5994 | 12.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:01.7627 | 24.8546 | 71.4921 | 25.4160 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.3964 | 24.5840 | 70.7003 | 25.1121 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:04.3836 | 25.7380 | 73.0556 | 25.5900 | 67.8% | PlayerControl |
2 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:02.8735 | 24.9829 | 72.4594 | 25.4312 | 62.7% | PlayerControl |
3 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:05.9822 | 25.1477 | 75.8594 | 24.9751 | 58% | PlayerControl |
4 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:01.7455 | 25.4445 | 70.9758 | 25.3253 | 53.3% | PlayerControl |
5 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:00.1534 | 24.6971 | 70.2808 | 25.1755 | 48.6% | PlayerControl |
6 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:01.7822 | 24.4278 | 72.2606 | 25.0938 | 43.5% | PlayerControl |
7 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:00.9073 | 25.0222 | 70.8971 | 24.9880 | 38.8% | PlayerControl |
8 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1747 | 24.4744 | 71.4611 | 25.2393 | 33.7% | PlayerControl |
9 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:00.5725 | 24.9840 | 70.6389 | 24.9496 | 28.6% | PlayerControl |
10 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1823 | 24.6135 | 72.3351 | 25.2336 | 24.3% | PlayerControl |
11 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:00.0845 | 24.8046 | 70.3091 | 24.9708 | 19.2% | PlayerControl |
12 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:01.6661 | 24.7504 | 71.7008 | 25.2150 | 14.5% | PlayerControl |
13 | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:02.4879 | 24.9774 | 72.1327 | 25.3778 | 9.4% | PlayerControl |
Average | 02:01.9996 | 24.9280 | 71.8743 | 25.1973 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.6582 | 24.4278 | 70.2808 | 24.9496 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:04.6937 | 25.3018 | 72.5725 | 26.8194 | 72.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:02.5837 | 24.8419 | 72.0060 | 25.7358 | 67.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:02.3332 | 24.9827 | 72.2934 | 25.0571 | 63.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:03.6052 | 24.7209 | 72.4835 | 26.4008 | 58% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:01.9460 | 24.7849 | 71.6238 | 25.5373 | 53.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:02.5940 | 24.6829 | 72.0719 | 25.8392 | 48.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:00.6340 | 24.4953 | 71.0566 | 25.0820 | 43.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4061 | 24.5024 | 71.1904 | 25.7133 | 38.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1083 | 25.1215 | 72.0813 | 24.9055 | 33.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:02.6803 | 24.8267 | 72.5864 | 25.2672 | 28.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:01.1147 | 25.3472 | 70.6599 | 25.1077 | 23.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:02.6079 | 25.0885 | 72.4412 | 25.0782 | 18.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:02.0635 | 24.4600 | 72.2266 | 25.3770 | 14.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:02.3362 | 24.8582 | 71.9457 | 25.5323 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.0254 | 24.4600 | 70.6599 | 24.9055 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:03.7935 | 24.9023 | 72.3542 | 26.5370 | 62.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:01.8817 | 24.4776 | 72.3921 | 25.0120 | 57.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:01.3223 | 25.3785 | 70.2436 | 25.7003 | 52.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:01.2395 | 24.4591 | 71.2181 | 25.5623 | 48.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:01.2325 | 24.5706 | 71.3746 | 25.2874 | 43.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.5781 | 24.5253 | 71.1174 | 24.9354 | 38.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.5541 | 24.2073 | 70.1765 | 25.1703 | 34.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:12.9137 | 24.5972 | 83.5966 | 24.7200 | 29.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.8452 | 24.2762 | 71.6593 | 24.9097 | 24.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:03.4132 | 24.6788 | 74.0254 | 24.7090 | 20% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.7440 | 24.4030 | 71.3815 | 24.9596 | 15.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:01.2015 | 24.8572 | 71.4955 | 24.8489 | 10.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:02.1146 | 24.8605 | 71.3918 | 25.8623 | 5.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:02.3719 | 24.6303 | 72.4944 | 25.2472 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.0928 | 24.2073 | 70.1765 | 24.7090 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:06.2226 | 25.7279 | 74.2805 | 26.2142 | 72.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:03.8446 | 24.4676 | 74.0081 | 25.3689 | 67.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | - | 24.9526 | - | - | 63.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:01.1866 | 24.2383 | 71.9245 | 25.0237 | 58.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.9399 | 24.6672 | 71.1337 | 25.1390 | 53.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:01.6281 | 25.3649 | 71.0632 | 25.2000 | 48.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.6601 | 24.5865 | 71.0658 | 25.0078 | 43.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:08.2264 | 24.4926 | 70.6063 | 33.1276 | 38.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.4718 | 24.3740 | 70.8026 | 25.2952 | 34.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.6669 | 24.8870 | 70.6930 | 25.0869 | 29% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.0186 | 24.4542 | 70.7181 | 24.8462 | 24.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:02.1632 | 26.2432 | 70.8577 | 25.0624 | 19.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.7155 | 24.4376 | 71.0217 | 25.2561 | 14.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:02.2383 | 24.8380 | 71.5146 | 25.8857 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.6908 | 24.2383 | 70.6063 | 24.8462 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:04.1488 | 24.9451 | 72.6359 | 26.5678 | 71.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:03.2846 | 24.7676 | 73.1765 | 25.3406 | 67.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:02.5725 | 25.4911 | 72.2045 | 24.8769 | 62.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:02.9285 | 24.8068 | 72.7354 | 25.3864 | 57.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0097 | 24.5998 | 71.2440 | 25.1659 | 52.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1983 | 24.9092 | 72.2070 | 25.0820 | 48.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | - | 24.9362 | - | - | 43.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1753 | 24.8550 | 72.0901 | 25.2302 | 38.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5250 | 25.0457 | 71.2593 | 25.2201 | 33.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:01.8574 | 25.1669 | 71.3362 | 25.3544 | 29% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:01.8704 | 25.3235 | 71.6017 | 24.9452 | 24.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:11.5499 | 25.0367 | 81.2339 | 25.2793 | 19.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:01.9628 | 24.9766 | 71.7527 | 25.2335 | 14.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:03.0859 | 24.9892 | 72.7898 | 25.3069 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.7207 | 24.5998 | 71.2440 | 24.8769 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:03.8830 | 25.3068 | 71.9455 | 26.6307 | 71% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:03.3262 | 24.3653 | 73.4926 | 25.4684 | 66.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:02.1997 | 24.8144 | 72.4591 | 24.9262 | 61.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:02.8494 | 24.9429 | 72.4293 | 25.4771 | 56.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:01.6741 | 24.8936 | 71.5958 | 25.1848 | 52.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:10.8047 | 24.7258 | 72.3243 | 33.7546 | 47.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:02.4885 | 25.8950 | 71.3237 | 25.2698 | 42.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:01.4679 | 24.6129 | 71.7316 | 25.1234 | 37.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:00.6034 | 24.6674 | 70.9476 | 24.9884 | 32.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:00.8339 | 24.7177 | 71.2009 | 24.9153 | 28.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:01.5253 | 24.8279 | 71.7219 | 24.9755 | 23.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:00.6813 | 24.7788 | 70.9563 | 24.9462 | 18.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:07.6957 | 24.6317 | 77.7076 | 25.3563 | 13.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:03.0795 | 24.8600 | 72.2951 | 25.9244 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.2282 | 24.3653 | 70.9476 | 24.9153 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:15.0970 | 24.7732 | 72.4405 | 37.8833 | 64.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:01.9449 | 24.6354 | 71.4793 | 25.8301 | 60% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:01.7852 | 25.5004 | 70.6388 | 25.6461 | 55.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:00.9931 | 24.3807 | 71.2185 | 25.3939 | 51% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:59.4341 | 24.4531 | 69.5964 | 25.3845 | 46.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:01.2834 | 25.0798 | 70.9797 | 25.2239 | 41.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:59.8479 | 24.4930 | 70.3716 | 24.9833 | 36.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:02.4272 | 24.6998 | 71.3672 | 26.3602 | 32.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:01.7411 | 25.0640 | 71.4828 | 25.1943 | 27.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:03.9689 | 25.2766 | 73.4457 | 25.2466 | 22.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:00.7396 | 24.6179 | 71.1163 | 25.0054 | 18% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:00.7898 | 24.7358 | 71.0627 | 24.9912 | 13.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 02:14.8224 | 24.5577 | 71.9424 | 38.3223 | 8.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:03.4519 | 24.7898 | 71.3186 | 27.3435 | |||
Best possible | 01:58.9604 | 24.3807 | 69.5964 | 24.9833 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:05.2330 | 24.6758 | 73.6464 | 26.9108 | 71.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:03.2268 | 24.9991 | 72.0271 | 26.2007 | 67.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:01.8010 | 25.0286 | 70.7083 | 26.0642 | 62% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:04.0765 | 24.7089 | 73.6837 | 25.6839 | 57.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:03.2708 | 24.3523 | 73.5018 | 25.4166 | 52.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:09.8117 | 24.5859 | 71.3839 | 33.8419 | 47.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:01.8768 | 24.4432 | 72.0897 | 25.3439 | 42.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:03.2369 | 25.0365 | 72.8027 | 25.3977 | 37.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:01.4500 | 24.6930 | 71.4602 | 25.2968 | 32.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:04.2100 | 25.0009 | 73.3292 | 25.8799 | 27.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:02.7833 | 24.5249 | 72.7251 | 25.5333 | 22.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:03.8816 | 25.1156 | 72.9915 | 25.7745 | 17.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:03.2246 | 24.8074 | 72.7015 | 25.7157 | 12.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:03.6987 | 24.7671 | 72.5424 | 26.3892 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.3574 | 24.3523 | 70.7083 | 25.2968 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:04.4131 | 25.4475 | 72.8473 | 26.1183 | 71% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:03.7853 | 25.1756 | 72.9976 | 25.6122 | 65.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:04.1548 | 25.5968 | 73.3439 | 25.2141 | 60.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:01.9243 | 24.6139 | 72.1526 | 25.1578 | 54.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5210 | 25.4131 | 70.8350 | 25.2729 | 49.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:10.6453 | 24.8945 | 73.4400 | 32.3109 | 44.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:02.2501 | 25.1411 | 71.7980 | 25.3110 | 39.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:02.9010 | 25.0483 | 72.2804 | 25.5723 | 33.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:02.9803 | 25.1760 | 72.2672 | 25.5371 | 28.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:03.2440 | 24.9000 | 72.8446 | 25.4994 | 23.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:04.2394 | 25.5403 | 73.0636 | 25.6355 | 17.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:04.4103 | 25.1887 | 73.7235 | 25.4980 | 12.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:02.3291 | 24.7853 | 71.8326 | 25.7112 | 7.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:03.7538 | 25.1478 | 72.5713 | 26.0347 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.6067 | 24.6139 | 70.8350 | 25.1578 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:05.7982 | 26.0247 | 73.5166 | 26.2569 | 62.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:02.3818 | 24.3993 | 72.3875 | 25.5950 | 57.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:01.8797 | 25.3122 | 70.8945 | 25.6730 | 52.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1100 | 24.3654 | 72.2690 | 25.4755 | 48.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:05.5770 | 24.6945 | 70.9779 | 29.9046 | 43.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:00.2797 | 24.4188 | 70.1943 | 25.6666 | 38.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4794 | 24.7672 | 71.4636 | 25.2487 | 33.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:00.2192 | 24.2517 | 70.8563 | 25.1112 | 29% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:01.3105 | 25.0858 | 71.1781 | 25.0466 | 23.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:15.1473 | 24.5997 | 85.3207 | 25.2269 | 19.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:02.7869 | 25.3157 | 71.6428 | 25.8284 | 14.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:04.4507 | 24.8199 | 73.9548 | 25.6759 | 9.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:01.9147 | 24.6936 | 71.7330 | 25.4880 | 5.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:03.4873 | 24.8268 | 72.7992 | 25.8613 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.4926 | 24.2517 | 70.1943 | 25.0466 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:04.6184 | 25.3455 | 72.6560 | 26.6169 | 72.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:03.8863 | 25.0283 | 73.1702 | 25.6879 | 68.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:02.8743 | 24.8375 | 72.6812 | 25.3557 | 63.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:01.8073 | 24.6615 | 71.8416 | 25.3043 | 58% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:02.2784 | 24.9028 | 71.8008 | 25.5748 | 53.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:02.3537 | 24.9472 | 71.9617 | 25.4448 | 48.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:16.2786 | 37.2471 | 73.4758 | 25.5557 | 43.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:05.0070 | 26.1133 | 73.1290 | 25.7646 | 38.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:02.4027 | 25.0142 | 71.6927 | 25.6958 | 33.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:02.3257 | 24.9125 | 72.0250 | 25.3882 | 28.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:01.9136 | 24.8760 | 71.3705 | 25.6671 | 23.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:02.6859 | 24.8948 | 72.1587 | 25.6324 | 18.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:04.2512 | 24.7551 | 74.5599 | 24.9362 | 14.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:04.0526 | 25.9643 | 72.5018 | 25.5865 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.9682 | 24.6615 | 71.3705 | 24.9362 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:05.3650 | 25.5262 | 73.1257 | 26.7131 | 72.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:02.5396 | 24.5539 | 72.4089 | 25.5768 | 67.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:03.0854 | 25.4645 | 72.2746 | 25.3463 | 63.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:13.4456 | 24.3489 | 72.9351 | 36.1617 | 58.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:03.6155 | 24.8040 | 72.4913 | 26.3202 | 53.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:03.1022 | 24.8910 | 72.2510 | 25.9602 | 48.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:03.6684 | 25.5319 | 72.4913 | 25.6451 | 43.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:02.6478 | 24.7992 | 71.8710 | 25.9777 | 39.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:02.9897 | 24.5671 | 72.8602 | 25.5624 | 34.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:03.0282 | 25.2950 | 72.3235 | 25.4097 | 29.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4924 | 24.6747 | 71.6066 | 25.2112 | 25.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5222 | 24.4144 | 71.5902 | 25.5176 | 20% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:04.8917 | 24.9178 | 74.4489 | 25.5250 | 15.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:03.9533 | 24.9068 | 72.5137 | 26.5328 | |||
Best possible | 02:01.1503 | 24.3489 | 71.5902 | 25.2112 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:06.3127 | 26.0934 | 73.1994 | 27.0199 | 76.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:04.1992 | 24.4803 | 74.2188 | 25.5001 | 71.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:08.1081 | 30.2162 | 72.3843 | 25.5075 | 66.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:02.5182 | 24.4054 | 72.4419 | 25.6709 | 61.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:02.9679 | 24.9391 | 72.2466 | 25.7821 | 56.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:04.5305 | 25.0261 | 73.6104 | 25.8940 | 51.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:05.5252 | 24.8914 | 74.7169 | 25.9169 | 47.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:03.6792 | 24.6970 | 73.5365 | 25.4457 | 42.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:02.6025 | 25.2665 | 71.9994 | 25.3367 | 37.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:10.0339 | 30.3105 | 73.7473 | 25.9761 | 32.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:06.8459 | 27.9902 | 73.1150 | 25.7407 | 27.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:03.8386 | 25.2656 | 72.3019 | 26.2711 | 23.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:04.6027 | 25.0214 | 73.2195 | 26.3618 | 18.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:05.0588 | 26.0464 | 73.1337 | 25.8787 | |||
Best possible | 02:01.7415 | 24.4054 | 71.9994 | 25.3367 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:04.5111 | 25.6219 | 73.1163 | 25.7728 | 67.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:02.2719 | 25.0897 | 71.5679 | 25.6144 | 62.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:11.1096 | 24.4946 | 81.7087 | 24.9063 | 58% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:08.9340 | 26.0605 | 70.9846 | 31.8888 | 53.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:09.3301 | 25.0101 | 78.1624 | 26.1577 | 48.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:03.7122 | 24.9785 | 73.3587 | 25.3751 | 43.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:06.7778 | 27.9487 | 73.2916 | 25.5375 | 38.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:02.6158 | 24.8340 | 72.3512 | 25.4307 | 34.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:02.8319 | 25.0487 | 72.3494 | 25.4338 | 29.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1759 | 24.6360 | 72.1771 | 25.3628 | 24.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:03.9120 | 25.3214 | 72.7084 | 25.8822 | 20% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:07.3077 | 25.0101 | 72.9890 | 29.3086 | 15.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:02.3636 | 24.8436 | 72.6632 | 24.8568 | 10.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:05.2194 | 25.2998 | 73.6483 | 26.2713 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.3360 | 24.4946 | 70.9846 | 24.8568 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:16.4667 | 25.8995 | 74.0344 | 36.5328 | 70.6% | PlayerControl |
2 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:01.3591 | 24.6730 | 71.1589 | 25.5272 | 65.5% | PlayerControl |
3 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:01.6653 | 24.8421 | 71.5231 | 25.3001 | 60.8% | PlayerControl |
4 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:01.9627 | 24.6472 | 71.6997 | 25.6158 | 55.7% | PlayerControl |
5 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:00.8167 | 24.5337 | 71.1125 | 25.1705 | 50.6% | PlayerControl |
6 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:37.9454 | 25.0838 | 107.0555 | 25.8062 | 45.5% | PlayerControl |
7 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:02.8320 | 25.1827 | 72.2178 | 25.4315 | 40.4% | PlayerControl |
8 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:03.1104 | 24.9744 | 72.4232 | 25.7128 | 35.7% | PlayerControl |
9 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:02.8876 | 25.0789 | 72.2560 | 25.5527 | 30.6% | PlayerControl |
10 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:03.3168 | 24.8978 | 72.5919 | 25.8270 | 25.5% | PlayerControl |
11 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:02.4478 | 24.8005 | 72.2637 | 25.3835 | 20.8% | PlayerControl |
12 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:03.4918 | 25.0669 | 72.5729 | 25.8521 | 15.7% | PlayerControl |
13 | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:03.1249 | 25.3978 | 72.0830 | 25.6440 | 11% | PlayerControl |
Average | 02:06.2636 | 25.0060 | 74.8456 | 26.4120 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.8167 | 24.5337 | 71.1125 | 25.1705 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:18.2534 | 26.1390 | 73.3636 | 38.7509 | 61.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:05.4512 | 25.8943 | 73.9427 | 25.6141 | 56.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:04.9734 | 25.5755 | 73.1821 | 26.2158 | 51.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:06.8867 | 26.4943 | 73.8354 | 26.5570 | 46.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:06.5776 | 26.3237 | 74.5038 | 25.7501 | 42% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:04.2828 | 25.5399 | 72.9703 | 25.7725 | 36.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:04.7494 | 25.9255 | 73.2084 | 25.6155 | 32.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:04.4956 | 25.9708 | 72.8224 | 25.7024 | 27.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:05.2906 | 26.1333 | 73.2633 | 25.8940 | 22.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:04.5093 | 26.1677 | 72.5166 | 25.8250 | 17.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:05.1249 | 25.6139 | 73.2175 | 26.2935 | 12.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:20.1130 | 26.3342 | 74.7092 | 39.0696 | 7.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:06.5875 | 26.7743 | 73.6206 | 26.1926 | 2.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:07.4842 | 26.0682 | 73.4735 | 27.9425 | |||
Best possible | 02:03.6706 | 25.5399 | 72.5166 | 25.6141 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (P: 72.6505) | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 03:09.2838 | 25.6954 | 72.5397 | 91.0487 | 75.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 (P: 18.6262) | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:21.2438 | 32.1304 | 72.5400 | 36.5734 | 95.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | - | 32.5814 | - | - | 90.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4030 | 24.5656 | 71.4459 | 25.3915 | 85.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:01.3636 | 24.9797 | 71.1921 | 25.1917 | 80.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:02.6171 | 24.8056 | 72.1182 | 25.6934 | 75.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4607 | 24.7738 | 71.2788 | 25.4081 | 71% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:02.4110 | 24.6841 | 71.9148 | 25.8121 | 65.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:02.3342 | 24.7720 | 71.4980 | 26.0642 | 61.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:03.4553 | 24.8857 | 72.6814 | 25.8882 | 56.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:04.3618 | 24.8445 | 74.2507 | 25.2666 | 51.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:02.5801 | 25.1849 | 71.9838 | 25.4114 | 47.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
13 | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:04.7660 | 24.8636 | 73.8845 | 26.0178 | 42.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:10.3169 | 26.0590 | 72.2773 | 31.9806 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.9494 | 24.5656 | 71.1921 | 25.1917 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:04.1195 | 24.8143 | 72.8865 | 26.4187 | 57.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | - | - | - | - | 52.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | - | 24.7009 | - | - | 47.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | - | 24.8755 | - | - | 43.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 (P: 15.6307) | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:19.3631 | 25.8793 | 77.2908 | 36.1930 | 39.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:10.3521 | 32.5877 | 72.0467 | 25.7177 | 34.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 (INVALID) (P: 7.0493) | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | - | 25.3165 | - | - | 30.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | - | 32.1217 | - | - | 25.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 (P: 19.9341) | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:17.5881 | 24.7666 | 72.2616 | 40.5599 | 21.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
10 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:10.7485 | 32.5242 | 72.7264 | 25.4979 | 16.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
11 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:05.8390 | 24.5270 | 75.6433 | 25.6687 | 12.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
12 | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:15.2233 | 25.6992 | 72.4391 | 37.0850 | 7.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:11.7075 | 27.0739 | 73.6135 | 31.0201 | |||
Best possible | 02:02.0716 | 24.5270 | 72.0467 | 25.4979 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:13.5067 | 24.7530 | 82.9982 | 25.7554 | 72.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:00.7691 | 24.9095 | 71.1420 | 24.7176 | 67.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:01.6677 | 24.8317 | 71.7037 | 25.1323 | 62.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:02.8468 | 24.3520 | 73.2097 | 25.2851 | 58% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1028 | 24.9407 | 71.7304 | 25.4317 | 53.3% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:01.3405 | 24.6329 | 71.3166 | 25.3910 | 48.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:02.2482 | 24.5380 | 72.5114 | 25.1989 | 43.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
8 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:03.3738 | 24.7894 | 73.4052 | 25.1792 | 39.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
9 | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:07.1311 | 24.7034 | 70.6190 | 31.8087 | 34.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:03.8874 | 24.7167 | 73.1818 | 25.9889 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.6886 | 24.3520 | 70.6190 | 24.7176 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:03.6918 | 25.0705 | 72.1210 | 26.5004 | 70.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:02.2059 | 24.4490 | 72.0305 | 25.7264 | 65.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4019 | 25.4176 | 71.0006 | 24.9837 | 60.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:00.5281 | 24.6258 | 70.8554 | 25.0469 | 56.1% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:01.6158 | 24.3074 | 72.0903 | 25.2181 | 51.4% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:00.6310 | 24.8061 | 70.8145 | 25.0104 | 46.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
7 | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 01:59.6168 | 24.3157 | 70.1088 | 25.1923 | 41.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:01.3845 | 24.7132 | 71.2887 | 25.3826 | |||
Best possible | 01:59.3999 | 24.3074 | 70.1088 | 24.9837 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:11.4019 | 27.9912 | 77.8579 | 25.5529 | 49.4% | PlayerControl |
2 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:02.2265 | 24.3838 | 72.6197 | 25.2230 | 44.7% | PlayerControl |
3 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:00.7898 | 24.3423 | 70.9156 | 25.5319 | 40% | PlayerControl |
4 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:17.9445 | 24.8171 | 87.3193 | 25.8081 | 34.9% | PlayerControl |
5 (P: 78.4223) | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 03:18.5266 | 25.9277 | 75.5234 | 97.0754 | 31.4% | PlayerControl |
6 | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:09.8837 | 32.2549 | 72.6666 | 24.9622 | 32.2% | PlayerControl |
Average | 02:20.1288 | 26.6195 | 76.1504 | 37.3589 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.2201 | 24.3423 | 70.9156 | 24.9622 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:04.3165 | 25.0342 | 73.1097 | 26.1725 | 65.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:02.1831 | 25.1856 | 71.5401 | 25.4574 | 61.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:02.4399 | 24.7168 | 72.6551 | 25.0681 | 56.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:02.0373 | 24.4570 | 72.1790 | 25.4013 | 51.8% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:08.5527 | 24.2343 | 72.9263 | 31.3922 | 47.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
6 | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:02.1136 | 24.7513 | 71.5428 | 25.8194 | 42.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:03.6072 | 24.7299 | 72.3255 | 26.5518 | |||
Best possible | 02:00.8425 | 24.2343 | 71.5401 | 25.0681 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:20.1197 | 25.2143 | 73.7292 | 41.1761 | 76.9% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
2 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:06.3174 | 25.2186 | 75.7966 | 25.3021 | 72.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
3 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:03.5018 | 24.9164 | 72.3621 | 26.2233 | 67.5% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
4 | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:06.5438 | 26.8530 | 73.1672 | 26.5236 | 62.7% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
5 (P: 89.7056) | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 04:08.5718 | 26.0475 | 103.0125 | 119.5119 | 59.2% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Average | 02:33.0109 | 25.6500 | 79.6135 | 47.7474 | |||
Best possible | 02:02.5806 | 24.9164 | 72.3621 | 25.3021 |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids |
1 (INVALID) | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | - | 28.6178 | - | - | 68.6% | PlayerControl, Clutch |
Lap | Vehicle | Time | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 | Fuel | Aids | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No laps for this driver |
Overall top (20) | |||
Driver | Vehicle | Time | Gap |
SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:59.4341 | |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.5541 | 0.12 |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 01:59.6168 | 0.1827 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.6970 | 0.2629 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.7233 | 0.2892 |
SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:59.8479 | 0.4138 |
Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.0186 | 0.5845 |
Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:00.0845 | 0.6504 |
Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:00.1534 | 0.7193 |
Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:00.2192 | 0.7851 |
Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:00.2797 | 0.8456 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.2993 | 0.8652 |
Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.4718 | 1.0377 |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:00.5281 | 1.094 |
Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:00.5725 | 1.1384 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 02:00.5781 | 1.144 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 02:00.5863 | 1.1522 |
Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:00.6034 | 1.1693 |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 02:00.6310 | 1.1969 |
Alexdemayo | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:00.6340 | 1.1999 |
Per driver | |||
Driver | Vehicle | Time | Gap |
SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 01:59.4341 | |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 01:59.5541 | 0.12 |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 01:59.6168 | 0.1827 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 01:59.6970 | 0.2629 |
Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 02:00.0186 | 0.5845 |
Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 02:00.0845 | 0.6504 |
Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 02:00.2192 | 0.7851 |
Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 02:00.6034 | 1.1693 |
Alexdemayo | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 02:00.6340 | 1.1999 |
Oscar | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 02:00.7296 | 1.2955 |
BanditSenna | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 02:00.7691 | 1.335 |
super | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 02:00.7898 | 1.3557 |
yippssy | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 02:00.8167 | 1.3826 |
Javier R | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 02:00.8556 | 1.4215 |
Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 02:01.0097 | 1.5756 |
MiGueLiN | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 02:01.3636 | 1.9295 |
Platon | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 02:01.4500 | 2.0159 |
Ralfocus | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 02:01.4924 | 2.0583 |
Chug | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 02:01.5210 | 2.0869 |
praxtonio | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 02:01.8073 | 2.3732 |
cloudXXI | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 02:02.0373 | 2.6032 |
xizuk | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 02:02.1759 | 2.7418 |
Jesus G | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 02:02.5182 | 3.0841 |
Mankiewwicz | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 02:03.5018 | 4.0677 |
xiqui | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 02:04.1195 | 4.6854 |
Taelon | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 02:04.2828 | 4.8487 |
Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.
Driver | Vehicle | Consistency |
Javier R | StockCar V8: Caca Bueno #0 - Chevrolet | 99.57% <> 0.5256 |
Oscar | StockCar V8: Felipe Fraga #88 - Peugeot | 99.19% <> 0.9766 |
elkrack2 | StockCar V8: Antonio Pizzonia #1 - Peugeot | 98.86% <> 1.3606 |
MiGueLiN | StockCar V8: Lucas Foresti #12 - Chevrolet | 98.80% <> 1.4574 |
Alexdemayo | StockCar V8: Gustavo Lima #9 - Chevrolet | 98.64% <> 1.6426 |
IValero | StockCar V8: Thiago Camilo #21 - Chevrolet | 98.61% <> 1.6597 |
cloudXXI | StockCar V8: Cesar Ramos #11 - Peugeot | 98.54% <> 1.785 |
yippssy | StockCar V8: Julio Campos #4 - Peugeot | 98.51% <> 1.8031 |
Javier S | StockCar V8: Gabriel Casagrande #83 - Chevrolet | 98.44% <> 1.8726 |
Nackersum | StockCar V8: Marcos Gomes #80 - Peugeot | 98.31% <> 2.0317 |
Antonio M | StockCar V8: Rubens Barrichello #111 - Chevrolet | 98.20% <> 2.1828 |
BanditSenna | StockCar V8: Valdeno Brito #77 - Chevrolet | 98.19% <> 2.1896 |
Platon | StockCar V8: Bia Figueiredo #3 - Peugeot | 98.10% <> 2.3136 |
Chug | StockCar V8: Raphael Abbate #26 - Chevrolet | 98.05% <> 2.3757 |
praxtonio | StockCar V8: Tuka Rocha #25 - Peugeot | 98.03% <> 2.3979 |
Taelon | StockCar V8: Luciano Burti #14 - Chevrolet | 97.98% <> 2.5135 |
Ralfocus | StockCar V8: Fabio Fogaca #72 - Chevrolet | 97.90% <> 2.5564 |
Golden | StockCar V8: Vitor Genz #46 - Peugeot | 97.82% <> 2.6281 |
Jesus G | StockCar V8: Max Wilson #65 - Chevrolet | 97.83% <> 2.6576 |
Mankiewwicz | StockCar V8: Atila Abreu #51 - Chevrolet | 97.63% <> 2.9288 |
nota | StockCar V8: Rafa Matos #2 - Peugeot | 97.54% <> 2.9447 |
SGKiboyuka | StockCar V8: Diego Nunes #70 - Chevrolet | 97.22% <> 3.3244 |
Manuel P | StockCar V8: Ricardo Zonta #10 - Chevrolet | 97.21% <> 3.3551 |
xizuk | StockCar V8: Rafael Suzuki #8 - Chevrolet | 97.23% <> 3.3847 |
xiqui | StockCar V8: Daniel Serra #29 - Chevrolet | 94.83% <> 6.4212 |
super | StockCar V8: Felipe Guimaraes #66 - Peugeot | 92.36% <> 9.2284 |
LAE | StockCar V8: Allam Khodair #100 - Chevrolet | - |
King_of_sertao | StockCar V8: Galid Osman #28 - Chevrolet | - |
Sector 1 | ||
Driver | Time | Gap |
nota | 24.2073 | - |
cloudXXI | 24.2343 | 0.0270 |
Nackersum | 24.2383 | 0.0310 |
Manuel P | 24.2517 | 0.0444 |
Javier R | 24.2838 | 0.0765 |
IValero | 24.3074 | 0.1001 |
super | 24.3423 | 0.1350 |
Ralfocus | 24.3489 | 0.1416 |
elkrack2 | 24.3511 | 0.1438 |
BanditSenna | 24.3520 | 0.1447 |
Platon | 24.3523 | 0.1450 |
Golden | 24.3653 | 0.1580 |
SGKiboyuka | 24.3807 | 0.1734 |
Jesus G | 24.4054 | 0.1981 |
Javier S | 24.4278 | 0.2205 |
Alexdemayo | 24.4600 | 0.2527 |
xizuk | 24.4946 | 0.2873 |
xiqui | 24.5270 | 0.3197 |
yippssy | 24.5337 | 0.3264 |
MiGueLiN | 24.5656 | 0.3583 |
Oscar | 24.5840 | 0.3767 |
Antonio M | 24.5998 | 0.3925 |
Chug | 24.6139 | 0.4066 |
praxtonio | 24.6615 | 0.4542 |
Mankiewwicz | 24.9164 | 0.7091 |
Taelon | 25.5399 | 1.3326 |
LAE | 28.6178 | 4.4105 |
Sector 2 | ||
Driver | Time | Gap |
SGKiboyuka | 69.5964 | - |
elkrack2 | 69.8168 | 0.2204 |
IValero | 70.1088 | 0.5124 |
nota | 70.1765 | 0.5801 |
Manuel P | 70.1943 | 0.5979 |
Javier S | 70.2808 | 0.6844 |
Nackersum | 70.6063 | 1.0099 |
BanditSenna | 70.6190 | 1.0226 |
Alexdemayo | 70.6599 | 1.0635 |
Oscar | 70.7003 | 1.1039 |
Platon | 70.7083 | 1.1119 |
Chug | 70.8350 | 1.2386 |
super | 70.9156 | 1.3192 |
Golden | 70.9476 | 1.3512 |
xizuk | 70.9846 | 1.3882 |
Javier R | 71.0487 | 1.4523 |
yippssy | 71.1125 | 1.5161 |
MiGueLiN | 71.1921 | 1.5957 |
Antonio M | 71.2440 | 1.6476 |
praxtonio | 71.3705 | 1.7741 |
cloudXXI | 71.5401 | 1.9437 |
Ralfocus | 71.5902 | 1.9938 |
Jesus G | 71.9994 | 2.4030 |
xiqui | 72.0467 | 2.4503 |
Mankiewwicz | 72.3621 | 2.7657 |
Taelon | 72.5166 | 2.9202 |
Sector 3 | ||
Driver | Time | Gap |
nota | 24.7090 | - |
BanditSenna | 24.7176 | 0.0086 |
Nackersum | 24.8462 | 0.1372 |
xizuk | 24.8568 | 0.1478 |
Antonio M | 24.8769 | 0.1679 |
Alexdemayo | 24.9055 | 0.1965 |
Golden | 24.9153 | 0.2063 |
praxtonio | 24.9362 | 0.2272 |
Javier R | 24.9468 | 0.2378 |
Javier S | 24.9496 | 0.2406 |
super | 24.9622 | 0.2532 |
SGKiboyuka | 24.9833 | 0.2743 |
IValero | 24.9837 | 0.2747 |
elkrack2 | 24.9933 | 0.2843 |
Manuel P | 25.0466 | 0.3376 |
cloudXXI | 25.0681 | 0.3591 |
Oscar | 25.1121 | 0.4031 |
Chug | 25.1578 | 0.4488 |
yippssy | 25.1705 | 0.4615 |
MiGueLiN | 25.1917 | 0.4827 |
Ralfocus | 25.2112 | 0.5022 |
Platon | 25.2968 | 0.5878 |
Mankiewwicz | 25.3021 | 0.5931 |
Jesus G | 25.3367 | 0.6277 |
xiqui | 25.4979 | 0.7889 |
Taelon | 25.6141 | 0.9051 |
Date | Incident |
21:42:02 - e.t. 00:53 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.13) with another vehicle super(51) |
21:42:02 - e.t. 00:53 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.19) with another vehicle super(51) |
21:42:02 - e.t. 00:53 | super(51) reported contact (0.13) with another vehicle LAE(50) |
21:42:02 - e.t. 00:53 | super(51) reported contact (0.19) with another vehicle LAE(50) |
21:42:02 - e.t. 00:53 | super(51) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:42:02 - e.t. 00:53 | super(51) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:42:03 - e.t. 00:54 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.10) with another vehicle LAE(50) |
21:42:03 - e.t. 00:54 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:42:08 - e.t. 00:59 | super(51) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:45:22 - e.t. 04:13 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:45:22 - e.t. 04:13 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:45:23 - e.t. 04:14 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.68) with Part |
21:45:28 - e.t. 04:19 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.97) with Part |
21:45:28 - e.t. 04:19 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:45:49 - e.t. 04:40 | super(51) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
21:45:49 - e.t. 04:40 | super(51) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:45:49 - e.t. 04:40 | super(51) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.45) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.23) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.06) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.45) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.06) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.42) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.03) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.42) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.45) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.52) with Cone |
21:45:52 - e.t. 04:43 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.39) with Cone |
21:45:53 - e.t. 04:44 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.42) with Cone |
21:45:53 - e.t. 04:44 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.29) with Cone |
21:46:19 - e.t. 05:10 | LAE(50) reported contact (1.00) with Sign |
21:46:19 - e.t. 05:10 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.65) with Sign |
21:46:20 - e.t. 05:11 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.48) with Sign |
21:46:20 - e.t. 05:11 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.55) with Sign |
21:46:20 - e.t. 05:11 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.65) with Sign |
21:46:20 - e.t. 05:11 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.00) with Sign |
21:46:20 - e.t. 05:11 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.03) with Sign |
21:46:38 - e.t. 05:29 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.06) with another vehicle Chug(30) |
21:46:38 - e.t. 05:29 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
21:46:38 - e.t. 05:29 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:46:39 - e.t. 05:30 | xizuk(48) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:46:39 - e.t. 05:30 | xizuk(48) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:46:39 - e.t. 05:30 | xizuk(48) reported contact (0.29) with Part |
21:46:39 - e.t. 05:30 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:46:39 - e.t. 05:30 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:46:47 - e.t. 05:38 | LAE(50) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:46:47 - e.t. 05:38 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.52) with Part |
21:46:47 - e.t. 05:38 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:46:47 - e.t. 05:38 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:46:47 - e.t. 05:38 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:46:47 - e.t. 05:38 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.23) with Part |
21:46:48 - e.t. 05:39 | LAE(50) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:46:48 - e.t. 05:39 | elkrack2(29) reported contact (0.87) with Part |
21:46:48 - e.t. 05:39 | elkrack2(29) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:46:51 - e.t. 05:42 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:46:53 - e.t. 05:44 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.39) with Part |
21:46:53 - e.t. 05:44 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:46:54 - e.t. 05:45 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.81) with Part |
21:46:54 - e.t. 05:45 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:46:54 - e.t. 05:45 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:46:58 - e.t. 05:49 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.81) with Part |
21:46:58 - e.t. 05:49 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.68) with Part |
21:47:10 - e.t. 06:01 | super(51) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:47:10 - e.t. 06:01 | super(51) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:47:12 - e.t. 06:03 | xizuk(48) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:47:13 - e.t. 06:04 | xizuk(48) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
21:47:13 - e.t. 06:04 | xizuk(48) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:47:17 - e.t. 06:08 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.61) with another vehicle MiGueLiN(40) |
21:47:17 - e.t. 06:08 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:47:17 - e.t. 06:08 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:47:17 - e.t. 06:08 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:47:18 - e.t. 06:09 | Oscar(22) reported contact (0.74) with Part |
21:47:22 - e.t. 06:13 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable |
21:47:25 - e.t. 06:16 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.32) with another vehicle Taelon(47) |
21:47:25 - e.t. 06:16 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:47:25 - e.t. 06:16 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:47:25 - e.t. 06:16 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:47:25 - e.t. 06:16 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.32) with another vehicle yippssy(39) |
21:47:26 - e.t. 06:17 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:47:26 - e.t. 06:17 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:47:26 - e.t. 06:17 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:47:26 - e.t. 06:17 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:47:27 - e.t. 06:18 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
21:47:27 - e.t. 06:18 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:47:27 - e.t. 06:18 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
21:47:27 - e.t. 06:18 | Chug(30) reported contact (0.29) with Part |
21:47:28 - e.t. 06:19 | xizuk(48) reported contact (0.58) with Part |
21:47:28 - e.t. 06:19 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:47:28 - e.t. 06:19 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
21:47:51 - e.t. 06:42 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.55) with Cone |
21:47:51 - e.t. 06:42 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
21:47:51 - e.t. 06:42 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.52) with Cone |
21:47:51 - e.t. 06:42 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.58) with Cone |
21:47:51 - e.t. 06:42 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.68) with Cone |
21:47:51 - e.t. 06:42 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.58) with Cone |
21:47:51 - e.t. 06:42 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.74) with Cone |
21:47:51 - e.t. 06:42 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.71) with Cone |
21:47:51 - e.t. 06:42 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.13) with Cone |
21:48:32 - e.t. 07:23 | LAE(50) reported contact (1.00) with Sign |
21:48:39 - e.t. 07:30 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:48:39 - e.t. 07:30 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:48:39 - e.t. 07:30 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:48:39 - e.t. 07:30 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:48:40 - e.t. 07:31 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:48:40 - e.t. 07:31 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:48:40 - e.t. 07:31 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
21:48:41 - e.t. 07:32 | Golden(14) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:48:41 - e.t. 07:32 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.52) with Part |
21:48:41 - e.t. 07:32 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:48:41 - e.t. 07:32 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:48:42 - e.t. 07:33 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
21:48:42 - e.t. 07:33 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:48:44 - e.t. 07:35 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.03) with another vehicle Nackersum(31) |
21:48:45 - e.t. 07:36 | xiqui(28) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:48:45 - e.t. 07:36 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.68) with Part |
21:48:45 - e.t. 07:36 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.16) with another vehicle Nackersum(31) |
21:48:45 - e.t. 07:36 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:48:45 - e.t. 07:36 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:48:45 - e.t. 07:36 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:49:53 - e.t. 08:44 | nota(25) reported contact (0.39) with Part |
21:49:53 - e.t. 08:44 | nota(25) reported contact (0.42) with Part |
21:49:54 - e.t. 08:45 | Golden(14) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:50:01 - e.t. 08:52 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.48) with Part |
21:50:03 - e.t. 08:54 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.29) with Part |
21:50:03 - e.t. 08:54 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:50:07 - e.t. 08:58 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:50:07 - e.t. 08:58 | Jesus G(27) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:50:20 - e.t. 09:11 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.16) with another vehicle xizuk(48) |
21:50:20 - e.t. 09:11 | xizuk(48) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
21:50:20 - e.t. 09:11 | xizuk(48) reported contact (0.29) with Part |
21:50:20 - e.t. 09:11 | xizuk(48) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
21:50:21 - e.t. 09:12 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
21:50:21 - e.t. 09:12 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
21:50:21 - e.t. 09:12 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.39) with Part |
21:50:44 - e.t. 09:35 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
21:50:44 - e.t. 09:35 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
21:50:50 - e.t. 09:41 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.29) with Part |
21:50:52 - e.t. 09:43 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.71) with another vehicle xizuk(48) |
21:50:52 - e.t. 09:43 | xizuk(48) reported contact (0.84) with another vehicle xiqui(28) |
21:50:52 - e.t. 09:43 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.42) with another vehicle xizuk(48) |
21:50:52 - e.t. 09:43 | xizuk(48) reported contact (0.42) with Part |
21:50:54 - e.t. 09:45 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.94) with Part |
21:50:54 - e.t. 09:45 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
21:50:54 - e.t. 09:45 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:50:55 - e.t. 09:46 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
21:51:28 - e.t. 10:19 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.00) with another vehicle nota(25) |
21:51:29 - e.t. 10:20 | IValero(26) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
21:51:30 - e.t. 10:21 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.87) with Part |
21:51:30 - e.t. 10:21 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
21:51:30 - e.t. 10:21 | Antonio M(21) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:51:38 - e.t. 10:29 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:52:33 - e.t. 11:24 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.87) with Sign |
21:52:33 - e.t. 11:24 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.52) with Sign |
21:52:33 - e.t. 11:24 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.71) with Sign |
21:53:01 - e.t. 11:52 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.74) with Part |
21:53:01 - e.t. 11:52 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:53:01 - e.t. 11:52 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
21:53:03 - e.t. 11:54 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.97) with Part |
21:53:03 - e.t. 11:54 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:53:03 - e.t. 11:54 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:53:04 - e.t. 11:55 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:53:22 - e.t. 12:13 | super(51) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
21:53:22 - e.t. 12:13 | super(51) reported contact (0.19) with Wing |
21:53:22 - e.t. 12:13 | super(51) reported contact (1.00) with Wing |
21:53:22 - e.t. 12:13 | super(51) reported contact (0.26) with Immovable |
21:53:22 - e.t. 12:13 | super(51) reported contact (0.00) with Wing |
21:53:22 - e.t. 12:13 | super(51) reported contact (0.10) with Wing |
21:53:22 - e.t. 12:13 | super(51) reported contact (0.16) with Wing |
21:53:22 - e.t. 12:13 | super(51) reported contact (0.35) with Immovable |
21:53:22 - e.t. 12:13 | super(51) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
21:53:35 - e.t. 12:26 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:53:37 - e.t. 12:28 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable |
21:53:37 - e.t. 12:28 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable |
21:53:37 - e.t. 12:28 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.55) with Immovable |
21:53:37 - e.t. 12:28 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:53:37 - e.t. 12:28 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
21:54:58 - e.t. 13:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.32) with Part |
21:54:58 - e.t. 13:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.13) with Track |
21:54:58 - e.t. 13:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
21:54:58 - e.t. 13:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.45) with Part |
21:54:58 - e.t. 13:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
21:54:58 - e.t. 13:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:54:58 - e.t. 13:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
21:54:58 - e.t. 13:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.87) with Wing |
21:54:58 - e.t. 13:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.68) with Wing |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.16) with Wing |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.03) with Track |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.19) with Wing |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.29) with Immovable |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.65) with Immovable |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.06) with Track |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.23) with Immovable |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.19) with Immovable |
21:54:59 - e.t. 13:50 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.16) with Immovable |
21:55:28 - e.t. 14:19 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.45) with Part |
21:55:36 - e.t. 14:27 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.29) with Cone |
21:55:36 - e.t. 14:27 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
21:55:37 - e.t. 14:28 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:55:37 - e.t. 14:28 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
21:56:46 - e.t. 15:37 | yippssy(39) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
21:56:46 - e.t. 15:37 | yippssy(39) reported contact (0.03) with Track |
21:57:34 - e.t. 16:25 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.39) with another vehicle Golden(14) |
21:57:34 - e.t. 16:25 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.35) with another vehicle Platon(8) |
21:57:34 - e.t. 16:25 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.06) with another vehicle Golden(14) |
21:57:34 - e.t. 16:25 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.45) with Part |
21:57:36 - e.t. 16:27 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:57:39 - e.t. 16:30 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.65) with Part |
21:57:39 - e.t. 16:30 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:57:39 - e.t. 16:30 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
21:57:39 - e.t. 16:30 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:57:39 - e.t. 16:30 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
21:58:05 - e.t. 16:56 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.68) with Cone |
21:58:05 - e.t. 16:56 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.65) with Cone |
21:58:05 - e.t. 16:56 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.10) with Cone |
21:58:08 - e.t. 16:59 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.06) with Cone |
21:58:08 - e.t. 16:59 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.29) with Cone |
21:58:12 - e.t. 17:03 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
21:58:14 - e.t. 17:05 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:58:15 - e.t. 17:06 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.16) with Sign |
21:58:15 - e.t. 17:06 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.19) with Sign |
21:58:15 - e.t. 17:06 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.32) with Sign |
21:58:15 - e.t. 17:06 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.06) with Sign |
21:58:15 - e.t. 17:06 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.13) with Sign |
21:58:15 - e.t. 17:06 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.16) with Sign |
21:58:15 - e.t. 17:06 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.00) with Sign |
21:58:18 - e.t. 17:09 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
21:58:18 - e.t. 17:09 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.23) with Wing |
21:58:18 - e.t. 17:09 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.03) with Wing |
21:58:18 - e.t. 17:09 | cloudXXI(44) reported contact (0.35) with Immovable |
21:59:58 - e.t. 18:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
21:59:58 - e.t. 18:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
21:59:58 - e.t. 18:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:59:58 - e.t. 18:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
21:59:58 - e.t. 18:49 | Mankiewwicz(15) reported contact (0.61) with Immovable |
22:00:58 - e.t. 19:49 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.06) with Track |
22:01:41 - e.t. 20:32 | super(51) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
22:01:41 - e.t. 20:32 | super(51) reported contact (0.68) with Immovable |
22:01:42 - e.t. 20:33 | super(51) reported contact (0.19) with Track |
22:01:43 - e.t. 20:34 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.23) with another vehicle Nackersum(31) |
22:01:43 - e.t. 20:34 | Nackersum(31) reported contact (0.10) with another vehicle Alexdemayo(41) |
22:02:26 - e.t. 21:17 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.19) with Part |
22:02:26 - e.t. 21:17 | xiqui(28) reported contact (0.00) with Part |
22:03:00 - e.t. 21:51 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
22:03:00 - e.t. 21:51 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.16) with Part |
22:03:00 - e.t. 21:51 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.06) with Part |
22:03:00 - e.t. 21:51 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
22:03:02 - e.t. 21:53 | Javier S(43) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
22:03:02 - e.t. 21:53 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.52) with Part |
22:03:08 - e.t. 21:59 | Golden(14) reported contact (1.00) with Part |
22:03:08 - e.t. 21:59 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.61) with Part |
22:04:24 - e.t. 23:15 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.61) with Part |
22:04:57 - e.t. 23:48 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.03) with another vehicle Alexdemayo(41) |
22:05:09 - e.t. 24:00 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
22:05:09 - e.t. 24:00 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.03) with Part |
22:05:11 - e.t. 24:02 | Platon(8) reported contact (0.35) with Part |
22:05:13 - e.t. 24:04 | nota(25) reported contact (0.16) with another vehicle SGKiboyuka(0) |
22:05:13 - e.t. 24:04 | SGKiboyuka(0) reported contact (0.13) with another vehicle nota(25) |
22:05:13 - e.t. 24:04 | nota(25) reported contact (0.13) with Part |
22:05:13 - e.t. 24:04 | nota(25) reported contact (0.06) with another vehicle SGKiboyuka(0) |
22:05:26 - e.t. 24:17 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (1.00) with Immovable |
22:05:26 - e.t. 24:17 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.71) with Wing |
22:05:26 - e.t. 24:17 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.23) with Wing |
22:05:26 - e.t. 24:17 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.48) with Wing |
22:05:26 - e.t. 24:17 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.97) with Immovable |
22:05:26 - e.t. 24:17 | BanditSenna(24) reported contact (0.10) with Immovable |
22:05:29 - e.t. 24:20 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (1.00) with Wing |
22:07:11 - e.t. 26:02 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.06) with Track |
22:08:34 - e.t. 27:25 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.39) with Cone |
22:08:34 - e.t. 27:25 | MiGueLiN(40) reported contact (0.23) with Cone |
22:10:49 - e.t. 29:40 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
22:10:49 - e.t. 29:40 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.03) with Cone |
22:10:49 - e.t. 29:40 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.03) with Cone |
22:10:51 - e.t. 29:42 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.26) with Part |
22:10:51 - e.t. 29:42 | Golden(14) reported contact (0.10) with Part |
22:10:58 - e.t. 29:49 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.48) with Immovable |
22:10:59 - e.t. 29:50 | Taelon(47) reported contact (0.03) with Immovable |
22:11:24 - e.t. 30:15 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.19) with another vehicle Ralfocus(18) |
22:11:24 - e.t. 30:15 | praxtonio(9) reported contact (0.10) with another vehicle Ralfocus(18) |
22:11:24 - e.t. 30:15 | Ralfocus(18) reported contact (0.03) with another vehicle praxtonio(9) |
22:11:49 - e.t. 30:40 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.58) with another vehicle SGKiboyuka(0) |
22:11:49 - e.t. 30:40 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.03) with another vehicle SGKiboyuka(0) |
22:12:22 - e.t. 31:13 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.52) with Part |
22:12:37 - e.t. 31:28 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.35) with another vehicle Javier S(43) |
22:12:37 - e.t. 31:28 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.35) with another vehicle Javier S(43) |
22:12:37 - e.t. 31:28 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.26) with another vehicle Alexdemayo(41) |
22:12:37 - e.t. 31:28 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.39) with another vehicle Alexdemayo(41) |
22:12:37 - e.t. 31:28 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.10) with another vehicle Alexdemayo(41) |
22:12:37 - e.t. 31:28 | Javier S(43) reported contact (0.10) with another vehicle Alexdemayo(41) |
22:12:37 - e.t. 31:28 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.16) with another vehicle Javier S(43) |
22:12:37 - e.t. 31:28 | Alexdemayo(41) reported contact (0.16) with another vehicle Javier S(43) |
22:12:42 - e.t. 31:33 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.10) with Cone |
22:12:42 - e.t. 31:33 | Manuel P(33) reported contact (0.03) with Cone |
22:13:41 - e.t. 32:32 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.13) with Cone |
22:13:41 - e.t. 32:32 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.03) with Cone |
22:13:41 - e.t. 32:32 | Javier R(11) reported contact (0.03) with Cone |
22:13:50 - e.t. 32:41 | Oscar(22) reported contact (0.39) with Cone |
22:13:50 - e.t. 32:41 | Oscar(22) reported contact (0.13) with Cone |
22:13:50 - e.t. 32:41 | Oscar(22) reported contact (0.06) with Cone |
22:13:50 - e.t. 32:41 | Oscar(22) reported contact (0.16) with Cone |
22:13:50 - e.t. 32:41 | Oscar(22) reported contact (0.26) with Cone |
Date | Penalty |
21:45:26 - e.t. 04:17 | MiGueLiN received Drive Thru penalty, 0s, 0laps. Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,0s |
21:48:45 - e.t. 07:36 | MiGueLiN received Drive Thru penalty, 10s, 0laps. Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,10s |
21:51:06 - e.t. 09:57 | MiGueLiN served 1st Drive Thru penalty, result: penalties=0, 1st=Drive Thru,10s |
21:53:09 - e.t. 12:00 | xiqui received Drive Thru penalty, 0s, 0laps. Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,0s |
21:56:46 - e.t. 15:37 | xiqui served 1st Drive Thru penalty, result: penalties=0, 1st=Drive Thru,0s |
21:59:54 - e.t. 18:45 | xiqui received Drive Thru penalty, 0s, 0laps. Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,0s |
22:01:11 - e.t. 20:02 | xiqui served 1st Drive Thru penalty, result: penalties=0, 1st=Drive Thru,0s |
22:02:20 - e.t. 21:11 | xiqui received Drive Thru penalty, 0s, 0laps. Result: penalties=1, 1st=Drive Thru,0s |
22:05:43 - e.t. 24:34 | xiqui served 1st Drive Thru penalty, result: penalties=0, 1st=Drive Thru,0s |
Date | Message |
21:42:15 - e.t. 01:06 | Javier Selles: sorryy |
21:44:18 - e.t. 03:09 | King_of_sertao: estoy en boxes y no me deja salir |
22:13:19 - e.t. 32:10 | nota: valero puedes meterte a ts? |
22:13:53 - e.t. 32:44 | xiqui: Chao |
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