Practice result

Game Assetto Corsa
Session Practice
Track london_eprix
Best lap Zurkz (01:49.2360)
Lasted laps 4
Host Unknown
Pos Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap
1 Zurkz gokart125 4 01:49.2360 -
2 Ilia Zhuravok gokart125 4 02:08.7460 00:19.5100
3 Joshua Lia gokart125 3 02:10.6460 00:21.4100
4 Ethan Preece gokart125 0 - -

Practice laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
1 gokart125 02:21.7330 55.9000 49.3020 36.5310 F:H - R:H 0
2 gokart125 01:55.8170 28.8550 42.5380 44.4240 F:H - R:H 0
3 gokart125 01:52.7090 28.9010 48.3530 35.4550 F:H - R:H 0
4 gokart125 01:49.2360 29.3160 42.5110 37.4090 F:H - R:H 0
Average   01:59.8738 35.7430 45.6760 38.4548    
Best possible   01:46.8210 28.8550 42.5110 35.4550  

Ilia Zhuravok

Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
1 gokart125 02:08.7460 43.4480 48.1550 37.1430 F:M - R:M 0
2 (INVALID) gokart125 02:09.6820 36.0230 45.5320 48.1270 F:M - R:M 1
3 gokart125 04:57.1670 179.0780 69.6560 48.4330 F:M - R:M 0
4 gokart125 02:24.4120 41.1510 67.8010 35.4600 F:M - R:M 0
Average   02:55.0018 74.9250 57.7860 42.2908    
Best possible   01:57.0150 36.0230 45.5320 35.4600  

Joshua Lia

Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
1 gokart125 03:10.2020 63.3290 88.5740 38.2990 F:M - R:M 0
2 gokart125 02:10.6460 35.6700 43.4650 51.5110 F:M - R:M 0
3 gokart125 05:17.4460 219.2510 59.0630 39.1320 F:M - R:M 0
Average   03:32.7647 106.0833 63.7007 42.9807    
Best possible   01:57.4340 35.6700 43.4650 38.2990  

Ethan Preece

Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
No laps for this driver

Practice best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Zurkz gokart125 01:49.2360
Zurkz gokart125 01:52.7090 3.473
Zurkz gokart125 01:55.8170 6.581
Ilia Zhuravok gokart125 02:08.7460 19.51
Ilia Zhuravok gokart125 02:09.6820 20.446
Joshua Lia gokart125 02:10.6460 21.41
Zurkz gokart125 02:21.7330 32.497
Ilia Zhuravok gokart125 02:24.4120 35.176
Joshua Lia gokart125 03:10.2020 80.966
Ilia Zhuravok gokart125 04:57.1670 187.931
Joshua Lia gokart125 05:17.4460 208.21
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Zurkz gokart125 01:49.2360
Ilia Zhuravok gokart125 02:08.7460 19.51
Joshua Lia gokart125 02:10.6460 21.41

Practice consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
Zurkz gokart125 95.40% <> 5.027
Ilia Zhuravok gokart125 -
Joshua Lia gokart125 -
Ethan Preece gokart125 -

Practice sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
Zurkz 28.8550 -
Joshua Lia 35.6700 6.8150
Ilia Zhuravok 36.0230 7.1680
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
Zurkz 42.5110 -
Joshua Lia 43.4650 0.9540
Ilia Zhuravok 45.5320 3.0210
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
Zurkz 35.4550 -
Ilia Zhuravok 35.4600 0.0050
Joshua Lia 38.2990 2.8440

Practice incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.540125
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.62494
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.900177
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.5646396
Joshua Lia reported contact with another vehicle Ilia Zhuravok. Impact speed: 22.601566
Joshua Lia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.420502
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with another vehicle Joshua Lia. Impact speed: 15.728652
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 52.174374
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 38.18975
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.52953
Joshua Lia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 85.76544
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.518614
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.13136
Joshua Lia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 38.346184
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 107.13374
Joshua Lia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 57.231983
Joshua Lia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.519573
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.644331
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 86.10408
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.55822
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.705789
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.1819725
Joshua Lia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.315907
Joshua Lia reported contact with another vehicle Ilia Zhuravok. Impact speed: 115.27247
Joshua Lia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.9106
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with another vehicle Joshua Lia. Impact speed: 116.38951
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.747543
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.35486
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.999031
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.808609
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.73424
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.444794
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.3988433
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.5284557
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.276154
Joshua Lia reported contact with another vehicle Zurkz. Impact speed: 12.672972
Zurkz reported contact with another vehicle Joshua Lia. Impact speed: 11.42505
Joshua Lia reported contact with another vehicle Ilia Zhuravok. Impact speed: 6.2807245
Joshua Lia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.984747
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with another vehicle Joshua Lia. Impact speed: 1.4079605
Joshua Lia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.285639
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.945927
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.362211
Joshua Lia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 74.085205
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.284117
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.9106
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.650547
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 59.73635
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.596296
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.235355
Zurkz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.4695977
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 76.71114
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.095078
Joshua Lia reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.717127
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.875092
Ilia Zhuravok reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.3037801

Practice cuts

Overall in order
Date Lap e.t. Lap Driver Cut time Time skipped
00:00 2 Ilia Zhuravok
Per driver
Date Lap e.t. Lap Driver Cut time Time skipped
Ilia Zhuravok
00:00 2 Ilia Zhuravok


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