michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 5.338209 |
michalziomi reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 94.734825 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 8.88818 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Rickson Bobby. Impact speed: 5.1816835 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Justyna Kielbon. Impact speed: 19.833387 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 18.037296 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 5.443709 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 17.144175 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 12.641521 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 25.955227 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Rickson Bobby. Impact speed: 10.315044 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 9.548434 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 7.3301244 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Justyna Kielbon. Impact speed: 25.101759 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 21.13237 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 20.937218 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 11.922594 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 16.471195 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 10.268848 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 15.7121105 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 3.547234 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 12.285513 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Rickson Bobby. Impact speed: 0.34865418 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 1.7541076 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 8.521551 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 13.3184395 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 14.196681 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 14.019425 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 4.7503533 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 17.746792 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 8.630467 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 9.545479 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.074236 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 9.113492 |
Malpa reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.397222 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 15.793705 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.157666 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle Justyna Kielbon. Impact speed: 19.551369 |
Malpa reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.145287 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 10.761403 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 16.949806 |
michalziomi reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.0729923 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 8.297502 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 5.3433657 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 2.3354042 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 3.1058264 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 3.5930998 |
michalziomi reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 87.13594 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.686615 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.160515 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 19.973799 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 17.729162 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 15.658786 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 11.153125 |
michalziomi reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.181719 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 7.8814397 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 72.18677 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.168614 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 4.0442867 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 9.343925 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Rickson Bobby. Impact speed: 8.08023 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 9.833012 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 6.5131927 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Piorunowicz. Impact speed: 10.477336 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.6644661 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.656486 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.6536376 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.9252157 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 8.327331 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Rickson Bobby. Impact speed: 2.603438 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 3.8951278 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Rickson Bobby. Impact speed: 5.5636044 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 9.638018 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Rickson Bobby. Impact speed: 3.0209308 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 7.1697893 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Rickson Bobby. Impact speed: 13.629854 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 1.5206403 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 105.63825 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 58.864525 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.292526 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.18579291 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Piorunowicz. Impact speed: 8.618921 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 10.401231 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.2663283 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.056906 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 68.67626 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 5.1953325 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 37.480846 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 69.90912 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Rickson Bobby. Impact speed: 6.8091 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Rickson Bobby. Impact speed: 63.501354 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 19.64011 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Piorunowicz. Impact speed: 8.1919365 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 14.729428 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Piorunowicz. Impact speed: 5.3007584 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.8677926 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 4.6664696 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 7.9934583 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 4.570291 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 51.019634 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.6870327 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 1.3617858 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 7.453065 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 2.243772 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 2.179365 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Piorunowicz. Impact speed: 7.9387994 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.47594145 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 7.4408298 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Piorunowicz. Impact speed: 11.608763 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 104.89966 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 18.739283 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 22.491156 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.614536 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 16.44137 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Piorunowicz. Impact speed: 12.49081 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.483556 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 2.8237827 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 7.1518836 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.73074 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 91.21741 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.051111 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.221128 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.5497078 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.365893 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle Justyna Kielbon. Impact speed: 13.924949 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 3.5052729 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 12.090493 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 39.000454 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 6.531278 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.3287787 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.58702 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 85.80255 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 57.868732 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with another vehicle Rickson Bobby. Impact speed: 10.936194 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with another vehicle Justyna Kielbon. Impact speed: 2.6215885 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 57.237797 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.598015 |
Malpa reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.9440355 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 60.347122 |
Rickson Bobby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.8649944 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 6.381986 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 5.358785 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.756236 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 11.057098 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 15.676435 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.0776677 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.450485 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 53.108185 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 55.90298 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 16.76105 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 8.639079 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.157211 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.8616865 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.72959 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.017023 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Piorunowicz. Impact speed: 33.336563 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 42.50209 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 11.138567 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 17.250788 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 37.36805 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 45.88354 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 84.757034 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 33.047768 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 43.43645 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 89.84774 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Piorunowicz. Impact speed: 42.739353 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.411736 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 28.247574 |
Piorunowicz reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 5.843884 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.48863 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 33.65092 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Piorunowicz. Impact speed: 5.710609 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 77.52868 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 207.5187 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 136.97104 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 207.33766 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 36.862812 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 55.90503 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 18.471941 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.8381958 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 3.8771129 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 43.63076 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 10.645058 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.589058 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 191.70209 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle Justyna Kielbon. Impact speed: 81.665855 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 63.053345 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 208.97778 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 119.07472 |
Malpa reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 87.387146 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 78.21668 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 52.079292 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 100.31897 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 128.79884 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 208.93912 |
michalziomi reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 76.44938 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Justyna Kielbon. Impact speed: 140.91988 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 44.84234 |
michalziomi reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 122.62935 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Malpa. Impact speed: 41.982754 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.211504 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Justyna Kielbon. Impact speed: 104.18144 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 48.11357 |
Malpa reported contact with another vehicle michalziomi. Impact speed: 13.408583 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 166.85922 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 60.696545 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 174.859 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 119.89016 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Justyna Kielbon. Impact speed: 199.83467 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 201.3176 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.220766 |
Justyna Kielbon reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 8.754816 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 0.68767977 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.329026 |