Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with another vehicle ShyHOO. Impact speed: 2.0285552 |
Fajtek reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 24.535591 |
Piotr reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 20.853748 |
Piotr reported contact with another vehicle Miszczuq. Impact speed: 21.125742 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle Piotr. Impact speed: 19.497608 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle Piter T0P. Impact speed: 23.924984 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 8.2745495 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 25.621115 |
Count Kimbie reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 24.923998 |
Count Kimbie reported contact with another vehicle Fajtek. Impact speed: 18.548832 |
Miszczuq reported contact with another vehicle Piotr. Impact speed: 22.941345 |
Miszczuq reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 29.519377 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with another vehicle ShyHOO. Impact speed: 26.477535 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 26.405172 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle Fajtek. Impact speed: 24.838758 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle Count Kimbie. Impact speed: 22.160313 |
ShyHOO reported contact with another vehicle Laura McGlaughlin. Impact speed: 24.265196 |
ShyHOO reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 28.225973 |
ShyHOO reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 22.067503 |
ShyHOO reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 31.735916 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 24.867222 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 15.162584 |
Fajtek reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 2.316278 |
Fajtek reported contact with another vehicle Count Kimbie. Impact speed: 19.460741 |
Piotr reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 34.288292 |
Piotr reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 18.48848 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle ShyHOO. Impact speed: 26.5667 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 32.278442 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Laura McGlaughlin. Impact speed: 29.4474 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle Piter T0P. Impact speed: 10.165612 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle Piotr. Impact speed: 35.92124 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle Miszczuq. Impact speed: 35.38745 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 43.885544 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle Filip Dudziec. Impact speed: 19.718973 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 18.587439 |
Filip Dudziec reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 13.693232 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 28.513763 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Miszczuq. Impact speed: 37.69194 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.05841 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 19.246904 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle Miszczuq. Impact speed: 36.609894 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle ShyHOO. Impact speed: 23.58127 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Miszczuq. Impact speed: 54.15911 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 22.162842 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Piotr. Impact speed: 21.25128 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Filip Dudziec. Impact speed: 7.818956 |
Miszczuq reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 4.318941 |
Miszczuq reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 42.41958 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.220596 |
Miszczuq reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 24.45271 |
Miszczuq reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 64.78219 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 14.241575 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle ShyHOO. Impact speed: 36.59012 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 46.2712 |
ShyHOO reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 14.413836 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.62916 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle Filip Dudziec. Impact speed: 9.812069 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.724898 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 57.98446 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 60.352947 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 34.39995 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 103.56594 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 74.12733 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Miszczuq. Impact speed: 24.501202 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.98289 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 21.418995 |
Miszczuq reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 29.0326 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 17.877913 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.09312919 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.31292 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 109.90236 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 119.30744 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 24.28859 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 27.17354 |
frox reported contact with another vehicle Piter T0P. Impact speed: 11.894735 |
frox reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.966145 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle frox. Impact speed: 9.295726 |
Count Kimbie reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 52.455326 |
squish reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 94.44583 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 16.405327 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 49.514328 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 14.684625 |
Filip Dudziec reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 9.961942 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Filip Dudziec. Impact speed: 11.588458 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.763195 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle Piter T0P. Impact speed: 9.387739 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 74.31243 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 9.477582 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.601944 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle Piter T0P. Impact speed: 23.809725 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 25.241863 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 17.947733 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.87375 |
frox reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 9.520454 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 24.978209 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle frox. Impact speed: 9.922798 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 11.503143 |
Filip Dudziec reported contact with another vehicle Count Kimbie. Impact speed: 6.8541284 |
Count Kimbie reported contact with another vehicle Filip Dudziec. Impact speed: 10.408999 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 16.460083 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle frox. Impact speed: 9.393402 |
frox reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 5.207039 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle Laura McGlaughlin. Impact speed: 29.12687 |
Piter T0P reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.831166 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 84.266426 |
frox reported contact with another vehicle Count Kimbie. Impact speed: 3.7050035 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Count Kimbie. Impact speed: 13.509398 |
Count Kimbie reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 9.427478 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 14.032632 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Laura McGlaughlin. Impact speed: 17.878073 |
Piter T0P reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 77.074615 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 35.972607 |
domienby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 68.61792 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle Piter T0P. Impact speed: 22.195757 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 17.905872 |
frox reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 10.336232 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle frox. Impact speed: 15.207237 |
Rare reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 28.645838 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 31.361303 |
Count Kimbie reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 25.60717 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.737387 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Count Kimbie. Impact speed: 32.086727 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 17.854195 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Laura McGlaughlin. Impact speed: 1.9333771 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 20.895393 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 21.093683 |
Count Kimbie reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 14.153666 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 4.613701 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 37.517498 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 72.36105 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle Piter T0P. Impact speed: 7.2440987 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 25.813726 |
Piter T0P reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.601755 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.247326 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.9431515 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 59.30166 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.932367 |
Filip Dudziec reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 17.136612 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 37.55124 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Filip Dudziec. Impact speed: 23.113394 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.44012 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.83644 |
domienby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.022276 |
ShyHOO reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 150.84094 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.980389 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 52.462868 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle ShyHOO. Impact speed: 145.47446 |
ShyHOO reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 8.500652 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.667639 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0528879 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.265926E-5 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.000116544215 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 1.5140189 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 10.743595 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.7689363E-6 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 4.8107276 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 8.896896 |
domienby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.155966 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.9357385E-6 |
Rare reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 69.63305 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 108.40307 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.5033278E-6 |
Rare reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.799477 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 4.106618 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Laura McGlaughlin. Impact speed: 15.012322 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 6.2279596 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 49.403343 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 18.593771 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.013034E-6 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 21.153091 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.105316 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 9.050654 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 16.036087 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 67.42519 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.6695933E-5 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 12.264384 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.6138624E-6 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.8281425E-6 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 17.201813 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 25.916475 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 9.039165 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 39.470974 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.00017956042 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 14.887012 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 23.668308 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 33.450626 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 4.4766464 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.7380685E-6 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 98.34403 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 26.411745 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 18.381504 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.626234E-6 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Piter T0P. Impact speed: 16.68498 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.761702E-6 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 9.896745 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 16.553442 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 17.891367 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.640583 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.3593193E-6 |
Filip Dudziec reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.109137 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.3436338E-5 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.655518 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 22.19925 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 19.298496 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 24.243505 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.1963824E-6 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 24.10869 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 25.5969 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 42.66012 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 17.539042 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle Piter T0P. Impact speed: 27.863596 |
squish reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.146292 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 50.750744 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 19.827808 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.6710915E-5 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.6798817E-6 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.3994038E-5 |
ShyHOO reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.2707466E-6 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 166.8107 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.433552 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 38.428253 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 80.56194 |
Piter T0P reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 6.361232 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle Piter T0P. Impact speed: 11.948706 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.136246 |
monky reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.222786 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 62.19575 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 92.118065 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 11.757631 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 26.265793 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 29.38839 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 31.075268 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.918303 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 35.682964 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 41.759975 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 32.716644 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 28.198208 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.083738 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.445777 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.4064695 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 6.095564 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 7.244855 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.528624 |
squish reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.669495 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 34.315002 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.599648 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 36.696705 |
squish reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.5114552 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 12.734046 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 16.850325 |
squish reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.787291 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 84.562126 |
Count Kimbie reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 38.57789 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 59.686974 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.506294 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.120068 |
Count Kimbie reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.221058 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.187023 |
squish reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.399837 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.47223 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.422752 |
squish reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.591672 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 94.023384 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle frox. Impact speed: 61.229187 |
frox reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 32.38683 |
frox reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 98.2167 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.973434 |
Miszczuq reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 38.644615 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.415546 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle Miszczuq. Impact speed: 27.059174 |
domienby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.062563 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.194607 |
domienby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.335007 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 55.96476 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 73.89346 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 57.677837 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.59411 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 170.18457 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.9945 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 39.74704 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.391459 |
frox reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.3318 |
Count Kimbie reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.605207 |
Count Kimbie reported contact with another vehicle frox. Impact speed: 22.049358 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 39.78543 |
frox reported contact with another vehicle Count Kimbie. Impact speed: 27.632206 |
frox reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 28.024712 |
frox reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.350773 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 39.430565 |
Piter T0P reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.063019 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 125.08448 |
Rare reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 76.00641 |
Rare reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 55.017033 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 9.257817 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 2.0554209 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.35855 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.568516 |
domienby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 32.594715 |
Miszczuq reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 17.393307 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle Miszczuq. Impact speed: 21.49158 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.836437 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.2207 |
domienby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.50008 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.401947 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 36.230778 |
Rare reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 82.99067 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 36.14028 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.791206 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.5640125 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 19.29864 |
Rare reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.853121 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 12.26854 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 13.403717 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 7.2031603 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 5.4728346 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 8.769714 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 6.5521216 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.106712 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle Rare. Impact speed: 9.218435 |
Rare reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 11.75672 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 56.46846 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 64.183586 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.2345886 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 114.91107 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.4977517 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.792564 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.24934158 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.031112956 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.16367464 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.956278 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.598663 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.4792309 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.463787 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.133695 |
frox reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 187.94176 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.981264 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Laura McGlaughlin. Impact speed: 55.91541 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 51.29271 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 125.29223 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle Filip Dudziec. Impact speed: 252.36392 |
Filip Dudziec reported contact with another vehicle Sebastian. Impact speed: 247.43484 |
Filip Dudziec reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 63.153244 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 84.37045 |
Sebastian reported contact with another vehicle Filip Dudziec. Impact speed: 12.609673 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 93.888855 |
Fajtek reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 108.085625 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 32.176456 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Fajtek. Impact speed: 109.04199 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.366323 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.617966 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.405045 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.0008764 |
Rare reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.859806 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 120.54546 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 225.8395 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 245.48196 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.324005 |
Filip Dudziec reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.382977 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 49.166866 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.669535 |
Laura McGlaughlin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.1175194 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 126.06256 |
squish reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 65.144585 |
squish reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 174.62132 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.288662 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.829831 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 50.79556 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle squish. Impact speed: 160.56265 |
domienby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 63.048454 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.097458 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.927 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.030697 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 93.62663 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 37.946556 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 132.82661 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.805805 |
Miszczuq reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.1661578 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 55.62989 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.145142 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 226.57922 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 189.51564 |
domienby reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.484463 |
Piotr reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 22.409506 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Piotr. Impact speed: 29.324661 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Piotr. Impact speed: 11.639345 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 23.436337 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 25.20872 |
Piotr reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 12.596405 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.895507 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Piotr. Impact speed: 3.3553042 |
domienby reported contact with another vehicle Piotr. Impact speed: 8.646482 |
Piotr reported contact with another vehicle domienby. Impact speed: 11.604419 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.041692 |
Piotr reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 17.873995 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Piotr. Impact speed: 20.863312 |
Piotr reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 24.982698 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Piotr. Impact speed: 33.72005 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 45.282562 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.972607 |
Piotr reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 30.755507 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Piotr. Impact speed: 22.494122 |
Piotr reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.427633 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.135742 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.872501 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.22104293 |
Sebastian reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.301285 |