*squish* reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 0.010452771 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 22.233248 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 62.088547 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 54.306675 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 69.38532 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 23.29918 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 39.62375 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 22.35601 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 44.56735 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 40.16642 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 11.217421 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 36.96731 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 4.8054595 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 12.839971 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 2.6145847 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 48.388126 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 21.302559 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 62.069347 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 61.45868 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 43.13842 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 62.165016 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 8.875456 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 24.241669 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 31.019543 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 12.4488 |
*squish* reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 5.7071676 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 5.5290146 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle *squish*. Impact speed: 3.9733536 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.024266833 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 3.9816988 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 19.657787 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 11.622582 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.397902 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 40.638622 |
*squish* reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 8.669444 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 18.686676 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.478676 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 9.2452545 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 40.029175 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 15.238215 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 18.473518 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 21.524527 |
Slavros reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 45.440887 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle *squish*. Impact speed: 19.469378 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 14.672301 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.5048811 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 122.13723 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 17.972826 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 30.322348 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 9.74671 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 34.100266 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 6.2028804 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 4.790824 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 14.356639 |
*squish* reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.426105 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 18.371374 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 4.2516103 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 13.201372 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 11.72164 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 10.973169 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 138.05832 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 13.288896 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 12.737395 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 17.006445 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 13.196291 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 7.4479485 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 66.765335 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 19.518908 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 6.927949 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 21.690825 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 22.870308 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 0.8311107 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 2.884946 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 11.084952 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 21.494495 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 3.7553422 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 8.340756 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 20.629925 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 9.587324 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 14.111518 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 15.185115 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.888079 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 81.231346 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 130.41603 |
monky reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.755546 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 39.873455 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 106.29791 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 70.53446 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 82.61532 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 88.430275 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 34.148132 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 9.628123 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 24.705992 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 74.24727 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 20.958405 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 64.88731 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 27.370924 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 71.330894 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 61.317772 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 10.890695 |
Slavros reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.075832 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.7366045 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 27.4817 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 21.518087 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.105745 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 69.117874 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 56.894493 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.773863 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 13.268435 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 87.65476 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 62.08702 |
Slavros reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.975325 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0033673677 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 61.61025 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 85.94132 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 69.14133 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 132.80095 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 99.43003 |
Slavros reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.20513126 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 128.02415 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 109.96031 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Fajtek. Impact speed: 12.843996 |
Fajtek reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 121.019424 |
Fajtek reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 101.26807 |
Fajtek reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 82.613106 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 106.02777 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 109.001366 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle Fajtek. Impact speed: 112.29046 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 99.59985 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle Fajtek. Impact speed: 79.204384 |
kciuk reported contact with another vehicle Fajtek. Impact speed: 96.34237 |
Fajtek reported contact with another vehicle kciuk. Impact speed: 96.78996 |
Fajtek reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 33.673473 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 71.79801 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle Fajtek. Impact speed: 23.18073 |
kciuk reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 56.43644 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 26.37595 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 25.96163 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 89.9053 |
monky reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 111.25503 |
Slavros reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.502408 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle *squish*. Impact speed: 17.727396 |
*squish* reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 29.715256 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 31.808523 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 19.734644 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 77.304245 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 98.24407 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 68.2613 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.694098 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 171.81842 |
monky reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.0178554 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 8.4016285 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 9.39288 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.41987 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with another vehicle *squish*. Impact speed: 43.870262 |
*squish* reported contact with another vehicle Laura Stanford. Impact speed: 45.66827 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.707651 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 80.95967 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 101.38251 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.258202 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 13.123511 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 157.48851 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 10.08993 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 155.40102 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 91.250656 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.327433 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 40.533703 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 40.718056 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.626186 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.6861783 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 97.547424 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 68.21434 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.833319 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.130964 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.520134 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 77.79291 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 71.876144 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 28.8225 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.68306 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 39.50313 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.1631775 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.20729 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 104.987625 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 79.62081 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 22.065647 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 22.013313 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 13.724164 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 5.8725767 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 28.773869 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 2.9436114 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 4.323943 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 72.896225 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 7.963305 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 17.37185 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 7.3502355 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.239941 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 5.434134 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 12.662448 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 17.041298 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 14.396809 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 83.48102 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 17.19432 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 8.228539 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 159.94833 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 68.44787 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.684385 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 5.38971 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 7.311057 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 3.29239 |
Slavros reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 72.628815 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.353073 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 76.363495 |
Slavros reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.3013 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.633775 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 18.17045 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 24.472849 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 86.473206 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Laura Stanford. Impact speed: 86.076294 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 69.25237 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 61.165337 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.2563 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 138.68192 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 82.368965 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 151.58667 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 60.743496 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 36.52445 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 94.923454 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 60.141705 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 172.38634 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.26614 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 30.638111 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 73.54766 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.542733 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.090001 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.774633 |
monky reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 86.053535 |
*squish* reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 71.209496 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 32.34346 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Laura Stanford. Impact speed: 34.371372 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 101.429276 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 74.63524 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.197533 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 77.46529 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 81.86659 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.26795 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 21.415064 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 63.84074 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 207.61789 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 145.83575 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.943516 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 13.947136 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 72.98396 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 27.858877 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 55.07347 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.78291 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 12.055645 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.552038 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 7.520441 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 15.549972 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 13.556772 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.867184 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.9675674 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 11.174199 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 129.56487 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 116.92787 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.814701 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.6209216 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 86.10933 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 81.657104 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.44158107 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.407425 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.056445908 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.16581142 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.17519797 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 102.50232 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.3845586 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.38481978 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.391418 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.6391374E-5 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 84.433624 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 94.668526 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.060937546 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.840621 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.796322 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0022704864 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 125.14357 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 144.63577 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.11804263 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.20582476 |
*squish* reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.6812577 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 97.335915 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 143.99641 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 134.59488 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 75.1176 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 103.64736 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.906643 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 8.311068 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 69.918396 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.91878 |
*squish* reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.3584614 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.960117 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.554335 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.60527 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 8.6641445 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 12.272127 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 111.147385 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.141008 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 81.9051 |
monky reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.671919 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.85767 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.928686 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 120.67023 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.5753117 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.160562 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.0110445 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with another vehicle Kubaka. Impact speed: 24.851278 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 7.2550206 |
Kubaka reported contact with another vehicle Laura Stanford. Impact speed: 24.989773 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 60.26082 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 88.189026 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.231809 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 31.631186 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.215974 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 53.9284 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.131802 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 85.47811 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.416801 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.0878143 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 92.96748 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 60.335293 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.336674 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.862847 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 54.957966 |
*squish* reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.691283 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 52.483707 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 32.222668 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.014784 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.099317 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 100.71151 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.597126 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 83.18078 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 157.91284 |
Slavros reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 141.46216 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 159.92715 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 123.5059 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 162.36118 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 13.720286 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 4.936515 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 169.76834 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 188.16695 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.012487 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 17.111591 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 11.226834 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.9555697 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 7.570791 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.913404 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Laura Stanford. Impact speed: 8.385876 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 13.108031 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 88.34183 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 77.25887 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.66468 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 144.81393 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 75.51777 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.627695 |
druptex reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 143.83138 |
*squish* reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.48791 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 7.0528765 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.0671754 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.166767 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 89.16906 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.9917994 |
*squish* reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 158.52275 |
*squish* reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 87.163506 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 91.071625 |
monky reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.016964 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 85.79642 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle *squish*. Impact speed: 161.63654 |
*squish* reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 15.754121 |
monky reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.015734 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle *squish*. Impact speed: 21.16803 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 11.613114 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 10.504815 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.67991 |
*squish* reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 19.674646 |
Fajtek reported contact with another vehicle Kacper Oleszak. Impact speed: 152.67691 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with another vehicle Fajtek. Impact speed: 153.85518 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 4.8598037 |
Laura Stanford reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 124.03812 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 161.42062 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 1.4862261 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle Drw4l. Impact speed: 112.314095 |
Slavros reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 102.36293 |
Slavros reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 159.78557 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 66.96355 |
Drw4l reported contact with another vehicle Slavros. Impact speed: 22.807304 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 68.179184 |
Kacper Oleszak reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.0976253 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 134.00252 |
Kubaka reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.864006 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 160.23564 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 75.84707 |
Drw4l reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.629143 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 151.57864 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 152.24571 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.552437 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 88.23209 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 49.527935 |
*squish* reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 8.911867 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 34.341366 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle *squish*. Impact speed: 2.0132127 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 4.403123 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 1.0421535 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 120.958786 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 131.61438 |
monky reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.793972 |
SKAKUN reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.116875 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 38.577385 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 15.641245 |
monky reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.951218 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 171.47923 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 79.19669 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 3.042278 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 160.15794 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 25.677414 |
SKAKUN reported contact with another vehicle monky. Impact speed: 8.122519 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 70.37421 |
monky reported contact with another vehicle SKAKUN. Impact speed: 7.616047 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 172.65782 |
fylygema reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 119.73622 |
fylygema reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 61.04914 |
monky reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.5202007 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 9.383678 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 14.699999 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 1.3474058 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 12.874639 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 9.089345 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle fylygema. Impact speed: 13.390704 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 10.613639 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 17.276781 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 12.468436 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 11.962606 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.167083 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 21.367949 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 6.868594 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.3729737 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 11.83852 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 37.42604 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 131.03323 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 68.26466 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 50.93131 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 10.967917 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 41.99844 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 79.616356 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.10055 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 130.51923 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 9.243493 |
druptex reported contact with another vehicle ATS Justysuwu. Impact speed: 27.019497 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 16.541014 |
knicked reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.413385 |
knicked reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 31.450266 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 6.993154 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 19.999033 |
ATS Justysuwu reported contact with another vehicle druptex. Impact speed: 21.727114 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle knicked. Impact speed: 13.339283 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle Dominik Zyska. Impact speed: 107.37758 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 107.820724 |
Dominik Zyska reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.54429 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 50.28957 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.885586 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 73.36355 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 117.94639 |
wat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 84.7285 |
wat reported contact with another vehicle siwy. Impact speed: 117.106 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.931467 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.33566 |
siwy reported contact with another vehicle wat. Impact speed: 18.835608 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.886826 |
siwy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.7920494 |