starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 242.12935 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 74.92397 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 85.4622 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 109.81249 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.46725 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 144.25757 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.152917 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.98731 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.804537 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.455107 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 33.445854 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 27.249159 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 103.68145 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.769028 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 84.904144 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.979126 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.060885467 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 133.434 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 97.62915 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.5657535 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 32.068325 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.8269205 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.5529803 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.652578 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 55.44135 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 60.110355 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 193.71126 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 180.22589 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.14536 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 181.87181 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.394644 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 47.400074 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 36.408962 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.10306 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 17.061953 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 44.46261 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 109.754135 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 11.68227 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 29.20901 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 145.90561 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 90.698944 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 137.32703 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 104.00182 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 57.090286 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 48.96708 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 13.97597 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 64.14764 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 79.01411 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 77.564545 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 71.14072 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.667875 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.397885 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 116.39711 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 112.03971 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.078047 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.17179 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.549103 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.4467375 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.604121 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.635904 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 63.00935 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 158.49138 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 128.61595 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 67.58904 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.8337955 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.7145174 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.217637 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.156155 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.81137 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.723423 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.77954 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 75.12407 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 74.93141 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.274676 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 24.071718 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.49279 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 11.8268175 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.251982 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.0507946 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 14.735922 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 22.646807 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.9894676 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.491814 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 23.274857 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 21.812359 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.51762 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.209846 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.95235 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 39.85571 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 27.963495 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 55.249817 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 69.923935 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 76.263145 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.247517 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 52.862667 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 52.338364 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.568022 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.80166 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 28.286852 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.40492514 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 82.2333 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 80.00954 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.75832 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 32.29726 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 71.04321 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.014578 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 90.24296 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 53.26879 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 91.31546 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.67638 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.728364 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.2763605 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.21005 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.440607 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 49.242664 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.24657 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.602597 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 59.489346 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 65.55151 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.262733 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.074335 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.070213 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.447501 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 68.645775 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 73.73521 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.727346 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 28.87423 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 94.96549 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 39.67764 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 75.73334 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.30037 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.858683 |
starflower reported contact with another vehicle AlexC.Z. Impact speed: 57.5109 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with another vehicle starflower. Impact speed: 57.727688 |
AlexC.Z reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 115.69562 |
starflower reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 95.81102 |