Practice result

Game Assetto Corsa
Session Practice
Track route_twisk, route_twisk_HK51
Best lap Diego (00:08.4560)
Lasted laps 7
Host Unknown
Pos Driver Vehicle Laps Best lap Gap
1 Diego hk51_p1_spec_eg6 7 00:08.4560 -
2 ivan15 hk51_p1_spec_ek9 4 01:14.8280 01:06.3720
3 Echoings hk51_p1_spec_dc2 0 - -

Practice laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap
Jump to: Diego - ivan15 - Echoings


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
1 hk51_p1_spec_eg6 01:33.4330 93.4330 - - F:G/S - R:G/S 0
2 hk51_p1_spec_eg6 00:08.4560 8.4560 - - F:G/S - R:G/S 0
3 hk51_p1_spec_eg6 04:42.5190 282.5190 - - F:G/S - R:G/S 0
4 (INVALID) hk51_p1_spec_eg6 00:00.0010 0.0010 - - F:G/S - R:G/S 1
5 hk51_p1_spec_eg6 04:56.6630 296.6630 - - F:G/S - R:G/S 0
6 hk51_p1_spec_eg6 03:46.3600 226.3600 - - F:G/S - R:G/S 0
7 hk51_p1_spec_eg6 03:57.5640 237.5640 - - F:G/S - R:G/S 0


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
1 hk51_p1_spec_ek9 04:44.9050 284.9050 - - F:G/S - R:G/S 0
2 hk51_p1_spec_ek9 01:14.8280 74.8280 - - F:G/S - R:G/S 0
3 hk51_p1_spec_ek9 04:55.0440 295.0440 - - F:G/S - R:G/S 0
4 hk51_p1_spec_ek9 03:45.3510 225.3510 - - F:G/S - R:G/S 0


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound Cuts
No laps for this driver

Practice best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Diego hk51_p1_spec_eg6 00:00.0010
Diego hk51_p1_spec_eg6 00:08.4560 8.455
ivan15 hk51_p1_spec_ek9 01:14.8280 74.827
Diego hk51_p1_spec_eg6 01:33.4330 93.432
ivan15 hk51_p1_spec_ek9 03:45.3510 225.35
Diego hk51_p1_spec_eg6 03:46.3600 226.359
Diego hk51_p1_spec_eg6 03:57.5640 237.563
Diego hk51_p1_spec_eg6 04:42.5190 282.518
ivan15 hk51_p1_spec_ek9 04:44.9050 284.904
ivan15 hk51_p1_spec_ek9 04:55.0440 295.043
Diego hk51_p1_spec_eg6 04:56.6630 296.662
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
Diego hk51_p1_spec_eg6 00:08.4560
ivan15 hk51_p1_spec_ek9 01:14.8280 66.372

Practice consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
Diego hk51_p1_spec_eg6 -
ivan15 hk51_p1_spec_ek9 -
Echoings hk51_p1_spec_dc2 -

Practice sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
Diego 0.0010 -
ivan15 74.8280 74.8270
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap

Practice incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.55271
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.677044
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.02442945
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.5256653
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.6041346
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 60.12196
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.144614
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 32.754974
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.770575
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 52.418777
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.899028
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.18049
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.248816
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.900469
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.08941
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.53658
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.728627
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.008696
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.2778645
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 45.912712
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.685116
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.930292
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.754596
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.144012
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle Diego. Impact speed: 42.98546
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.023455
Diego reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 38.75663
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle Diego. Impact speed: 14.6586075
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.65373
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle Diego. Impact speed: 1.4812266
Diego reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 5.822893
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.61097
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.803879
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.77915
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.364225
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.808928
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.52033526
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.457489
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.741676
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.183625
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.718964
Diego reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 26.14002
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle Diego. Impact speed: 14.674905
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.250137
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 55.817165
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle Diego. Impact speed: 47.471706
Diego reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 44.082664
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.318897
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 69.51051
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle Diego. Impact speed: 50.04214
Diego reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 48.222263
Diego reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 40.348278
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle Diego. Impact speed: 41.244595
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle Diego. Impact speed: 3.14395
Diego reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 4.539246
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.818436
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 28.926947
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 39.954845
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.793892
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.451332
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.47623
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.831814
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.016877
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.0197759
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 37.433823
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.8388777
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.7936236
Diego reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 11.104577
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle Diego. Impact speed: 11.888048
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 57.10486
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.768463
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.179596
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.989153
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 59.44844
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.2626195
Diego reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 13.264342
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle Diego. Impact speed: 18.077911
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 49.774487
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.165195
Diego reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 11.736836
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle Diego. Impact speed: 13.167108
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.007133
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.39472
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 59.403328
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.2113905
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.22597
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.503384
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.055473
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.624123
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.224266
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.90697
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.71689
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.122816
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.95314
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.248844
Diego reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.450377

Practice cuts

Overall in order
Date Lap e.t. Lap Driver Cut time Time skipped
00:00 4 Diego
Per driver
Date Lap e.t. Lap Driver Cut time Time skipped
00:00 4 Diego


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