Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.976322 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 49.8034 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.662228 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.474848 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.16936 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.130285 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.231512 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 62.33224 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 77.64051 |
Him reported contact with another vehicle jj. Impact speed: 48.13358 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.481733 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 57.304287 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.577288 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.512291 |
jj reported contact with another vehicle nam nam. Impact speed: 28.575905 |
nam nam reported contact with another vehicle jj. Impact speed: 27.560034 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.208443 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.318186 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.721187 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.421207 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.257525 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.479664 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.526981 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.6741905 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.537199 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.053654 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.507854 |
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.0548644 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.08702 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.010273 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 52.380756 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.574438 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.40949 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.559578 |
jj reported contact with another vehicle Him. Impact speed: 116.368805 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.0344677 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 64.92708 |
Him reported contact with another vehicle jj. Impact speed: 126.471146 |
jj reported contact with another vehicle Him. Impact speed: 1.9533354 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.934687 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.405102 |
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.92335504 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.521481 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 49.961056 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.329262 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.846422 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 1.830693 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 15.860615 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 17.065237 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 26.395544 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 6.3787627 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle GHOST. Impact speed: 24.402294 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 14.299252 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 14.729718 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.5186443 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.462173 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 11.526859 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 11.060908 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.51339 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 4.719481 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 4.684933 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.355232 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.969411 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 59.25861 |
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 52.56784 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 47.16804 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 47.2967 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 7.3375015 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.412968 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.114721 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.411274 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.114276 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.26191 |
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 63.45271 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle Him. Impact speed: 18.775597 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle Him. Impact speed: 25.314322 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 38.54547 |
Him reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 18.042395 |
Him reported contact with another vehicle GHOST. Impact speed: 32.089855 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle GHOST. Impact speed: 31.797422 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle Him. Impact speed: 13.719177 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle Him. Impact speed: 26.050734 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.06673 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.14995 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.611675 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 50.578465 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.198925 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.573922 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.6529584 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.388242 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.623343 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.8467293 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 60.784702 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.69974 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.675205 |
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.7577133 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.944515 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 17.285091 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 16.990965 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.295422 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.768747 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.31199884 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 52.32252 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.432185 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.375971 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.8366165 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.04246048 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.93419 |
jj reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 55.504467 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle jj. Impact speed: 55.841274 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.07143 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.780064 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 7.6566706 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 7.2513113 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 2.113358 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 4.0141177 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 5.5120683 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 5.648809 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 6.9942765 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.481857 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 3.9931936 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 4.064746 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 2.830742 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 6.132721 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 9.091348 |
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.049461 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle ivan15. Impact speed: 55.728577 |
ivan15 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 52.96781 |
ivan15 reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 53.857235 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.860182 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.80956 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.673401 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.21836527 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.228725 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.765804 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.155506 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.401888 |
Him reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.538654 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 28.15493 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 55.70852 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.962053 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.542175 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.585562 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.454336 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.6104937 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.698097 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 68.168564 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.802849 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.449097 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.15833 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 55.486774 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.37753704 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.45688 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.494818 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.998499 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.360905 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 14.663309 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle GarrosLo. Impact speed: 97.14251 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 21.989702 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle GarrosLo. Impact speed: 20.14439 |
GarrosLo reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 92.54263 |
GarrosLo reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 19.995497 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.859754 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 15.479715 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 15.088695 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.6039782 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.503548 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.532985 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 13.848286 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 21.133738 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 15.070878 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.300018 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.05911 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.267075 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.708538 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.769949 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.44942 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 2.551261 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 3.8495007 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle GHOST. Impact speed: 8.9324875 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 12.503985 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.631214 |
nam nam reported contact with another vehicle jj. Impact speed: 64.19718 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.791204 |
jj reported contact with another vehicle nam nam. Impact speed: 71.860725 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.932764 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.29553 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.170006 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.280905 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.96686 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 38.3817 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 19.296438 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.80791 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 19.835983 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.2445965 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle Leroy. Impact speed: 142.85979 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.48277 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 7.6689186 |
Leroy reported contact with another vehicle GHOST. Impact speed: 96.099846 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.097804815 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.427645 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.259937 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 51.740116 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.406244 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 56.589676 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.984532 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.705246 |
Leroy reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 7.216773 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle Leroy. Impact speed: 5.8038716 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.9305143 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.641182 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.206408 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.7419124 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 61.471733 |
Leroy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.710035 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 70.43692 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 51.063515 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.081297 |
jj reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 37.564117 |
Leroy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.485214 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.3116744 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.593145 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.085505 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.706276 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.9183636 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.603146 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.2808554 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.92683 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle nam nam. Impact speed: 141.50233 |
Leroy reported contact with another vehicle nam nam. Impact speed: 39.941 |
nam nam reported contact with another vehicle GHOST. Impact speed: 127.39887 |
nam nam reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 58.68884 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle nam nam. Impact speed: 88.726364 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.9088206 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 62.47505 |
Leroy reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 18.795864 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle Leroy. Impact speed: 16.171907 |
Leroy reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 8.194014 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 27.75691 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 25.994835 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.250109 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.861664 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle fallingin__fall. Impact speed: 135.17624 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 135.0667 |
fallingin__fall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.588243 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.24311 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.090897 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 55.117714 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.3941674 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 37.590828 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.3574982 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.272322 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.6371236 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.574236 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.587677 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.9852 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.8973894 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 28.796886 |
Leroy reported contact with another vehicle BillyWong1228. Impact speed: 158.53111 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.954678 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with another vehicle Leroy. Impact speed: 166.16719 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.613405 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.549531 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 32.99753 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle BillyWong1228. Impact speed: 14.281441 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 14.418715 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.54102 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.956656 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 20.613276 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.3763862 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 19.614403 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.306263 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 1.3601562 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.987399 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.69270885 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.3858924 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 1.6125131 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.4554213 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle BillyWong1228. Impact speed: 7.43219 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 7.9946256 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 74.276566 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 62.3736 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.95278 |
GarrosLo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.771445 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.919793 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.073174 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.6664213 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.781193 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 32.476894 |
Leroy reported contact with another vehicle GHOST. Impact speed: 5.1097593 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0019420249 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle Leroy. Impact speed: 4.1732326 |
Leroy reported contact with another vehicle GHOST. Impact speed: 0.41672927 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle Leroy. Impact speed: 0.17496611 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle Leroy. Impact speed: 0.008803163 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle Leroy. Impact speed: 0.0025827128 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.6784538 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.336274 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 39.549244 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.28293 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 28.457619 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.37022 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.827949 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.8443336 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 13.958295 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 12.957118 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 60.9299 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 104.08582 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with another vehicle GHOST. Impact speed: 51.66687 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle BillyWong1228. Impact speed: 100.36041 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 59.79129 |
GHOST reported contact with another vehicle BillyWong1228. Impact speed: 50.18743 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 59.416245 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with another vehicle GHOST. Impact speed: 2.738818 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 53.890156 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.1437755 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 77.795654 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.484592 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle BillyWong1228. Impact speed: 77.13164 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.981031 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.927994 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.7250239 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 12.944703 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle BillyWong1228. Impact speed: 13.691815 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 37.926716 |
nam nam reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.064587 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.888783 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.786723 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.8257287 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.549677 |
GHOST reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 73.531784 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.60339 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 28.724716 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle BillyWong1228. Impact speed: 27.892591 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 21.612194 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 22.575577 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 4.200323 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle BillyWong1228. Impact speed: 3.4687781 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 59.384186 |
banana369 reported contact with another vehicle Martin. Impact speed: 29.754152 |
Martin reported contact with another vehicle banana369. Impact speed: 27.701033 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.316027 |
Martin reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.518762 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.537308 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.259283 |
banana369 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.237011 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.052033 |
BillyWong1228 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.8665123 |