Race result

Game Assetto Corsa
Session Race
Track g333_sachsenring, event
Winner Jerry yu
Led most laps DennisYMB
Best lap RyanC (01:31.1710)
Lasted laps 14
Host Unknown
Pos Driver Vehicle Laps Time/Retired Best lap Consistency Led
1 Jerry yu hk51_p1_spec_gc8 14   22:16.7910 01:31.3040 97.33% 5
2 DennisYMB hk51_p1_spec_gc8 14 +00:00.2730 01:31.4930 96.97% 9
3 Cyrus hk51_p1_spec_gc8 14 +00:19.3520 01:31.5030 96.08% 0
4 Mr_Brando_n hk51_p1_spec_gc8 14 +00:20.7630 01:31.2730 95.88% 0
5 RJ SING hk51_p1_spec_gc8 14 +00:39.0230 01:33.2750 96.07% 0
6 Enson0700 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 14 +00:42.8340 01:32.2060 96.67% 0
7 RyanC hk51_p1_spec_s209 14 +00:49.7660 01:31.1710 95.36% 0
8 Tallman_Chun hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 14 +00:56.4690 01:34.8940 97.64% 0
9 SamLOL:DDDDDDDD hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 14 +01:35.6140 01:36.2520 95.32% 0
10 RACERSKY hk51_p1_spec_evo6 14 +02:20.8330 01:33.9360 93.37% 0
11 ugly hk51_p1_spec_grb 13 +1 lap 01:36.7030 96.63% 0
12 NIC hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 12 +2 laps 01:38.6200 91.67% 0
13 SUP.9xRainx hk51_p1_spec_evo10 11 +3 laps 01:34.6620 98.36% 0
14 KAChunnnnn hk51_p1_spec_s206 5 +9 laps 01:37.9990 89.41% 0
15 田馥甄 hk51_p1_spec_grb 5 +9 laps 01:43.8680 94.86% 0
16 Ayrton Senna hk51_p1_spec_gc8 1 +13 laps 01:57.1180 - 0
17 HEHHEIHEI hk51_p1_spec_s204 0 DNF - - 0
18 Phone Call hk51_p1_spec_s204 0 DNF - - 0
19 Keddie hk51_p1_spec_evo8 0 DNF - - 0
20 Keddie09 hk51_p1_spec_gtr32 0 DNF - - 0
21 victoryu hk51_p1_spec_gc8 0 DNF - - 0

Race laps

Bad lap, 107% rule compared to the overall best lap of the session. Excludes first lap for race sessions
Personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector for a lap
Overall best lap/sector for a lap and personal best lap/sector
Overall best lap/sector
Invalid for best lap
(P) Pit lap

Jerry yu

Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:35.3680 48.9590 19.5890 26.8200 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.8040 49.5420 19.6830 23.5790 F:M - R:M
3 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.3790 49.0970 19.4270 23.8550 F:M - R:M
4 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.6950 49.4050 19.6830 23.6070 F:M - R:M
5 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.0930 48.8580 19.4930 23.7420 F:M - R:M
6 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.9500 49.3180 19.6690 23.9630 F:M - R:M
7 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.7850 49.5550 19.8500 24.3800 F:M - R:M
8 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:35.6230 49.8440 20.2590 25.5200 F:M - R:M
9 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:37.6470 50.3470 20.8350 26.4650 F:M - R:M
10 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:57.9000 76.1660 18.9460 22.7880 F:G/S - R:G/S
11 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:35.6970 48.2580 19.2960 28.1430 F:G/S - R:G/S
12 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.3040 48.1450 19.1610 23.9980 F:G/S - R:G/S
13 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.8790 48.4130 19.2380 24.2280 F:G/S - R:G/S
14 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.6240 48.9930 19.8980 24.7330 F:G/S - R:G/S
Average   01:35.4106 51.0643 19.6448 24.7015  
Best possible   01:29.8790 48.1450 18.9460 22.7880  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.1900 49.3770 19.2860 23.5270 F:G/S - R:G/S
2 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.6020 48.4100 19.6070 23.5850 F:G/S - R:G/S
3 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.4930 48.6220 19.3410 23.5300 F:G/S - R:G/S
4 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.3020 48.8460 19.7000 23.7560 F:G/S - R:G/S
5 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.6560 49.1450 19.3860 24.1250 F:G/S - R:G/S
6 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:38.6990 50.2660 21.1640 27.2690 F:G/S - R:G/S
7 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:35.5420 49.7720 20.9250 24.8450 F:G/S - R:G/S
8 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:40.2340 49.5960 24.0840 26.5540 F:G/S - R:G/S
9 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:55.3950 72.2350 19.6340 23.5260 F:M - R:M
10 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.9980 49.1490 19.1250 23.7240 F:M - R:M
11 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.6810 49.0050 19.3990 25.2770 F:M - R:M
12 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.7210 49.8820 19.7150 24.1240 F:M - R:M
13 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.2910 48.8710 19.3190 24.1010 F:M - R:M
14 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:34.1920 49.0250 19.5580 25.6090 F:M - R:M
Average   01:35.4283 50.8715 20.0174 24.5394  
Best possible   01:31.0610 48.4100 19.1250 23.5260  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:36.4420 52.0770 20.2540 24.1110 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.2640 50.3060 19.5220 23.4360 F:M - R:M
3 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.5030 48.7610 19.2650 23.4770 F:M - R:M
4 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.6860 49.6980 19.4570 23.5310 F:M - R:M
5 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.6730 49.1720 19.4900 25.0110 F:M - R:M
6 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.7540 49.1450 19.6030 25.0060 F:M - R:M
7 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:37.8580 49.4600 23.8860 24.5120 F:M - R:M
8 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 02:01.2040 77.4230 19.3500 24.4310 F:M - R:M
9 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.9450 49.1010 19.4580 23.3860 F:M - R:M
10 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.7860 49.8430 19.5300 23.4130 F:M - R:M
11 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.3470 48.8550 19.7640 23.7280 F:M - R:M
12 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.7240 49.2620 19.3510 24.1110 F:M - R:M
13 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:37.1090 49.3650 21.4240 26.3200 F:M - R:M
14 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:47.7950 60.0910 20.2540 27.4500 F:M - R:M
Average   01:36.7921 52.3256 20.0434 24.4231  
Best possible   01:31.4120 48.7610 19.2650 23.3860  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:36.2870 52.4890 20.0290 23.7690 F:G/S - R:G/S
2 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:34.0350 50.7360 20.0430 23.2560 F:G/S - R:G/S
3 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.2730 48.6540 19.0570 23.5620 F:G/S - R:G/S
4 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.6340 49.5870 19.4080 23.6390 F:G/S - R:G/S
5 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.7080 49.5090 19.2190 23.9800 F:G/S - R:G/S
6 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.5810 48.9440 19.3820 24.2550 F:G/S - R:G/S
7 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:34.9740 49.5060 21.0860 24.3820 F:G/S - R:G/S
8 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:34.1980 49.8590 19.7330 24.6060 F:G/S - R:G/S
9 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:39.6170 50.3340 19.9980 29.2850 F:G/S - R:G/S
10 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 02:03.5640 76.0700 19.6560 27.8380 F:M - R:M
11 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:37.0460 51.9160 20.2810 24.8490 F:M - R:M
12 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:34.3540 50.4200 19.8720 24.0620 F:M - R:M
13 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:37.4260 50.4050 20.1870 26.8340 F:M - R:M
14 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:35.7970 51.3640 20.1870 24.2460 F:M - R:M
Average   01:36.8925 52.1281 19.8670 24.8974  
Best possible   01:30.9670 48.6540 19.0570 23.2560  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:39.9430 52.9320 20.2230 26.7880 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:38.3300 50.9000 20.5520 26.8780 F:M - R:M
3 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:38.9850 53.8050 20.6010 24.5790 F:M - R:M
4 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:35.5260 51.7410 19.8270 23.9580 F:M - R:M
5 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:35.3720 51.0830 20.5650 23.7240 F:M - R:M
6 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:36.5140 50.8980 20.3350 25.2810 F:M - R:M
7 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:46.9570 51.7330 23.1260 32.0980 F:M - R:M
8 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:55.2240 71.9250 19.5390 23.7600 F:G/S - R:G/S
9 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.3920 49.8770 19.5890 23.9260 F:G/S - R:G/S
10 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.8190 49.8990 20.1370 23.7830 F:G/S - R:G/S
11 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.2750 50.0750 19.3690 23.8310 F:G/S - R:G/S
12 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:36.0640 52.0500 20.1870 23.8270 F:G/S - R:G/S
13 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:34.5960 49.2090 21.0240 24.3630 F:G/S - R:G/S
14 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:36.7450 50.6420 20.8350 25.2680 F:G/S - R:G/S
Average   01:38.1959 52.6264 20.4221 25.1474  
Best possible   01:32.3020 49.2090 19.3690 23.7240  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:34.8680 51.7950 19.3310 23.7420 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.7660 49.3580 19.4590 23.9490 F:M - R:M
3 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.4840 49.2020 19.2880 23.9940 F:M - R:M
4 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:39.9360 56.6000 19.6020 23.7340 F:M - R:M
5 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:34.8860 51.4700 19.6290 23.7870 F:M - R:M
6 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.9010 49.6060 19.3910 23.9040 F:M - R:M
7 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.4110 49.4000 19.7640 24.2470 F:M - R:M
8 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:35.7150 50.1520 20.3400 25.2230 F:M - R:M
9 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 02:03.0970 77.0930 19.6020 26.4020 F:M - R:M
10 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:55.6240 72.5280 19.7230 23.3730 F:MH - R:MH
11 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.9620 48.7000 20.1730 24.0890 F:MH - R:MH
12 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.2060 49.3750 19.1300 23.7010 F:MH - R:MH
13 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:35.9000 49.2940 21.5240 25.0820 F:MH - R:MH
14 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:41.8110 51.4690 20.9880 29.3540 F:MH - R:MH
Average   01:38.4690 54.0030 19.8531 24.6129  
Best possible   01:31.2030 48.7000 19.1300 23.3730  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:39.1130 54.4780 20.2000 24.4350 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:34.2860 50.0690 20.3000 23.9170 F:M - R:M
3 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:34.3400 50.3400 20.1950 23.8050 F:M - R:M
4 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:33.7060 49.8890 19.9900 23.8270 F:M - R:M
5 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:35.0910 50.4870 20.3170 24.2870 F:M - R:M
6 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:34.4320 49.7920 19.6780 24.9620 F:M - R:M
7 hk51_p1_spec_s209 02:01.4560 78.0620 19.2780 24.1160 F:G/S - R:G/S
8 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:31.7290 49.0330 19.2910 23.4050 F:G/S - R:G/S
9 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:31.1710 48.8710 19.1390 23.1610 F:G/S - R:G/S
10 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:40.9090 48.3350 19.6430 32.9310 F:G/S - R:G/S
11 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:59.7320 75.9560 20.0980 23.6780 F:M - R:M
12 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:34.8130 50.4210 20.5280 23.8640 F:M - R:M
13 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:35.8510 50.7700 20.9020 24.1790 F:M - R:M
14 hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:38.8840 50.9180 20.3400 27.6260 F:M - R:M
Average   01:38.9652 54.1015 19.9928 24.8709  
Best possible   01:30.6350 48.3350 19.1390 23.1610  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:46.4010 58.8620 22.8610 24.6780 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:36.1600 51.0970 20.9520 24.1110 F:M - R:M
3 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:35.1170 50.4050 20.7720 23.9400 F:M - R:M
4 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:37.2070 52.2430 20.9570 24.0070 F:M - R:M
5 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:35.2430 50.4410 20.8220 23.9800 F:M - R:M
6 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:39.2910 51.5360 20.9430 26.8120 F:M - R:M
7 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 02:02.4530 76.8140 21.1780 24.4610 F:G/S - R:G/S
8 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:34.8940 50.2760 20.4040 24.2140 F:G/S - R:G/S
9 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:35.3740 50.7210 20.5150 24.1380 F:G/S - R:G/S
10 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:39.1270 50.1440 25.0660 23.9170 F:G/S - R:G/S
11 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:36.3330 52.2010 20.0970 24.0350 F:G/S - R:G/S
12 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:37.7840 51.0070 21.8880 24.8890 F:G/S - R:G/S
13 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:36.9730 50.7540 21.5270 24.6920 F:G/S - R:G/S
14 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:39.8330 51.9260 21.0430 26.8640 F:G/S - R:G/S
Average   01:39.4421 53.4591 21.3589 24.6241  
Best possible   01:34.1580 50.1440 20.0970 23.9170  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:45.2280 58.7610 21.6710 24.7960 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:45.7000 50.3860 20.6770 34.6370 F:M - R:M
3 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:40.7960 52.6100 23.4500 24.7360 F:M - R:M
4 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:36.9280 51.2580 20.4210 25.2490 F:M - R:M
5 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:36.2520 51.3770 20.5210 24.3540 F:M - R:M
6 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:45.9830 52.4970 21.3920 32.0940 F:M - R:M
7 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 02:01.4930 77.1690 20.1680 24.1560 F:MH - R:MH
8 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:39.9520 51.5550 24.2010 24.1960 F:MH - R:MH
9 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:40.8640 51.4990 20.4790 28.8860 F:MH - R:MH
10 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:36.5210 51.1300 20.2280 25.1630 F:MH - R:MH
11 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:38.1660 51.1680 21.9730 25.0250 F:MH - R:MH
12 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:37.6720 51.6150 20.9880 25.0690 F:MH - R:MH
13 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:44.9140 59.2610 20.7050 24.9480 F:MH - R:MH
14 hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:40.8730 51.9890 24.3280 24.5560 F:MH - R:MH
Average   01:42.2387 54.4482 21.5144 26.2761  
Best possible   01:34.7100 50.3860 20.1680 24.1560  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:42.8670 57.2990 20.3220 25.2460 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:36.8930 50.1120 22.5580 24.2230 F:M - R:M
3 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:37.3730 51.6540 20.7040 25.0150 F:M - R:M
4 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:50.9550 62.0030 23.8420 25.1100 F:M - R:M
5 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:36.3450 51.3260 20.6330 24.3860 F:M - R:M
6 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:40.3320 51.8040 22.8550 25.6730 F:M - R:M
7 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:41.7400 52.0600 20.8940 28.7860 F:M - R:M
8 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:41.9390 51.7200 21.4150 28.8040 F:M - R:M
9 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 02:23.9570 96.9680 22.1500 24.8390 F:G/S - R:G/S
10 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:33.9360 49.3940 19.3950 25.1470 F:G/S - R:G/S
11 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:36.3000 50.2960 19.8410 26.1630 F:G/S - R:G/S
12 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:36.8480 50.2110 20.3220 26.3150 F:G/S - R:G/S
13 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:42.9040 51.5640 22.7470 28.5930 F:G/S - R:G/S
14 hk51_p1_spec_evo6 02:14.1730 54.4420 22.4240 57.3070 F:G/S - R:G/S
Average   01:45.4687 55.7752 21.4359 28.2576  
Best possible   01:33.0120 49.3940 19.3950 24.2230  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_grb 02:01.8620 58.8080 33.1520 29.9020 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_grb 02:06.0750 78.1410 22.6530 25.2810 F:MH - R:MH
3 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:40.9530 53.0910 22.3820 25.4800 F:MH - R:MH
4 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:39.0760 51.9120 21.8200 25.3440 F:MH - R:MH
5 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:39.4290 52.0620 22.1030 25.2640 F:MH - R:MH
6 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:40.4170 52.8210 22.1030 25.4930 F:MH - R:MH
7 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:39.5280 52.7320 21.4340 25.3620 F:MH - R:MH
8 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:43.3110 53.1850 22.9410 27.1850 F:MH - R:MH
9 hk51_p1_spec_grb 02:00.0230 75.2310 20.3080 24.4840 F:MH - R:MH
10 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:38.4890 52.4370 21.2260 24.8260 F:MH - R:MH
11 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:36.7030 51.6170 20.2460 24.8400 F:MH - R:MH
12 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:41.3820 55.9500 20.7900 24.6420 F:MH - R:MH
13 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:37.0420 51.4710 20.7220 24.8490 F:MH - R:MH
Average   01:44.9454 56.8814 22.4523 25.6117  
Best possible   01:36.2010 51.4710 20.2460 24.4840  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 02:01.0660 55.0380 22.6250 43.4030 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 02:07.2790 74.7240 26.5450 26.0100 F:M - R:M
3 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 01:42.7810 55.7700 22.5000 24.5110 F:M - R:M
4 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 01:54.0760 50.1670 29.0430 34.8660 F:M - R:M
5 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 02:27.4350 99.6090 22.5710 25.2550 F:M - R:M
6 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 01:40.1780 51.5830 22.5140 26.0810 F:M - R:M
7 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 02:23.4940 50.2900 36.8510 56.3530 F:M - R:M
8 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 02:06.2890 75.8310 22.8950 27.5630 F:M - R:M
9 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 01:46.0890 54.6760 24.0620 27.3510 F:M - R:M
10 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 01:55.2890 51.8220 33.5430 29.9240 F:M - R:M
11 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 01:38.6200 51.3390 22.9000 24.3810 F:M - R:M
12 hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 01:42.5790 51.2290 22.7740 28.5760 F:M - R:M
Average   01:57.0980 60.1732 25.7353 31.1895  
Best possible   01:37.0480 50.1670 22.5000 24.3810  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:45.9750 60.7230 21.1850 24.0670 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:35.9130 50.6150 20.0170 25.2810 F:M - R:M
3 hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:36.6060 51.3810 20.7720 24.4530 F:M - R:M
4 hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:35.7600 50.6250 20.4470 24.6880 F:M - R:M
5 hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:34.6620 50.5980 19.8440 24.2200 F:M - R:M
6 hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:36.0840 51.4440 20.2900 24.3500 F:M - R:M
7 hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:36.9470 50.8630 20.4930 25.5910 F:M - R:M
8 hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:57.2500 72.9210 20.1420 24.1870 F:MH - R:MH
9 hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:35.2750 51.2070 19.8130 24.2550 F:MH - R:MH
10 hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:35.8100 51.2330 20.0480 24.5290 F:MH - R:MH
11 hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:37.2840 50.9430 20.4110 25.9300 F:MH - R:MH
Average   01:38.8697 53.8685 20.3147 24.6865  
Best possible   01:34.4780 50.5980 19.8130 24.0670  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_s206 01:40.0370 53.9620 20.4160 25.6590 F:M - R:M
2 hk51_p1_spec_s206 01:37.9990 50.4740 20.4440 27.0810 F:M - R:M
3 hk51_p1_spec_s206 01:54.9980 61.6560 22.2660 31.0760 F:M - R:M
4 hk51_p1_spec_s206 01:41.7520 52.9950 21.9500 26.8070 F:M - R:M
5 hk51_p1_spec_s206 02:18.9830 59.5860 48.5590 30.8380 F:M - R:M
Average   01:50.7538 55.7346 26.7270 28.2922  
Best possible   01:36.5490 50.4740 20.4160 25.6590  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:48.7560 60.6240 22.3640 25.7680 F:G/S - R:G/S
2 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:43.8680 52.9470 22.7160 28.2050 F:G/S - R:G/S
3 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:47.4400 55.0510 23.6560 28.7330 F:G/S - R:G/S
4 hk51_p1_spec_grb 02:14.3890 81.1140 23.9480 29.3270 F:G/S - R:G/S
5 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:50.9710 55.8280 22.9140 32.2290 F:G/S - R:G/S
Average   01:53.0848 61.1128 23.1196 28.8524  
Best possible   01:41.0790 52.9470 22.3640 25.7680  

Ayrton Senna

Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
1 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:57.1180 70.0570 21.8830 25.1780 F:M - R:M
Average   01:57.1180 70.0570 21.8830 25.1780  
Best possible   01:57.1180 70.0570 21.8830 25.1780  


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
No laps for this driver

Phone Call

Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
No laps for this driver


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
No laps for this driver


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
No laps for this driver


Lap Vehicle Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Compound
No laps for this driver

Race best laps

Overall top (20)
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
RyanC hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:31.1710
Mr_Brando_n hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.2730 0.102
Jerry yu hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.3040 0.133
DennisYMB hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.4930 0.322
Cyrus hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.5030 0.332
DennisYMB hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.6020 0.431
RyanC hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:31.7290 0.558
Jerry yu hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.8790 0.708
Cyrus hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.9450 0.774
DennisYMB hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.9980 0.827
Jerry yu hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.0930 0.922
DennisYMB hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.1900 1.019
Enson0700 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.2060 1.035
DennisYMB hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.2910 1.12
DennisYMB hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.3020 1.131
Cyrus hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.3470 1.176
Jerry yu hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.3790 1.208
Enson0700 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.4840 1.313
Mr_Brando_n hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.5810 1.41
Mr_Brando_n hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.6340 1.463
Per driver
Driver Vehicle Time Gap
RyanC hk51_p1_spec_s209 01:31.1710
Mr_Brando_n hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.2730 0.102
Jerry yu hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.3040 0.133
DennisYMB hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.4930 0.322
Cyrus hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:31.5030 0.332
Enson0700 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:32.2060 1.035
RJ SING hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:33.2750 2.104
RACERSKY hk51_p1_spec_evo6 01:33.9360 2.765
SUP.9xRainx hk51_p1_spec_evo10 01:34.6620 3.491
Tallman_Chun hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:34.8940 3.723
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 01:36.2520 5.081
ugly hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:36.7030 5.532
KAChunnnnn hk51_p1_spec_s206 01:37.9990 6.828
NIC hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 01:38.6200 7.449
田馥甄 hk51_p1_spec_grb 01:43.8680 12.697
Ayrton Senna hk51_p1_spec_gc8 01:57.1180 25.947

Race consistency

Based on best lap minus average non-best. Pit laps, first lap and laps slower than 21 seconds are ignored.

Driver Vehicle Consistency
SUP.9xRainx hk51_p1_spec_evo10 98.36% <> 1.5479
Tallman_Chun hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 97.64% <> 2.2371
Jerry yu hk51_p1_spec_gc8 97.33% <> 2.4393
DennisYMB hk51_p1_spec_gc8 96.97% <> 2.7723
Enson0700 hk51_p1_spec_gc8 96.67% <> 3.0712
ugly hk51_p1_spec_grb 96.63% <> 3.2556
Cyrus hk51_p1_spec_gc8 96.08% <> 3.5825
RJ SING hk51_p1_spec_gc8 96.07% <> 3.6614
Mr_Brando_n hk51_p1_spec_gc8 95.88% <> 3.7606
RyanC hk51_p1_spec_s209 95.36% <> 4.2331
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD hk51_p1_spec_gtr34 95.32% <> 4.5088
田馥甄 hk51_p1_spec_grb 94.86% <> 5.3375
RACERSKY hk51_p1_spec_evo6 93.37% <> 6.2269
NIC hk51_p1_spec_gr_yaris 91.67% <> 8.212
KAChunnnnn hk51_p1_spec_s206 89.41% <> 10.376
Ayrton Senna hk51_p1_spec_gc8 -
HEHHEIHEI hk51_p1_spec_s204 -
Phone Call hk51_p1_spec_s204 -
Keddie hk51_p1_spec_evo8 -
Keddie09 hk51_p1_spec_gtr32 -
victoryu hk51_p1_spec_gc8 -

Race sectors

Sector 1
Driver Time Gap
Jerry yu 48.1450 -
RyanC 48.3350 0.1900
DennisYMB 48.4100 0.2650
Mr_Brando_n 48.6540 0.5090
Enson0700 48.7000 0.5550
Cyrus 48.7610 0.6160
RJ SING 49.2090 1.0640
RACERSKY 49.3940 1.2490
Tallman_Chun 50.1440 1.9990
NIC 50.1670 2.0220
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD 50.3860 2.2410
KAChunnnnn 50.4740 2.3290
SUP.9xRainx 50.5980 2.4530
ugly 51.4710 3.3260
田馥甄 52.9470 4.8020
Ayrton Senna 70.0570 21.9120
Sector 2
Driver Time Gap
Jerry yu 18.9460 -
Mr_Brando_n 19.0570 0.1110
DennisYMB 19.1250 0.1790
Enson0700 19.1300 0.1840
RyanC 19.1390 0.1930
Cyrus 19.2650 0.3190
RJ SING 19.3690 0.4230
RACERSKY 19.3950 0.4490
SUP.9xRainx 19.8130 0.8670
Tallman_Chun 20.0970 1.1510
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD 20.1680 1.2220
ugly 20.2460 1.3000
KAChunnnnn 20.4160 1.4700
Ayrton Senna 21.8830 2.9370
田馥甄 22.3640 3.4180
NIC 22.5000 3.5540
Sector 3
Driver Time Gap
Jerry yu 22.7880 -
RyanC 23.1610 0.3730
Mr_Brando_n 23.2560 0.4680
Enson0700 23.3730 0.5850
Cyrus 23.3860 0.5980
DennisYMB 23.5260 0.7380
RJ SING 23.7240 0.9360
Tallman_Chun 23.9170 1.1290
SUP.9xRainx 24.0670 1.2790
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD 24.1560 1.3680
RACERSKY 24.2230 1.4350
NIC 24.3810 1.5930
ugly 24.4840 1.6960
Ayrton Senna 25.1780 2.3900
KAChunnnnn 25.6590 2.8710
田馥甄 25.7680 2.9800

Race incidents

Incident for review
Date Incident
KAChunnnnn reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 7.5271726
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle KAChunnnnn. Impact speed: 8.438253
田馥甄 reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 37.934277
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with another vehicle 田馥甄. Impact speed: 38.466736
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with another vehicle NIC. Impact speed: 11.468386
NIC reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 12.729135
SUP.9xRainx reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 2.1297948
SUP.9xRainx reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 13.826419
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle SUP.9xRainx. Impact speed: 2.4892228
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 5.5733976
KAChunnnnn reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 35.06612
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle KAChunnnnn. Impact speed: 30.756878
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle SUP.9xRainx. Impact speed: 12.665864
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 9.0527115
田馥甄 reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 4.9871774
ugly reported contact with another vehicle NIC. Impact speed: 16.322153
ugly reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 12.658086
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 23.37417
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle ugly. Impact speed: 20.300077
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 26.07605
RACERSKY reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.862892
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with another vehicle ugly. Impact speed: 8.070488
ugly reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 8.0945015
Cyrus reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 20.074276
Tallman_Chun reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.778099
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle Cyrus. Impact speed: 25.562544
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle Cyrus. Impact speed: 21.732088
Mr_Brando_n reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 2.4410083
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle Mr_Brando_n. Impact speed: 10.264565
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 3.4025884
SUP.9xRainx reported contact with another vehicle KAChunnnnn. Impact speed: 21.12742
Cyrus reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 25.106852
KAChunnnnn reported contact with another vehicle SUP.9xRainx. Impact speed: 18.172499
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle 田馥甄. Impact speed: 10.612702
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 7.408861
田馥甄 reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 20.865095
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 20.952587
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 15.581574
ugly reported contact with another vehicle SUP.9xRainx. Impact speed: 61.211082
SUP.9xRainx reported contact with another vehicle ugly. Impact speed: 62.837303
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle 田馥甄. Impact speed: 11.622101
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 9.567287
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 6.588391
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle KAChunnnnn. Impact speed: 7.3025193
KAChunnnnn reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 3.3162255
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 10.589329
ugly reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 1.953822
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with another vehicle ugly. Impact speed: 6.157517
ugly reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 2.6034172
ugly reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 18.151857
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle ugly. Impact speed: 13.208938
Mr_Brando_n reported contact with another vehicle Cyrus. Impact speed: 4.490547
Cyrus reported contact with another vehicle Mr_Brando_n. Impact speed: 5.7041564
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 57.05519
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 8.097577
NIC reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 6.57227
NIC reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.185461
KAChunnnnn reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 3.6582913
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle KAChunnnnn. Impact speed: 7.252204
KAChunnnnn reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 5.5677
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle KAChunnnnn. Impact speed: 6.1731987
Mr_Brando_n reported contact with another vehicle Cyrus. Impact speed: 11.492431
Cyrus reported contact with another vehicle Mr_Brando_n. Impact speed: 11.421467
KAChunnnnn reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 8.791624
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle KAChunnnnn. Impact speed: 12.246389
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle KAChunnnnn. Impact speed: 16.304625
KAChunnnnn reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.4810815
KAChunnnnn reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 45.93007
RJ SING reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.737606
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle KAChunnnnn. Impact speed: 32.74034
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with another vehicle SUP.9xRainx. Impact speed: 9.367233
SUP.9xRainx reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 6.279756
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle KAChunnnnn. Impact speed: 24.205221
KAChunnnnn reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 25.251637
KAChunnnnn reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 72.89313
KAChunnnnn reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 32.026474
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 3.644147
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 2.5261335
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 17.144901
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 12.034045
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 8.772854
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 4.798597
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 6.908036
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 2.7149858
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 21.185717
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 25.583666
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 19.363363
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 18.95334
NIC reported contact with another vehicle 田馥甄. Impact speed: 13.748953
田馥甄 reported contact with another vehicle NIC. Impact speed: 19.873814
NIC reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.361313
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 8.647296
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 12.789237
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 11.479587
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle 田馥甄. Impact speed: 8.288122
田馥甄 reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 6.011814
Cyrus reported contact with another vehicle 田馥甄. Impact speed: 16.335424
田馥甄 reported contact with another vehicle Cyrus. Impact speed: 9.314685
Cyrus reported contact with another vehicle 田馥甄. Impact speed: 3.8782132
SUP.9xRainx reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 7.8519716
田馥甄 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 70.52278
NIC reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 21.335596
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle NIC. Impact speed: 16.339653
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle NIC. Impact speed: 17.1756
NIC reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 21.29805
NIC reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 45.7335
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle Mr_Brando_n. Impact speed: 10.975924
Mr_Brando_n reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 3.9962711
NIC reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.762863
Mr_Brando_n reported contact with another vehicle NIC. Impact speed: 85.17689
NIC reported contact with another vehicle Mr_Brando_n. Impact speed: 87.84274
NIC reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.0059032
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 15.022705
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 14.641437
Mr_Brando_n reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 9.518748
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle Mr_Brando_n. Impact speed: 9.685558
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle ugly. Impact speed: 12.67579
ugly reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 15.481127
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle Mr_Brando_n. Impact speed: 21.871912
Mr_Brando_n reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 21.035496
Mr_Brando_n reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 18.17194
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle Mr_Brando_n. Impact speed: 15.543024
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 3.436515
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 4.132163
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 48.36569
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 1.4967061
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 16.733953
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 15.591987
Jerry yu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 28.861324
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle NIC. Impact speed: 2.506922
NIC reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 2.6531236
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle SUP.9xRainx. Impact speed: 6.758603
SUP.9xRainx reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 8.941026
SUP.9xRainx reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 7.877899
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle SUP.9xRainx. Impact speed: 6.7039714
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 0.70629436
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 2.0456057
Cyrus reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 38.2286
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 4.6173105
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 1.840397
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 11.935298
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 4.594324
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 11.085454
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 16.10092
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 8.473146
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 7.7643237
Enson0700 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.827244
Enson0700 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.176537
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 143.85608
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 163.46678
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 49.809383
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 49.1707
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 13.26181
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 10.672544
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 32.24695
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 32.649754
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 57.621746
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 55.41195
Cyrus reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 180.05147
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 162.58641
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 20.659267
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with another vehicle Cyrus. Impact speed: 180.05054
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 162.75774
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 65.40711
Cyrus reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.933296
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 24.240498
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 15.676278
NIC reported contact with another vehicle Cyrus. Impact speed: 8.62978
Cyrus reported contact with another vehicle NIC. Impact speed: 8.808977
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 39.104637
Ayrton Senna reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 91.42663
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle ugly. Impact speed: 55.029842
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle Ayrton Senna. Impact speed: 95.752045
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 38.01804
ugly reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 38.637695
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Jerry yu. Impact speed: 6.9087405
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 23.523342
RyanC reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 26.045517
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 50.795227
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 48.92336
Jerry yu reported contact with another vehicle RyanC. Impact speed: 21.281055
ugly reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 22.096767
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle ugly. Impact speed: 18.546425
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with another vehicle ugly. Impact speed: 84.18859
ugly reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 83.770226
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 27.286264
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.4251175
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 26.278175
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 1.1954703
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 11.70358
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 45.608044
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 15.664804
SamLOL:DDDDDDDD reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 45.541386
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 14.987466
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 16.901356
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 19.666475
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle SamLOL:DDDDDDDD. Impact speed: 15.863462
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 1.0062633
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 0.07580169
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 0.31292924
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle Tallman_Chun. Impact speed: 0.6012854
NIC reported contact with another vehicle ugly. Impact speed: 19.391016
Tallman_Chun reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 0.5252515
ugly reported contact with another vehicle NIC. Impact speed: 19.500685
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Enson0700. Impact speed: 6.0013895
RACERSKY reported contact with another vehicle Mr_Brando_n. Impact speed: 6.1467295
Mr_Brando_n reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 4.1760287
Mr_Brando_n reported contact with another vehicle RJ SING. Impact speed: 6.1383023
RJ SING reported contact with another vehicle Mr_Brando_n. Impact speed: 5.732083
Enson0700 reported contact with another vehicle RACERSKY. Impact speed: 1.54216
NIC reported contact with another vehicle ugly. Impact speed: 10.311222

Race positions


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Race gaps

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Race gaps v2

Average lap time of the winner is the top baseline.


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ClubSport Pedals V3