DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 1.0108397 |
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 63.18234 |
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 43.21513 |
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 42.35883 |
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 3.745175 |
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 5.50523 |
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.179446 |
Samuel reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.529493 |
DennisYMB reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.465279 |
Samuel reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.53433 |
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 10.013026 |
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.687672 |
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.71118 |
Samuel reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.370321 |
Samuel reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 53.68345 |
nicholas reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.9520087 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 8.678351 |
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.155894 |
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle nicholas. Impact speed: 1.3842889 |
nicholas reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 1.8445327 |
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle nicholas. Impact speed: 3.635748 |
nicholas reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 3.3380334 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 5.699879 |
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 8.126495 |
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle nicholas. Impact speed: 4.4143324 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 7.261375 |
nicholas reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.0202713 |
nicholas reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 9.941964 |
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 8.298406 |
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 6.9417725 |
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 14.827121 |
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.573292 |
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle nicholas. Impact speed: 19.301697 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 10.418867 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 4.6610637 |
nicholas reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 20.67333 |
nicholas reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.040745 |
Samuel reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.395969 |
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 9.431876 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 8.53259 |
Samuel reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.962758 |
nicholas reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.734818 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 3.0928855 |
DennisYMB reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 24.09622 |
DennisYMB reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 69.02725 |
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.407877 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle DennisYMB. Impact speed: 38.328938 |
Samuel reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 65.67299 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle nicholas. Impact speed: 57.81093 |
nicholas reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 57.43063 |
nicholas reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.623226 |
nicholas reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.5247715 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle Him Hui. Impact speed: 6.60137 |
Him Hui reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 7.921563 |
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 11.266116 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle Him Hui. Impact speed: 12.088654 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 12.574257 |
victoryu reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 4.779314 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle victoryu. Impact speed: 9.885137 |
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 38.693237 |
DennisYMB reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.9229283 |
DennisYMB reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.10773522 |
Samuel reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 32.043785 |
Him Hui reported contact with another vehicle Samuel. Impact speed: 7.077064 |
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.2612095 |
Samuel reported contact with another vehicle Him Hui. Impact speed: 8.306469 |
nicholas reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.6281805 |
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.051708 |
victoryu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.217579 |
nicholas reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.858053 |
Samuel reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.63651 |