raph reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.13561 |
raph reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.820476 |
raph reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 108.48138 |
raph reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.9016824 |
raph reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.615275 |
raph reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.452408 |
raph reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 110.48788 |
raph reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0031651065 |
raph reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 55.433216 |
raph reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 94.35158 |
marcosdelima662 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 108.37052 |
marcosdelima662 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.54813 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 80.34803 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.65635 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 105.76386 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 66.12408 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.037995 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 49.529163 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.056046 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.339244 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 56.89443 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 95.894615 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 95.948 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.355001 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.388601 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 22.89417 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 90.03927 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 16.161747 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 62.70926 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.284145 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 79.226746 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 7.933569 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 6.809375 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 82.41877 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 116.04035 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 79.13794 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 16.1348 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 12.03716 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.088474 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.1684413 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.27911 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.583098 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 27.429846 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.439619 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 30.43527 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.4272275 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 7.8256693 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 7.3046694 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 57.500175 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 61.38423 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.58145 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.262014 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.295275 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.4121695 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.519544 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.15342382 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.273484 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 30.737514 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 33.292145 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.977697 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.3080354 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 25.79924 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 26.265604 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.518913 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.837227 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 119.3839 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 2.6178234 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 2.655648 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 0.46572116 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 65.97544 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 63.3926 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 59.932003 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.638607 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 45.934696 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 97.48608 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 1.8460348 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 1.7552382 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 2.7695847 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 3.8336928 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 55.32032 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 58.984207 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 33.66774 |
Lysenggg reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 62.286236 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.270358 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.5018642 |
Lyseeee reported contact with another vehicle Lysenggg. Impact speed: 64.750175 |
Lysenggg reported contact with another vehicle Lyseeee. Impact speed: 66.641785 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.274642 |
Lyseeee reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.027124504 |
WAT4HA volfied reported contact with another vehicle Oski_209. Impact speed: 17.218563 |
WAT4HA volfied reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 66.993935 |
Oski_209 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.724428 |
Oski_209 reported contact with another vehicle WAT4HA volfied. Impact speed: 23.357769 |
Oski_209 reported contact with another vehicle WAT4HA volfied. Impact speed: 80.28768 |
WAT4HA volfied reported contact with another vehicle Oski_209. Impact speed: 65.515205 |
Oski_209 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.99937 |
Oski_209 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.690422 |
Oski_209 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.623756 |
Oski_209 reported contact with another vehicle WAT4HA volfied. Impact speed: 26.299967 |
WAT4HA volfied reported contact with another vehicle Oski_209. Impact speed: 25.59413 |
Oski_209 reported contact with another vehicle WAT4HA volfied. Impact speed: 84.84673 |
Oski_209 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 151.05595 |
WAT4HA volfied reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 123.60665 |
WAT4HA volfied reported contact with another vehicle Oski_209. Impact speed: 84.59079 |
Oski_209 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.391966 |
Oski_209 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.651585 |
Oski_209 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.061201 |
WAT4HA volfied reported contact with another vehicle Oski_209. Impact speed: 25.370008 |
WAT4HA volfied reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.54494 |
onii reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 116.07363 |
onii reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 122.28939 |
onii reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 116.84451 |
onii reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.7299841 |
onii reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.522546 |
onii reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.65291 |
onii reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.0166025 |
onii reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.050861 |
onii reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 189.47147 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 37.319103 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.531124 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.0974288 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 86.21869 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.134121 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.194924 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.4814677 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 60.568443 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 68.61513 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 77.79878 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.565685 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 130.14609 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 102.983734 |
Jinoo951 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 55.23048 |