T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.4513264 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.078163 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.4481117 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 41.935673 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 41.268764 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 93.92508 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.345102 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 100.1639 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 93.0144 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 16.356754 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 17.674702 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.112087 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.506841 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 4.3156548 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 39.155895 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 2.1391149 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 6.4592204 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 4.907392 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.6236067 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.886562 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.057373 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 10.863024 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 9.207251 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.0563638 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 3.6712024 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 6.48232 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 10.429562 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.297272 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 6.699752 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 11.069807 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 11.384313 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 11.639706 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 15.259049 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 24.756643 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 22.439419 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 22.27464 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 23.950352 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 17.354456 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 15.948499 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 4.3384576 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 0.5955856 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 23.462864 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 29.420391 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.911732 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 25.371819 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 26.88903 |
T. Adriano reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 23.26312 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 59.845 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle T. Adriano. Impact speed: 19.728199 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.51963 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 72.88616 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 57.426792 |
T. Adriano reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.0091434 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 4.8642 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 17.1549 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 18.855446 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 1.9430757 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 11.521229 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 3.953456 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 4.3373327 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 12.991693 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 5.4380116 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 11.750714 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 15.1340065 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 7.377976 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 9.180495 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 4.690334 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 7.9055314 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 4.930101 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 5.604437 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 5.535835 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 7.8968954 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 8.603795 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 5.3680286 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 8.569701 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 17.059488 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.640934 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 7.1566324 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 6.0982823 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 1.7116165 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.439249 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 1.3816835 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 10.161738 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.693876 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.973498 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 16.047321 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 21.768438 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 2.9421518 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 4.802772 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 5.2064476 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 3.7884235 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 10.986182 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 11.402058 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 15.277373 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 53.587635 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 13.069868 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.820827 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.813917 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.604691 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.990181 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 6.871742 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 7.61783 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 91.202194 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.8491907 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.909573 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 7.2736135 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 5.9278593 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 4.314998 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 2.1421158 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 16.064892 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 14.409096 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 13.454107 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 17.286928 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.171265 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 2.9017835 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 5.0281835 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 18.618675 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 15.683024 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 4.324417 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 6.1734624 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 8.201155 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 8.603625 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 14.043274 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 6.3129463 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.489227 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 6.3908887 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 4.3244014 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.179836 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.966318 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 37.14278 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 38.439964 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with another vehicle Mines. Impact speed: 77.172485 |
Mines reported contact with another vehicle Gerryco Arriola. Impact speed: 75.80795 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.523457 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.01514107 |
Mines reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.76955 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 83.104034 |
Gerryco Arriola reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 118.198265 |