Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 14.9579115 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 5.181196 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 18.60121 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 15.875442 |
Monsieur reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 89.010864 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 36.88554 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 26.449953 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 25.254932 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 35.57826 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 20.912327 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 60.55926 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 45.926662 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 38.66915 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 34.831097 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 18.941608 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 13.566054 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 18.34129 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 57.475784 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 20.634977 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 19.42254 |
Monsieur reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 132.83632 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 18.370792 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 16.960443 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 33.70544 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 11.68354 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 31.407957 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 15.918173 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 25.172222 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 24.62722 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 27.149738 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 34.901615 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 28.162664 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 26.176077 |
Monsieur reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 82.46117 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 10.491894 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 8.544885 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 26.117502 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 22.16767 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 21.00243 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 147.5211 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 88.16832 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 188.61884 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 153.61186 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 139.20723 |
Monsieur reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 164.00209 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 109.38659 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.122835 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 11.129696 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 14.407362 |
Monsieur reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.279503 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 13.897017 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 6.062381 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 8.90578 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 30.501984 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 6.330549 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.118456 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 26.537813 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 38.788616 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 7.35421 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 7.838727 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 11.194894 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 5.759083 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 16.085577 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 9.836109 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 51.893818 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 15.74847 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 2.0227416 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 18.784779 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 42.890793 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 32.396637 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 16.027353 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 23.221962 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 12.845083 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Unfaz3d. Impact speed: 13.757824 |
Unfaz3d reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 13.063295 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with another vehicle Monsieur. Impact speed: 15.526991 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 102.866035 |
Suguha Kuroaki reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.456997 |
Monsieur reported contact with another vehicle Suguha Kuroaki. Impact speed: 24.32172 |