Bledzer reported contact with another vehicle Vlad_V. Impact speed: 40.695103 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.05476 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 156.74716 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.900228 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.844067 |
Bledzer reported contact with another vehicle Vlad_V. Impact speed: 17.733631 |
Vlad_V reported contact with another vehicle Bledzer. Impact speed: 13.902077 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 91.05201 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 71.70015 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 94.36264 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 102.56199 |
Bledzer reported contact with another vehicle Vlad_V. Impact speed: 1.7294804 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 117.68936 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.87983 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.610866 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 58.92795 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.812122 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 58.46474 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 69.06037 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.68568 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.795464 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.00010223339 |
Bledzer reported contact with another vehicle Vlad_V. Impact speed: 20.091974 |
Vlad_V reported contact with another vehicle Bledzer. Impact speed: 26.017204 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 62.05679 |
Bledzer reported contact with another vehicle Vlad_V. Impact speed: 38.042633 |
Vlad_V reported contact with another vehicle Bledzer. Impact speed: 30.309118 |
Bledzer reported contact with another vehicle Vlad_V. Impact speed: 12.656165 |
Vlad_V reported contact with another vehicle Bledzer. Impact speed: 15.5205 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.247095 |
Bledzer reported contact with another vehicle Vlad_V. Impact speed: 17.249104 |
Vlad_V reported contact with another vehicle Bledzer. Impact speed: 18.413027 |
Bledzer reported contact with another vehicle Vlad_V. Impact speed: 43.142857 |
Vlad_V reported contact with another vehicle Bledzer. Impact speed: 47.40519 |
Bledzer reported contact with another vehicle Vlad_V. Impact speed: 25.99199 |
Vlad_V reported contact with another vehicle Bledzer. Impact speed: 16.961143 |
Bledzer reported contact with another vehicle Vlad_V. Impact speed: 38.558372 |
Vlad_V reported contact with another vehicle Bledzer. Impact speed: 33.052082 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.593321 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 152.648 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 150.93338 |
Vlad_V reported contact with another vehicle Bledzer. Impact speed: 27.969679 |
Bledzer reported contact with another vehicle Vlad_V. Impact speed: 30.95695 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 94.41919 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 54.20396 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.7673038 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.644331 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.730757 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 52.709938 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0017843018 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 57.014824 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 151.69453 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 95.49982 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.383003 |
Bledzer reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 76.437775 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.202236 |
Vlad_V reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.374905 |
swervo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 53.286053 |
swervo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.797123 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.830765 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.35434 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.785465 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.722688 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.740893 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.48505 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.533041 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.916193 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.8282223 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.716732 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 38.504826 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 26.94642 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.093931 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.5966387 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.244402 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 60.80932 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 54.874035 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.90052 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 81.795135 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.919672 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 45.577427 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.048813 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 80.883766 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 68.16866 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 18.642933 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 66.28215 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 10.559871 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 74.77112 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.961096 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.01655 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.200684 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.855162 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 153.17584 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.738659 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.7917085 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.4759022 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0042364267 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.083706 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0040645534 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.121805 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 38.95501 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 147.93835 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.321627 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.658861 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 61.93383 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 66.61291 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 62.470554 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.108238 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.429413 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 96.59416 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.154345 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 37.072166 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 37.11628 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.230178 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 37.335022 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.4003673 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.6591802 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.507935 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 48.366848 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 30.076208 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 18.489676 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 31.902555 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 23.461815 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 78.565506 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.9971695 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.288193 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 52.024303 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 43.033947 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 38.624695 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.88463 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 34.73625 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 50.442696 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 11.694567 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 14.006694 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.57064 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.300822 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.464415 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 25.9193 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 21.581697 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 47.611084 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 54.96339 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.122702 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 74.11388 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 79.18158 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 36.132896 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.22785 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.59047 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.0093246 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 50.627945 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.898563 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 45.989162 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.183962 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.730101 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.080896 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.310965 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 37.766647 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 26.364477 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.779642 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 11.213303 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.588495 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.157534 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 14.724639 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 7.7557955 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 11.749688 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 7.0063095 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 4.979634 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 24.736269 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 32.957317 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.63108 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 51.989433 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.6653 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.8803782 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.3508 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.688107 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.9079406 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 33.340214 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 37.636837 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.953493 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 32.90605 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 28.311752 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 30.732847 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.731185 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 73.397064 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.957455 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 67.6409 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 14.375287 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 18.561838 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.404482 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 16.476608 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 18.176138 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.923119 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.085115 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 26.133148 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.529587 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 32.47454 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.773234 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 8.27978 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 5.7574115 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 88.97761 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 99.597885 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.0035768 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 2.690739 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 4.200379 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.786503 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.816963 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.119421 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 12.435661 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 17.254082 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.910114 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 43.567593 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 118.43544 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 71.899414 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 86.813385 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 60.263332 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 53.638794 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 47.032852 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 71.22471 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 87.159134 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 17.480127 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.869984 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 57.221176 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 133.30597 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 6.083748 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.017363 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 59.05908 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.712494 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 73.714516 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 22.377277 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 76.1041 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 23.753445 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.76030254 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 25.123503 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 32.514256 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 25.120926 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 19.715796 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 29.28284 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.121468 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 24.88519 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 12.468617 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 64.436005 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 56.46073 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 50.188396 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 54.76552 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.014801 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 27.982082 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.82613 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.092312 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.7612133 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 10.964719 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 9.406333 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 18.49995 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 14.821703 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 14.220811 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with another vehicle Deve. Impact speed: 6.8788066 |
Deve reported contact with another vehicle Gemand_exe. Impact speed: 6.919255 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 47.0663 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 31.805824 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.14828 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.185444 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.94311726 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 35.98319 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.44673336 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.18848279 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.02793925 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.259586 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.029687513 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0617335 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0134287 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.013467961 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.013303391 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.01744315 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.005210808 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 61.43001 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.015202234 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.011509972 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.011293862 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.015084545 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0107081 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.013353404 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 42.43613 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.010024355 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.012105349 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.0122212935 |
Deve reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.00054770353 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 56.27922 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.553473 |
Gemand_exe reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.491075 |