Hody reported contact with another vehicle D1sarray. Impact speed: 24.080696 |
GabboCXLIV reported contact with another vehicle D1sarray. Impact speed: 25.117058 |
Simpel reported contact with another vehicle Nano12. Impact speed: 17.481596 |
D1sarray reported contact with another vehicle Hody. Impact speed: 27.673588 |
D1sarray reported contact with another vehicle GabboCXLIV. Impact speed: 27.637838 |
Nano12 reported contact with another vehicle Simpel. Impact speed: 9.987707 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with another vehicle Disco19. Impact speed: 4.7448244 |
Hody reported contact with another vehicle k1nDa. Impact speed: 13.545426 |
Piotr Duda reported contact with another vehicle k1nDa. Impact speed: 6.62158 |
k1nDa reported contact with another vehicle Hody. Impact speed: 14.247245 |
k1nDa reported contact with another vehicle Piotr Duda. Impact speed: 18.802248 |
Disco19 reported contact with another vehicle Shadow Realm. Impact speed: 4.135121 |
Player reported contact with another vehicle Hody. Impact speed: 14.735129 |
Hody reported contact with another vehicle Player. Impact speed: 18.689075 |
GabboCXLIV reported contact with another vehicle k1nDa. Impact speed: 38.028988 |
bradwall reported contact with another vehicle Pat. Impact speed: 22.566238 |
Pat reported contact with another vehicle Shadow Realm. Impact speed: 40.177902 |
Pat reported contact with another vehicle bradwall. Impact speed: 19.99417 |
Piotr Duda reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 25.433601 |
k1nDa reported contact with another vehicle GabboCXLIV. Impact speed: 27.380558 |
jackobik reported contact with another vehicle Simpel. Impact speed: 7.385426 |
Hody reported contact with another vehicle GabboCXLIV. Impact speed: 7.7876697 |
GabboCXLIV reported contact with another vehicle Hody. Impact speed: 9.684636 |
Simpel reported contact with another vehicle jackobik. Impact speed: 7.2903023 |
Pat reported contact with another vehicle aethersystem. Impact speed: 59.895523 |
aethersystem reported contact with another vehicle Pat. Impact speed: 62.638348 |
Disco19 reported contact with another vehicle Simpel. Impact speed: 9.383167 |
Disco19 reported contact with another vehicle Flushy. Impact speed: 64.48988 |
Flushy reported contact with another vehicle Disco19. Impact speed: 48.723495 |
Simpel reported contact with another vehicle Disco19. Impact speed: 21.222977 |
8 reported contact with another vehicle Disco19. Impact speed: 44.168022 |
Disco19 reported contact with another vehicle 8. Impact speed: 76.116905 |
Simpel reported contact with another vehicle 8. Impact speed: 18.552547 |
8 reported contact with another vehicle Simpel. Impact speed: 17.706339 |
Zerynt reported contact with another vehicle Ryan. Impact speed: 11.404337 |
Ryan reported contact with another vehicle Zerynt. Impact speed: 26.109365 |
Ryan reported contact with another vehicle Disco19. Impact speed: 8.416948 |
Disco19 reported contact with another vehicle Ryan. Impact speed: 7.2898755 |
Disco19 reported contact with another vehicle Zerynt. Impact speed: 35.150246 |
Zerynt reported contact with another vehicle Ryan. Impact speed: 25.504986 |
Zerynt reported contact with another vehicle Disco19. Impact speed: 35.986347 |
bradwall reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.074443 |
Player reported contact with another vehicle k1nDa. Impact speed: 14.990309 |
Pat reported contact with another vehicle bradwall. Impact speed: 132.7143 |
k1nDa reported contact with another vehicle Player. Impact speed: 10.387089 |
Nano12 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 41.23594 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with another vehicle Flushy. Impact speed: 5.0222077 |
Flushy reported contact with another vehicle Shadow Realm. Impact speed: 11.657353 |
8 reported contact with another vehicle bradwall. Impact speed: 136.59944 |
bradwall reported contact with another vehicle Pat. Impact speed: 12.821357 |
Player reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 7.531357 |
Pat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.650886 |
Player reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.481505 |
k1nDa reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 30.92121 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 38.0425 |
k1nDa reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.6321955 |
Player reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.565142 |
GabboCXLIV reported contact with another vehicle Zerynt. Impact speed: 1.0218364 |
Marcin Jankowski reported contact with another vehicle JARVIS. Impact speed: 34.79439 |
JARVIS reported contact with another vehicle Marcin Jankowski. Impact speed: 14.205391 |
Nano12 reported contact with another vehicle jackobik. Impact speed: 16.650394 |
jackobik reported contact with another vehicle Nano12. Impact speed: 4.125805 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with another vehicle bradwall. Impact speed: 7.0477033 |
bradwall reported contact with another vehicle Shadow Realm. Impact speed: 11.613883 |
jackobik reported contact with another vehicle JARVIS. Impact speed: 32.455273 |
Player reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 40.83842 |
Disco19 reported contact with another vehicle Marcin Jankowski. Impact speed: 12.2411585 |
Hody reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 51.604836 |
Marcin Jankowski reported contact with another vehicle jackobik. Impact speed: 118.51207 |
jackobik reported contact with another vehicle Marcin Jankowski. Impact speed: 122.1352 |
jackobik reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.041986 |
jackobik reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.564132 |
k1nDa reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 33.220707 |
Disco19 reported contact with another vehicle Boxerevo. Impact speed: 9.659557 |
Marco Mclazzy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 29.728756 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with another vehicle Flushy. Impact speed: 9.182896 |
Flushy reported contact with another vehicle Shadow Realm. Impact speed: 4.207108 |
Pat reported contact with another vehicle Marco Mclazzy. Impact speed: 40.855366 |
Marco Mclazzy reported contact with another vehicle Pat. Impact speed: 11.691348 |
Pat reported contact with another vehicle Marco Mclazzy. Impact speed: 7.6740694 |
gabirrr70 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 13.372215 |
Ryan reported contact with another vehicle gabirrr70. Impact speed: 46.839775 |
gabirrr70 reported contact with another vehicle Ryan. Impact speed: 47.158424 |
Pat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 20.199694 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with another vehicle Flushy. Impact speed: 22.906343 |
Flushy reported contact with another vehicle Shadow Realm. Impact speed: 13.95414 |
NONSICHIAMA reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 11.975075 |
hondaed2 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.965934 |
Marco Mclazzy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 12.408807 |
hondaed2 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 0.118863486 |
Zerynt reported contact with another vehicle RobsoArtilhas. Impact speed: 58.848885 |
RobsoArtilhas reported contact with another vehicle Zerynt. Impact speed: 48.005375 |
RobsoArtilhas reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 46.89377 |
hondaed2 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.397974 |
Boxerevo reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 8.089274 |
XL007 reported contact with another vehicle Marco Mclazzy. Impact speed: 19.591686 |
Marco Mclazzy reported contact with another vehicle XL007. Impact speed: 14.223969 |
XL007 reported contact with another vehicle Marco Mclazzy. Impact speed: 19.343933 |
XL007 reported contact with another vehicle freddiecolclough. Impact speed: 32.436314 |
freddiecolclough reported contact with another vehicle XL007. Impact speed: 24.131062 |
freddiecolclough reported contact with another vehicle pablo.baiget. Impact speed: 54.58451 |
NONSICHIAMA reported contact with another vehicle Nano12. Impact speed: 49.78749 |
XL007 reported contact with another vehicle freddiecolclough. Impact speed: 1.5664643 |
Nano12 reported contact with another vehicle NONSICHIAMA. Impact speed: 42.03593 |
pablo.baiget reported contact with another vehicle freddiecolclough. Impact speed: 48.853527 |
Marcin Jankowski reported contact with another vehicle 8. Impact speed: 7.613817 |
8 reported contact with another vehicle Marcin Jankowski. Impact speed: 4.369204 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.849761 |
PinkySheeep reported contact with another vehicle Totonio. Impact speed: 20.991756 |
Totonio reported contact with another vehicle PinkySheeep. Impact speed: 22.638279 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.96838 |
Marco Mclazzy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 6.427176 |
Totonio reported contact with another vehicle freddiecolclough. Impact speed: 15.664737 |
freddiecolclough reported contact with another vehicle Totonio. Impact speed: 11.43052 |
Totonio reported contact with another vehicle freddiecolclough. Impact speed: 2.8891463 |
pablo.baiget reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 75.202034 |
Pat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 5.843614 |
pablo.baiget reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 14.747333 |
gabirrr70 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.683282 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with another vehicle freddiecolclough. Impact speed: 15.8974085 |
freddiecolclough reported contact with another vehicle Shadow Realm. Impact speed: 18.956923 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with another vehicle freddiecolclough. Impact speed: 6.459321 |
freddiecolclough reported contact with another vehicle Shadow Realm. Impact speed: 6.635368 |
hondaed2 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 3.316321 |
hondaed2 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 1.9737625 |
Totonio reported contact with another vehicle PinkySheeep. Impact speed: 24.8172 |
PinkySheeep reported contact with another vehicle Totonio. Impact speed: 23.541344 |
Pat reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.77566 |
Nano12 reported contact with another vehicle PinkySheeep. Impact speed: 36.266895 |
PinkySheeep reported contact with another vehicle Nano12. Impact speed: 34.147125 |
Totonio reported contact with another vehicle freddiecolclough. Impact speed: 8.035053 |
freddiecolclough reported contact with another vehicle Totonio. Impact speed: 26.099676 |
Totonio reported contact with another vehicle freddiecolclough. Impact speed: 6.9389586 |
freddiecolclough reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 19.665138 |
Boxerevo reported contact with another vehicle Nano12. Impact speed: 17.726286 |
Nano12 reported contact with another vehicle Boxerevo. Impact speed: 16.293709 |
freddiecolclough reported contact with another vehicle Nano12. Impact speed: 47.74274 |
Nano12 reported contact with another vehicle freddiecolclough. Impact speed: 92.0384 |
Shaquile.oatmeal reported contact with another vehicle 8. Impact speed: 15.975334 |
8 reported contact with another vehicle Shaquile.oatmeal. Impact speed: 7.208461 |
Shaquile.oatmeal reported contact with another vehicle 8. Impact speed: 24.244957 |
Shaquile.oatmeal reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 4.3005347 |
Flushy reported contact with another vehicle freddiecolclough. Impact speed: 15.20081 |
freddiecolclough reported contact with another vehicle Flushy. Impact speed: 17.65305 |
gabirrr70 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 10.917584 |
Flushy reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 24.064184 |
gabirrr70 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 52.2104 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.471573 |
Shaquile.oatmeal reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.2249708 |
franquevilleromain reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 16.477913 |
Flushy reported contact with another vehicle hondaed2. Impact speed: 92.98844 |
hondaed2 reported contact with another vehicle Flushy. Impact speed: 89.01616 |
Flushy reported contact with another vehicle JARVIS. Impact speed: 92.03121 |
Flushy reported contact with another vehicle hondaed2. Impact speed: 37.851265 |
JARVIS reported contact with another vehicle Flushy. Impact speed: 86.554344 |
Mastrozunnu reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.74067 |
DIB97 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 17.770527 |
Pat reported contact with another vehicle DIB97. Impact speed: 19.348608 |
DIB97 reported contact with another vehicle Pat. Impact speed: 22.981863 |
franquevilleromain reported contact with another vehicle PinkySheeep. Impact speed: 78.50796 |
franquevilleromain reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 44.42697 |
PinkySheeep reported contact with another vehicle franquevilleromain. Impact speed: 62.97954 |
Totonio reported contact with another vehicle franquevilleromain. Impact speed: 86.071686 |
franquevilleromain reported contact with another vehicle Totonio. Impact speed: 100.15446 |
franquevilleromain reported contact with another vehicle PinkySheeep. Impact speed: 49.813663 |
PinkySheeep reported contact with another vehicle franquevilleromain. Impact speed: 27.966764 |
Totonio reported contact with another vehicle franquevilleromain. Impact speed: 18.87221 |
DIB97 reported contact with another vehicle Pat. Impact speed: 21.705622 |
Pat reported contact with another vehicle DIB97. Impact speed: 21.41488 |
RobsoArtilhas reported contact with another vehicle Wulff. Impact speed: 10.651743 |
Wulff reported contact with another vehicle RobsoArtilhas. Impact speed: 6.6043487 |
r8477 reported contact with another vehicle franquevilleromain. Impact speed: 20.019958 |
franquevilleromain reported contact with another vehicle r8477. Impact speed: 27.162792 |
franquevilleromain reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 15.752178 |
gabirrr70 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 21.059406 |
RobsoArtilhas reported contact with another vehicle Totonio. Impact speed: 37.914352 |
Totonio reported contact with another vehicle RobsoArtilhas. Impact speed: 31.042253 |
RobsoArtilhas reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 50.938637 |
Boxerevo reported contact with another vehicle Shadow Realm. Impact speed: 109.94259 |
Shadow Realm reported contact with another vehicle Boxerevo. Impact speed: 28.927723 |
Totonio reported contact with another vehicle RobsoArtilhas. Impact speed: 27.387177 |
RobsoArtilhas reported contact with another vehicle Totonio. Impact speed: 21.773497 |
N'da reported contact with another vehicle Wulff. Impact speed: 5.8639746 |
Wulff reported contact with another vehicle N'da. Impact speed: 8.56254 |
N'da reported contact with another vehicle Wulff. Impact speed: 8.040466 |
Wulff reported contact with another vehicle N'da. Impact speed: 11.080322 |
DIB97 reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 61.431095 |
N'da reported contact with another vehicle franquevilleromain. Impact speed: 45.708416 |
franquevilleromain reported contact with another vehicle N'da. Impact speed: 35.885906 |
N'da reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 51.957912 |
Wulff reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 2.8069026 |
franquevilleromain reported contact with another vehicle gabirrr70. Impact speed: 23.629366 |
Wulff reported contact with environment. Impact speed: 9.681281 |